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Sexual assault warning.

When Jeno woke the next day in Taeyong's arms the events from the night before came flooding back but the one that stood out the most was the kiss. To be more specific the three kisses, two of which were initiated by him. He's contemplating not going in but he knows Taeyong wouldn't approve. He reluctantly and quietly made his way to his room to get a clean uniform and gather his things for a shower. He sees Jisung laying with his head on Chenle's chest who is awake, seemingly lost in thought.
"Good morning." Jeno whispers softly as he goes to his closet.
"Thank you for taking care of Jisung for me, I'll forever be great full to you and your family for taking him in and caring for him." Jeno smiles softly.
"He didn't want you to see him like this, he wanted to be strong for you. That's why we didn't tell you, I'm sorry for that but I was respecting his wishes. I just got really tired of lying when you would ask if I've heard from him so I said that's it." Jeno chuckles.
"I'm not sure why he was so nervous but he is braver than he thinks. He tries to give me the credit but even if I inspired him? It was his love for you that made him follow through." Chenle feels his heart fill up at those words. He knows what a great sacrifice Jisung made for them but mostly for himself.
"I'm staying here with him today, my parents are ok with it, so if anyone asks..." Jeno rolls his eyes.
"Yeah yeah I don't know anything." Chenle chuckles.
"Thank you Jeno." He just smiles and leaves the room while Chenle goes back to staring at the ceiling.

When The doorbell rings bright and early Jeno was hit with realization that he will have to face him sooner than he thought. He forgot that Jaemin plans on coming every morning. He runs to the door and hesitates for a minute while he rings it again. When he opens it he is met with the always handsome, always smiling Jaemin.
"Good morning." He greets shyly. Jaemin giggles.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
"Let me just grab an apple, I didn't have time to eat. Chenle is staying here today with Jisung and of course we have to keep it all a secret." Jeno rolls his eyes and Jaemin giggles again.
"Oh my poor poor Jen, always having to keep secrets." Jeno pouts.
"I hate secrets, I always have such a hard time not telling." He giggles cutely making Jaemin coo. Jeno doesn't even realize at first that no matter what, he is still comfortable around Jaemin.

When they get to school they see that Mark is already being accosted by Haechan and anyone can tell he doesn't mind a bit, anyone but Haechan that is. Renjun is sitting on a bench off to the side in an apparent deep conversation with a pretty blonde boy, Jeno has never met before.
"Who is that?" He whispers.
"Yangyang. Renjun has a huge crush on him but would never admit it. He thinks Yangyang wouldn't accept him since he likes to read and Yangyang likes sports, or it's just an excuse to not have the balls to tell him." Jeno chuckles and walks along with Jaemin to their first class. It's English with Mr Jung. It's been going better with him, he's not as nervous around him as he used to be anyway. When the lecture starts though and Mr Jung trips spilling his hot coffee all over Jeno its back to awkward all over again.
"FUCK!" Jeno yells out, jumping up from his seat.
"That is Friday detention for you mister, no swearing is allowed in my classroom!" Jeno is trying to hold back the tears but it hurts and now he's getting in trouble. Jaemin stands in his defense.
"Hey! You hurt him, at least apologize!" Jaemin starts to lead him away.
"Oh look, I've made a mess of your perfect white uniform. I have some extra sweats in that closet. The gym teacher stores them in there. I'm sorry for burning you but it doesn't change the fact that you used bad language." Jaemin rolls his eyes and walks Jeno to the storage closet and helps him find the clothes. When he tries to leave to go to the bathroom to change this only irritates Mr. Jung even more.
"You change in there, you've already taken up enough of this class time. You sit!" He says to Jaemin who just walks out. When he comes back in Jeno still hasn't come out and he had already started teaching. Jaemin knocks on the door and before the teacher can stop him he enters the room. Jeno is standing there in sweat pants that are too baggy with no shirt on and his arms across his chest and tear stains on his cheeks.
"Let me see?" Jaemin asks and Jeno covers himself more.
"The benefit of being the same sex is that I already kind of know what you look like under your clothes. Don't worry, I'm only looking as your friend, not as the boy who will very soon ask you on a date." Jeno giggles and slowly lowers his arms. Jaemin clicks his tongue as he sees how red his chest and stomach are.
"He's such a dick." He whispers as he takes the burn cream and gently touches it to Jeno's chest. He gasps and Jaemin realizes the situation.
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I guess you can, I just. Uh.." Jeno takes his hand and places it back on his chest.
"It's ok Jaemin, I trust you and I like the way you take care of me." He blushes as he says it, even as he looks in his eyes. Jaemin nods and keeps eye contact for quite a while as he spreads the cream on his skin. Of course both being teenage boys with raging hormones, they have to Will away the problem before it starts, they are in school after all. Jeno, even though he still hurts, loves the gentle way Jaemin touches him and Jaemin can't get enough of the delicate, soft skin under his fingertips.
"I uh, I should stop now. You are too beautiful like this. I might lose my mind if I don't." Jeno giggles but one hundred percent agrees.
"Yeah, maybe you should." He says softly as his face involuntarily inches toward Jaemin's lips.
"I'll just save this in my memory for later when I'm alone." Jaemin says with a smirk making Jeno cackle and his eyes smile in the pretty way they do.
Nothing is said of the almost kiss, Jaemin is trying to hold up the deal, he really wants to date Jeno. He takes a bandage and wraps it around him. After getting it on he takes an ice pack and positions it on the reddest part of him and wraps another bandage around him. Jeno's tears have stopped by now and he's so thank full for Jaemin's thoughtfulness. He helps him into the sweater and Jeno hugs him softly before kissing his cheek.
"I'll be thinking of you too later." He whispers making Jaemin lose it.
"Thank you." He says as Jaemin smiles sweetly, he bends and gathers Jeno's wet clothes and helps him carry his things to his bag. Mr Jung rolls his eyes and continues talking as they take their seats.
At lunch Haechan is dramatically in shock listening to their story and no one can believe that Jaemin didn't get detention too.
"I don't know, I think he probably doesn't like me because of the way I dress." Jeno shrugs.
"All the more reason to complain to the principal, I'm sure the no bullying policy pertains to teachers too." Renjun adds in.
"I'm just speculating now, if it goes further I will. Thanks guys for being supportive."

At the end of the day on the way out of the school his phone vibrates, it's another text from the unknown person and he doesn't want to open it. He hesitates for quite a while before he finally does.

Unknown: when you get home from school today I want you to send me a picture.

He scoffs and does his best to ignore it
Until it vibrates again.

Unknown: You can ignore me all you want but it will just mean certain death for your loved ones.
Bend in front of your mirror for me and show me your panties.
You have one hour before I walk into this building.

 You have one hour before I walk into this building

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He panics and runs to the bus stop. When he gets home he changes into a pair of clean white panties and a short skirt before doing as he was told. He hesitates with his finger over the button for the longest time afraid it's is someone who wants to expose him to the school. He takes a screen shot of the conversation and puts it into his hidden photos just in case.
He hits send and waits only for a couple seconds.

Unknown: You did well baby boy. Now along with my other photos of you I will look at this while I stroke my cock, imagining you choking on it.
Good night, we will talk again very soon.

He spends the rest of his night crying in his room with the door locked, Taeyong is so worried but he's not sure why just yet.
Jisung quietly stays on the couch this night trying to mind his own business.

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