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Trigger warning

Jeno was shaking as he walked toward the back exit of the school. He slowly opens the door, feeling like his heart will explode with how hard it's beating in his chest. When he gets outside he sees the teacher he has grown to like a lot since he started here and of course doesn't want him to see what is about to happen.
"uh, what are you doing here?" He chuckles as Jeno stops in his tracks.
"Im here to meet someone. How have you been this week? Im sure you must have missed my lectures?" Jeno let's out a cautious half laugh.
"What are you doing back here? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend? Oh young love." He says with a smirk.
"I'm going t-to see him now." Jeno says carefully.
"I'll drive you." He says starting to grab his arm.
"No, no I'm waiting for someone." Jeno says scared he will miss his opportunity to save Jaemin.
"Well, baby boy, I do believe it's me you're waiting for." When the realization sets in, the shock is overwhelming. The tears pour out of his eyes as he looks back to the school then at his monster before being shoved in the car. He's numb, the betrayal he feels is crushing. He trusted him, as much as you would a teacher anyway. His mind replays everything that has happened in his life from the time he got to this school and only now can he see. He can only hope that he can at the very least, save Jaemin.

Chenle had noticed Jeno's odd behavior and followed him, wondering why he was down this hallway. As soon as he exits the building Chenle rushes to the door to watch. What he sees at first doesn't strike him as peculiar until a crying Jeno is pushed into his car.
He quickly calls Jaehyun, lucky for them Haechan had shared his number with everyone.
"Jeno's gone, he took him." He says frantically as Jaehyun listens closely.
"Who is this and who took him?" He asks calmly.
"It's me Chenle, Mr Jung, our English teacher Mr Jung." Jaehyun turns around and walks back into the station with Chenle on speaker and goes to his partner.
"Chenle, are you sure he wasn't just giving him a ride?" He asks as he looks over the names that Jaemin and Renjun had given him in the beginning and oddly enough they both had wrote his name down.
"Jeno was crying and he fought it at first then he was pushed in. Mr Jung sped away after that. You need to check his house please?" Chenle begs.
He runs to find the others after he's off the phone with Jaehyun. When Renjun sees him crying, he immediately knows something is wrong and runs to him. He explains what happened and they ran off together to tell the others. Haechan wants to find his house and help his best friend, it takes Marks calming voice of reason to stop him.
"The police have got this, there is nothing left for us to do." Mark says softly. They all head to Jeno's house to be with Taeyong, they know he will need support. Haechan takes the liberty of calling Jaemin's mom. She is relieved they have found a suspect but knows it's far from over. She too decides to go to Jeno's house for support.
When they get there, it seems Taeyong hasn't heard yet so Mrs. Na decides to take it upon herself and fill him in. She holds him in her arms and shushes him.
"It's ok, Chenle seen who took him, they know where to go, now we just wait." She says softly. Taeyong nods and decides to busy himself with things around the house and gathering drinks for everyone, he thought about snacks too but realistically no one would be hungry at the moment.
Renjun and Haechan naturally are almost inconsolable at the moment. Both with a deep love for the two, both feeling and endless Pitt of despair swallowing them up. The other three are also very upset but these two were closer to both of them.

For Jeno the ride to Mr. Jung's house is long and painful. His heart hurts beyond anything he's ever known. The disgust he feels as the monster takes liberties with him and touches him in places he's reserved for his Jaemin. He's always been disgusted about letting him see those parts of him but at least it was only Jaemin who could touch him. Now as he sits here with the monsters hand on his thigh he wants to puke. He goes back and forth from utter humiliation and horror to numbness, accepting his fate. There are after all, parts of him that feel like he brought this on himself, that everything that has happened to him or his friend and now his boyfriend are because of him.
He should have known Mr. Jung was like this. He feels stupid for not being able to see it, he feels stupid for trusting too many people, he feels stupid for letting it get this out of control.

Jaehyun and his team were ready almost as soon as him and Chenle were off the phone. He quickly brought up all the info he had previously gotten on this guy and quickly found an address. They plug in the coordinates and head out the door. They have a backup team on the way and a few scouts at the location already. They are almost to the location when a scout team confirms their arrival.
"Victim A is out of the car, he is being led into a back door by the suspect. He seems to have something pressed to his back but I can't get a visual on a weapon." Jaehyun swallows nervously and wipes at the tears that want to form.
"Fuck!" He shouts.
"Listen, Jae if this is too much you have to let someone else lead this. You need to be a professional, you can not let your personal connection cloud your judgment. If you don't think you can handle that then step back." Jaehyun gives an incredulous look.
"I can do this, don't doubt me." He takes a few deep breaths and repeats in his head how important it is that he doesn't fuck this up.
By the time they pull up to the house his nerves are mostly gone, replaced with the need to bring his family home safe. Yes, by now of course Jaemin is family in his eyes as well, along with the rest of Jeno's friends. He treats them all like brothers and will protect them as such.
The first officers that had arrived have deciphered the best point of entry so they line up accordingly with Jaehyun in the lead. He takes a deep breath and readies himself and jumps into action when he hears the frantic call of an officer who is on look out. He takes no time breaking the door down and entering this hell hole.

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