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The next three chapters will all be happening around the same time.

The days following were pretty normal and unusually quiet for Jeno, but he's ok with that. He met the old woman at the pastry shop on Monday and worked out a schedule for him that wasn't too taxing but allowed her some help and him a little extra cash. He enjoys working there so much and he's been learning a lot from her in just a few days.
By Wednesday Taeyong was acting funny and Jeno thought it was odd that him and Jaehyun had to leave town Friday. They have some secret appointment that requires them to be gone overnight. Jaehyun at one point had told both Jeno and Jaemin that he wanted Jaemin to stay with him over night, which annoyed Jeno at first because Jaehyun thought he needed a sitter but he wouldn't complain because he gets to spend time with Jaemin. When Friday came Jeno brought Jaemin an extra key since he had basketball and Jeno had to get home right after working with Mr Jung.

Renjun has had a rough week. He is feeling like he's being watched, a lot and hopes he's not being targeted by Jeno's stalker again. For him Friday couldn't come fast enough. He had to stay late to work on a project in the library and he's freaking out because now he's alone and he has to not only walk through a mostly empty school, he has to take a bus home. He peaks out the library door and sighs when he sees the hall is empty. The lights are dimmed only to encourage students not to be in these halls. The basketball game  is going on, on the other end of the school so this is creeping him out more. He walks cautiously at first then speeds up to practically run. He thinks he hears someone say his name but he's only focusing on getting to his locker at this point. When he starts to hear footsteps behind him his heart starts thumping hard in his chest. He wants to flat out run but for some reason his feet won't go any faster. He feels hands grab his shoulders and he drops to the floor in a ball.
"Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me." He chants over and over again, waiting for a beating or worse but is paralyzed with fear when he feels himself being dragged into a room. Oh how he wishes he could get up and run but his senses are not working correctly, especially because, he was pulled into a dark room, but he feels hands wrapping around him and hears someone shushing him. It's almost calming.
"Please don't hurt me, I didn't tell anyone I swear." He knows that's a lie but hopes it will work.
"Renjun! Snap out of it! It's just me. I'm an asshole but I wouldn't hurt you." He feels the hands leave his sides and dares to look up. His face is covered in tears and it doesn't get better when he sees Yangyang's face.
"What the fuck? Why did you chase me? Why are you trying to scare me?" Yangyang raises his hands in defense.
"I wasn't, I even called your name but you kept going. I just wanted to talk to you." Renjun scoffs.
"Fuck you. You want to talk now?" He shakes his head and looks up to the ceiling before trying to stand. He fails because his legs are still jello at this point so he sits on his butt with his knees up and angrily stares at the ground.
"You left me in a hospital bed, you never came back. I thought you would come back." Yangyang kneels down and tries to touch his hand but he jerks it away.
"I'm sorry." Renjun laughs loudly.
"You're sorry? You're sorry? What exactly are you sorry for?" Yangyang can't even speak. Renjun doesn't give him a chance.
"Are you sorry for leaving me alone that night? Or maybe you're sorry for leaving me alone in the hospital? Are you sorry for not coming back? Or the fact that when a really good friend of mine almost fucking died and I needed you, you still weren't there?" Yangyang is having trouble controlling his emotions but Renjun is quite stoic in his delivery.
"Look I know I fucked up a lot but you kind of hit me with a lot that night." Renjun laughs again.
"I hit you with a lot? I didn't tell you my feelings to inconvenience you. You asked me why I wasn't that close to you and I was fucking honest. I told you that I didn't expect a thing and I still burdened you." He shakes his head sadly. Yangyang gets in front of him.
"I love you." He says. Renjun looks up surprised but not any less angry. He pushes him back so he falls on his ass and stands.
"After all that, you actually think that will make it better? You hurt me. You are such a selfish asshole. Just don't fucking talk to me again." He grabs his stuff that he dropped and walks out without looking back. Yangyang knew he was going to be angry but he thought he would at least get to explain himself.

Renjun left quickly as his fear completely disappears, he is so angry he sees red as he gets to the bus stop. His phone lights up with Yangyang's number and he quickly powers it off.
The bus ride was long and painful and he did everything he could to control himself but as soon as the bus pulls away he's sobbing into his hands, on his knees on the street corner.
When he finally gets himself together just enough, he makes his way into his house and cries himself to sleep in his mothers arms. She doesn't ask, she just knows he needs her so she will be there for him.

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