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The ride to the hotel was mostly silent. Jeno only stared out the window and no one really knew what to say at the moment. Jaemin and Renjun had a feeling they knew what had happened but Jeno wasn't ready to speak on it just yet and they won't push it.
When they arrived he was jumpy and clingy. When he couldn't hold onto Jaemin he would cling to Renjun, Taeyong offered him some comfort as well. The rooms Jaehyun had reserved were attached so they could easily go back and forth as needed so that was a comfort to all. Jeno sat on the end of one of the beds picking aimlessly at his clothes. Jaemin helped him to change into something comfortable for sleeping and he went along with it. He helped get him settled into bed then went to change when Renjun exited the bathroom.
When he come out Renjun was in the other bed, settling in so he shut off the lights and crawled into bed with Jeno. He hovers over him just looking at his beautiful face and kisses his nose then leaves a lingering kiss on his lips.
"I love you baby." He whispers. Jeno nods and finally lets go of everything and cries his heart out.
"I'm so scared, I'm so scared. I don't know what to do anymore." Jaemin just holds him and lets him cry. When he finally quiets they can hear Renjun's tiny sniffles from the other bed.
"Renjun, come over here and help me cuddle Jeno." Jaemin says softly, knowing he is scared and sad and could use a cuddle too. They can hear a little rustling.
"Ok, but no more kissing. It's hard enough to deal with over here. I don't want a front row seat." Much to everyone's surprise, Jeno giggles.
"Hurry up Junie, my side is cold." He says with a pout. Jaemin sneaks in one more quiet kiss, just in time before they feel the bed dip and Jeno's side is covered in warmth.
"He was in my house." He says in a whisper. They both gasp, they suspected it but hearing it first hand is shocking.
"Are you sure?" Renjun asks.
"Mostly, who ever it was didn't take anything. They were looking for me, I'm sure." Jaemin sits up and stares at his shaking hands. He's already had too many close calls with losing Jeno.
"Jen, we haven't even known each other that long yet I love you so much that I ache at the thought of you leaving me. We've come too close too many times to losing you. This has to stop." He says still shaking uncontrollably.
"What am I supposed to do? Do you think I'm enjoying this? Do you think that every fucking time I send him a picture of me, that it doesn't kill me inside? He has already hurt Renjun and he's been stalking my family and making my life a living hell and I know he's planning to kill me, I just don't know when. I'm just trying to keep you guys from getting hurt." He sobs into his hands and Renjun holds him tightly while Jaemin is still sitting up.
"What k-kind of p-pictures?" He asks, already having an idea of what they are.
Jeno feels sick, he didn't realize he let that slip.
"I can't say it. I can't say it out loud and can't say it to you." He starts wailing in Renjun's arms as Jaemin gets off the bed and paces the floor.

In the other room Taeyong is just sitting on the bed, numb. Jaehyun crawls across the bed and grabs Taeyong's shoulder, telling him to come to bed. He shrugs his hand off and ignores his request.
"What exactly are you hiding from me?" He asks eerily calm.
"I may be naive but I'm not fucking stupid. Why is my brother so affected by a supposed random break in? Why are there three high school boys in the other room knowing more than me about shit that is going on in my home? And why the fuck is my supposed loyal and faithful boyfriend hiding something from me?" He tries to calm himself, he has been going over different scenarios in his head since this happened and he's about at his breaking point. Jaehyun sighs.
"Tae, listen, you know I would never hide anything from you unless it was urgent that I do so." He looks down sadly. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Jaehyun jumps up and opens it to see Renjun standing there with tear stains on his cheeks. He doesn't say anything, he only hands them Jeno's phone that they had apparently taken the passcode lock off of.
"Jeno would like you to show this to Taeyong, start from the beginning. It's under the conversation with Monster. He said he is so ashamed he doesn't want to face anyone. When you are done he will need it back, also, Jaemin took his keys and left." Jaehyun is overrun with information so he has to process it all. He sits next to Taeyong and breathes deeply.
"Baby, this is going to be hard, but he wants you to know the truth. This is what has been happening to him." He opens the phone and finds the conversation and scrolls to the top. He hands it to Taeyong and starts to read over his shoulder. He sees the first couple exchanges and it sickens him to know that Taeyong was first to be threatened. As soon as he sees the picture that Jeno sent he has to look away.
"Fuck!" He says, while rivers of tears flow down his face. Taeyong continues to silently scroll through. He doesn't look at the pictures if he can help it, nor does he open any videos. He just reads the words as tears silently roll down his cheeks.
When he gets all the way to the end he copies the conversation and sends it to Jaehyun's email.
"That's evidence. I'm going to go see him, but I need to be strong." He says as he crumbles and falls into Jaehyun's arms.
"Shh, I know. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you. I only found out because after Jeno hurt himself I went to see Renjun to ask if he knew of a possible reason, he wasn't going to tell me but In the end he did. I've been doing everything in my power to catch this guy." Taeyong just nods into his chest and stands. He slowly walks to the door and gently knocks. Renjun opens it so Taeyong goes in and lays down next to his brother.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." He squeezes him after he turns and snuggles into him.

Renjun is sitting on the end of the opposite bed with his head in his hands. He's at a loss, he's tried calling Jaemin but his phone is off. Jaehyun walks in and sits next to him.
"Did you say Jaemin left? Why?" Renjun sighs.
"Jeno accidentally mentioned the pictures and stuff and as anyone would, he needed a minute to think. He just said he needed some air, but that was an hour ago and I'm worried. Jeno already thinks he hates him and thinks he's disgusting but I'm sure Jaemin wouldn't think that stuff." Jaehyun huffs and crosses his arms.
"Stay with Jeno, I'm sure he will be back soon." Renjun nods. Jaehyun goes to Taeyong and asks him to come to bed. He knows he would probably rather stay with Jeno but he needs his boyfriend and he's counting on him coming back.
Renjun crawls in bed with Jeno and holds him tightly. They fall asleep with the comfort the other provides even with one missing piece to the puzzle.
When they wake the next morning they can see that Jaemin hadn't been back. Jeno doesn't bother even moving from his spot so Renjun takes the liberty of checking his phone. He has a text from Jaemin and it's something he never expected.

Nana❤️: Baby, I'm sorry I left you. I went home and my parents were getting ready to leave for a business trip and forced me to go with. I didn't want to go but I will be back as soon as possible. I love you.

Renjun quickly shows this to Jeno and as much as this confuses the two of them they understand. Renjun knows that they have never forced him to go on these trips after he was old enough to stay alone but he doesn't know the circumstances.
Jeno is still sad that he's not here and he too questions why they would rush off in the middle of the night but his poor aching heart has no choice but to believe him.

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