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Jaemin really did pick the perfect first date, Jeno is impressed. They are at a paint and sip art class for couples. Of course they aren't old enough to participate in the wine sipping but that's ok with them.
"This is so nice Jaem, thank you. What made you think of this?" He asks as he follows instruction and continues to paint. Jaemin pauses and looks directly into his eyes after getting his attention.
"I wanted us to have something special to remember this date by, and when we get married and have children together, I want them to see these hanging side by side and ask the story behind it." Jeno had his breath taken away. Of course like anyone would he has imagined his future with Jaemin in it but he never thought the other would too.
"How do you know we will be married?" He asks softly to which Jaemin pulls Jeno's hand away from his canvas and kisses the back of it.
"I just know what I want and I plan to have you in my life for the rest of it, so be prepared."  Jeno almost chokes. He knows Jaemin is a romantic but sometimes his words really get to him. He leans in and kisses his lips softly before proceeding to paint.
"And just so you know? You look really pretty in your painting smock." Jeno rolls his eyes playfully.
"Be thankful we are going to eat after or I would miss the canvas a little and make a cute little dot on the end of your nose." Jeno says as he twirls his finger in the air. Jaemin laughs and leans over to kiss him again.
"You know if we spend the whole class with our lips pressed together we won't have anything to show our children." Jeno whispers into his lips making Jaemin jump back.
"Your right, pay attention now." Jeno giggles but pays attention. In the end they made a beautiful pair of paintings that they will both cherish forever.
After taking photos with their paintings and a group photo with everyone for the class's Instagram page they left to eat. Jaemin couldn't be more thankful to his parents for allowing him to keep the car for the night. It's a little cold out and he didn't want to have their first date on a bus.
The restaurant he picked is a classy sushi place. He doesn't care about the expense because while he himself doesn't have a job yet his parents have always gave him a lot of money on his birthday and he doesn't spend it too quickly.
"So what about college? What are your plans?" Jeno asks, just before shoveling food in his mouth.
"I have applied to a few, I want to be a doctor like my dad. So I want to go somewhere with a good medical program." Jeno admires his answer.
"That's nice, I'm still in the I have no idea phase. I'm not a strong enough person to be a cop like Jae and I don't know if I would like other peoples kids enough to do daycare like Tae but I don't really want to be like my parents either." Jaemin hums.
"You still have time to think it over, but hey you can just marry me and be my house wife and I'll take care of you." Jaemin giggles as he gets slapped on the arm.
"You need to quit talking about marriage on our first date! If it was anyone else you would probably scare them off." Jeno giggles at the pouty face Jaemin makes.
"Fine, fine. I won't talk about marriage anymore until our fourth date." Jeno smiles widely as he stares at Jaemin beside him.
"I'm going to buy a car next week, you want to come with me to pick it out?" Jaemin asks before sipping his water.
"Really? You want me to help?" Jeno asks.
"Well yes, you will undoubtedly be spending a lot of time in it, you should like it too." Jeno smiles softly and kisses his cheek.
"Of course, I'd love to." Jeno lays his head on Jaemin's shoulder and sighs.
"Are you feeling ok?" Jaemin asks. He nods his head yes.
"I just like being close to you." Jaemin wants to melt when he's being this sweet. He softly sets his hand on the bare skin of his thigh and squeezes gently.
"I really like being close to you too."
When they finally get done eating they get in the car to head back to Jeno's place. It's not too long of a drive and Jeno spends most of it leaning on Jaemin.
"When I get a car I need to make sure it has seating for three up front." Jeno frowns.
"Why? Who all is going to be in here?" He asks thinking he is planning on piling everyone in. Jaemin laughs.
"Just us, then you can sit closer and still have a seat belt." Jeno scrunches his lips cutely.
"Stop being so cute, I need to keep my eyes on the road." Jeno giggles and leans on his shoulder again.
Taeyong and Jaehyun are still out so the house is quiet. Jeno offers Jaemin a water bottle and asks what he wants to do.
"Well, let's see. This morning you did say you were going to cuddle me so hard tonight. Maybe we should watch a movie and cuddle?" Jeno's eyes brighten.
"Perfect." They grab a few candies and their water and head up the stairs.
"I have to change." Jeno says quietly.
"Ok you stay here and I'll go change in the bathroom." Jaemin says before he kisses him.
Jeno throws on his cute bunny Jammie's and puts his clothes in the hamper and straightens up a little before Jaemin comes back.

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