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Jeno sat still on his bed fisting the blankets as he heard the knocking at the door. Mistaking his silence for sleeping Taeyong barged in, shocked by seeing Jeno already dressed, half ready for school.
"Good morning baby bro, you look so pretty in your uniform." He says gushing and running over to him. Jeno giggles upon being completely squished by his older brother.
"I'm scared." He says quietly after Taeyong has settled down. Lacing their fingers together and laying his head on Taeyong's shoulder as the other plays with his hair has kind of always been his coping mechanism. Taeyong sighs and kisses the top of his head.
"You are an amazing person and anyone who gives you a chance will be delighted to know you. You're smart, cute and loyal. Sometimes you can even pass for funny." They both laughed as Jeno gives him a light elbow in the ribs.
"The school we picked for you has a zero tolerance bullying policy so if you have any trouble just tell someone and it will be fixed." Jeno just nodded while he revels in his brother's comforting warmth and scent.
"Thank you Tae, I love you." They hug and continue to sit this way until Taeyong's boyfriend pokes his head in the door.
"Hey, where's my hug?" Jaehyun says leaning on the frame of the door in his suit, ready for work.
"Mm Jeno, I think that handsome man in the door over there wants some attention." Jeno looks up and smiles brightly waving him over to join which he gladly does but of course Taeyong has to ruin the moment.
"You look so sexy in that suit Jae, I may not let you go to work today." Jaehyun giggles and kisses the brothers on the head as he stands. Jeno proceeds to push Taeyong onto the floor.
"Get your gross flirting out of my room, I need to put on my makeup." Taeyong just laughs as Jaehyun pulls him up and kisses him on the lips.
"GET OUT!" Jeno screams, now chasing them with a pillow. They run away laughing and go to get their breakfast ready.

With a shaky hand he tries to apply his makeup, keeping it especially light today since he is shaking so much. When he finally finishes he walks slowly down the stairs seeing the other two kissing by the counter.
"You guys have been together for over five years, are you ever going to cut me some slack and stop kissing all the time." Taeyong chuckles again.
"Jeno, when you fall in love like me, it grows every day and I just want to kiss him all the time, since I can't fu..." Jeno screams.
"Don't finish that sentence." He warns with a glare.
"You look absolutely stunning today." Jaehyun says with a sweet smile changing the subject.
"Thanks Jae, can you drop me off today so I don't have to ride the bus my first day?" Jaehyun hands him his plate and sits himself down beside Taeyong.
"Of course, as long as I'm working the day shift I can take you."
After a nice family breakfast the two head off leaving Taeyong to clean up, his job at the daycare center doesn't start until next week so he will take care of a few extra chores this week.

"Jae, I'm so nervous, Taeyong doesn't need to know just how much though, I don't want him to worry." Jaehyun sighs.
"He already knows, he can read your body language better than you think. I'll pick you up today ok? And if anyone bothers you point them out and I will kick their ass." Jeno chuckles and looks across the lawn housing the students who arrived early. He accepts Jaehyun's warm embrace relishing in the comfort it brings. He has to hold back tears so he doesn't ruin his make up.
"Thank you, literally for everything you have ever done for us. You've sacrificed so much to help me and I can't be more great full." Jaehyun rubs his back.
"Doing things for the two boys in my life is never a sacrifice. You know I love you and when Taeyong told me that you needed this I of course wanted to do it for you." He smiles and kisses his forehead.
"Now go in there and have an amazing day, make lots of friends and most of all be confident. You're amazing and you deserve great things." Jeno wipes his eyes carefully again and nods.
"Ok, I will. See you later Jae. Have a good day at work."
Jeno is still scared but talking to Jaehyun helped his confidence quite a bit so he walks through the crowd of people, some staring and others not caring that he was there at all. He bravely makes it through the first half of his day relatively unscathed. For the most part he was just lonely but nobody was mean and that was more than he could ask for. He walks through the lunch line and looks around for somewhere to sit, opting for an empty table since he is feeling extra shy today. After sitting he looks around at all the people having fun and wishes he could have that. They joke and laugh and hug their friends and here he is starting all over. He starts to try to eat even though his appetite isn't there. Just as he feels his phone vibrate in his bag indicating a message, more likely from Taeyong he sees two pretty boys walking his way. He's nervous because no one has really talked to him all day, he hopes it is going to be a nice interaction. He puts his head down a little and takes a deep breath as he feels them approach and when he finally looks up he sees a friendly smiling face and someone else.
He doesn't realize in this moment that these will be his new friends for life.

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