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Possible triggers. Violence and talk of assault.

The next day in school, they were all doing their best to remain normal but they were all so concerned for Jaemin. Chenle though, was even more concerned for Jeno, he could tell something was off, more than just Jaemin being gone. He seems almost dead inside. He makes it his mission to keep a close eye on him and half way through the day recruits the others.
At lunch time Jeno loses his mind and can't control himself as a panic attack ensues. Nobody knows it is because he was sent a picture, a picture of what seems to be Jaemin tied to a chair bloody and beaten. He looks so bad, Jeno isn't sure he's even still alive.

"I sent your little boyfriend a lovely portrait of you." The monster says before slapping his face again. Jaemin is mostly numb to the pain at this point, he's only holding on for Jeno's sake. He's been here for three days, or four? He can't remember, he only cries when he pictures Jeno's beautiful eyes staring back at him. He goes between Dream and nightmare, none of it really feels like reality. Sometimes he's with his friends at the park or holding Jeno or eating dinner with his family. Other times he's in a nightmare state where this man whom he's known and trusted is beating him and forcing him to watch slide shows of Jeno's photos that he took or Jeno himself took. When he's there, he aches and tries not to look out of respect of course, he only wants to see Jeno in that way when they are together intimately. He knows that today Jeno is planning to meet him and he's terrified, with everything in him he wants to protect him but he has been trying for days to get out of this chair. He's full of blood, some dried, some fresh. His clothes are stuck to him, he's covered in his own filth and hasn't eaten in days. He is so dehydrated that he feels like he's sucking on cotton balls.
He's currently staring at his favorite spot on the floor. It's a place in the corner that when the sun pokes through the little sliver of basement window that isn't covered, looks like a rainbow. He knows it's afternoon now and Jeno will soon be in the clutches of his monster.
"I'm going to retrieve my prize now." He says before stabbing a knife into Jaemin's left abdomen. He screams out in pain and tries but fails to hunch over.
"Don't worry, I didn't hit anything vital. You will bleed out slowly, just enough so you can watch me fuck him before I end his miserable life too." Jaemin tries again to get free, just enough to get his hands around his neck but to no avail. The monster looks at his watch.
"Oh look, it's time to go." He sing songs as he exits the room.
Jaemin can hear the locks clicking on the basement door and for the first time he bawls his eyes out. He is scared, for himself but more for Jeno. He is sad for his family and for Jeno. He is angry for his situation but more for Jeno. He knows in his weakened state he isn't much good but he needs to do this, needs to get free to save his love from torture and death. He frantically looks around for something sharp to cut the ropes that have been cutting into his skin for days. After tipping the chair and falling hard on his shoulder he can't move, it takes a while to catch his breath. He can see the blood he's losing at a fairly steady pace and can feel himself become even weaker, it only works as motivation to try harder. He is able to work his hands free at last, he laughs. He gets to a sitting position and unties his feet. He knows he doesn't have much time so he moves as fast as possible for his condition. When he's finally free he tries to stand, it takes a few times since he's not only dizzy but hasn't much feeling in his lower half due to sitting in the same position for so long. He runs over to the laundry sink and starts drinking water rapidly, using his hands. It doesn't quench him completely but it makes him feel better for now. He searches everywhere for something sharp and finally finds a long screw driver, seemingly forgotten about on the back of a high shelf. He walks around a bit to keep his circulation going but he is still losing blood so he quickly finds some old cloth to wrap around his waist to provide, hopefully just enough pressure. He knows it isn't the cleanest but keeping his blood inside him is more important right now than infection. He searches for his phone, hoping maybe he forgot it and left it behind but he has no luck so now he tries to go over a few scenarios in his head on how to get him away from Jeno. When he feels that they should be close he gets into position. He places the screw driver under his thigh and wraps the ropes around his wrists and holds them tightly in his hands so that it looks like he's still tied up and waits patiently, all the while building up his confidence.

Across town His parents who were informed about him missing the night before are actively searching anywhere that he may be. Jaehyun had to inform them of the situation and of course the police department too. He handed over all of the evidence that he had found, including the email with Jeno's  texts with the monster. He knows Jeno will be upset when he picks him up but it had to be done. He already took a lot of heat for not following protocol but he stands by his decisions.

He is just about to leave the office when his phone rings to a frantic Chenle.
"Jeno's gone, he took him."

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