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"Jeno, can I sleep over at your house tonight?" Haechan asks pouting. Jeno chuckles and nods his head.
"Yes, that will be nice."
It's Saturday early evening and all of the friends were hanging out at the park. Mark, Jisung, Chenle and Jaemin are playing basketball and Jeno, Haechan and Renjun are watching, well Renjun is reading and could care less.
When they all run up to them dripping in sweat and breathing heavy to get a drink of water both Haechan and Jeno have to collect themselves as their men are trying to drive them crazy.
Jaemin holds his hand out for Jeno to take and helps him off the grass, pulling him into his chest in the process. It's almost slow motion but neither mind when Jeno leans in and boldly kisses his cheek. Jaemin's smile almost breaks his face as he hugs the other softly.
"Sorry if I get you sweaty, I can't resist." Jeno's eyes smile.
"I don't mind." He says quietly. Haechan is watching in awe as Mark just stands awkwardly at the side. The other three seem to not even pay attention as they are trying to figure out where to eat.
"You want to play?" Jaemin asks as he's still hugging him.
"Are you guys boyfriends yet?" Renjun asks after quietly observing, both boys turn different shades of pink.
"I'll sit this one out too." Jeno says backing away from him.
"No we're not." He says as he sits back down.
"You are so lucky." Haechan says dreamily making Jeno chuckle. Mark sighs and walks back toward the others.
"Why lucky?" He asks softly.
"Because you have a man that looks at you like you are his whole world and the person I like doesn't even know I exist." Haechan picks at the grass and looks longingly toward Mark while both Renjun and Jeno roll their eyes at each other.
"Don't worry, Mark sees you too." He almost chokes on his juice box, but he collects himself to stare accusingly at Jeno.
"Jaemin told you didn't he?" Renjun and Jeno laugh.
"He didn't have to, it's obvious." Renjun says chuckling. Haechan huffs and crosses his arms with a pout so Jeno crawls over and sits on him.
"Don't pout or I'll tickle you." He says with a warning, Haechan just looks away so he follows through.
He digs his fingertips into the other's sides and watches him squirm under him. When he finally shows mercy they are both winded and rolling on the ground laughing. They even got Renjun to laugh and that takes a lot.
"Is everything ok over here?" Chenle asks when the others arrive.
"Fine, I was just telling Haechan here that M..." he's shut up with a hand as he is now under Haechan's control. He can feel his fingers threatening his sides as well so he confirms he will be quiet.
"We are just playing, right Haechan?" Jeno says slyly. Haechan let's up and looks at the others standing there with questioning grins and locks eyes with Mark's. Haechan's eyes still holding laughter from their little stunt and Mark can't look away.
Jaemin sensing the tension decides to break it and ask Jeno to walk with him for a bit. He takes his hand and slowly strolls away from the others, until they reach a picnic table that he leans against and pulls Jeno between his legs and holds his hands. He sighs and looks away nervously, Jeno frowns and watches the other squirm.
"I don't know why this is so hard for me, I mean we've literally had our tongues in each other's mouths." Jaemin says, still struggling. Jeno giggles and lets him take his time to say what he needs to.
"Will you go on a date with me tonight?" He says looking up into Jeno's eyes shyly. Jeno smiles brightly until it turns into a pout as he  squeezes his hands.
"I would love to go on a date with you, but not tonight." He watches Jaemin look defeated and hugs him softly.
"I already told Haechan he could sleep over." Now Jaemin pouts.
"Why can't I sleep over?" Jeno laughs and kisses his lips, lingering for a couple seconds.
"It could be because I have a hard time controlling myself when I'm with you." He stares intensely at Jaemin until he smashes their lips together.
After their heated kiss when they are still winded and eyeing each other Jeno takes the others breath away.
"Next Saturday after our first official date will you have a sleepover with me?" He asks with every hint of what could happen written on his face. Jaemin swallows hard and nods his head quickly.
"Yes, of course I will." Jeno kisses his cheek and backs away while he starts to pull him back toward everyone.
"You guys should get a room." Renjun says as they walk up making them blush again of course.
"We should go eat now." Jisung says pouting, he's still shy about his battered appearance but he's working through it and plans to get back to school this week.
Jeno and Jaemin walk off first with their hands intertwined and Chenle and Jisung also have their hands together as they walk away. The rest follow behind, Renjun is in his own little world and the other two who are feeling a little awkward together at the moment. Haechan doesn't like it, he knows the tension is on his part because he likes the other so much but he's so afraid it will ruin their friendship. He quickly takes Mark's fingers and intertwines them with his own, he hopes the other can't tell just how nervous he is. Mark smiles softly, approvingly at Haechan until he is forced to turn his head to hide the face splitting smile that took over.

"Sorry if that was really awkward, I had it planned way better in my head." Jaemin says as they walk slowly along.
"It was cute actually." Jeno chuckles and nudges his arm.
"I like you both ways." Jaemin looks confused so Jeno explains.
"I like you when your calm and confident but I also like when you are cute and awkward." Jaemin smiles softly and squeezes his fingers, he then looks behind them before sneaking a small kiss to Jeno's cheek.
"We will be together for dinner but I better focus on other friends too sometimes and it's too hard when you are around." Jaemin chuckles and nods with a huge grin.
They both walk with a soft smile and in silence the rest of the way. Jeno can't help but wonder why his life can never be this easy, why can't he just be happy like this all the time? What did he do in his past life to be punished this way? One minute he's floating on air and the next, someone jabs a knife into him and deflates all hope. He doesn't dwell too much at the moment because these happy times are precious to him and he can't let the monster win at everything. He shuts down that part of his brain again for when he needs it later and tells himself to enjoy right now because it could all end in the blink of an eye.
When they arrive at the restaurant they cram themselves around one big table, Renjun only slightly feeling out of place without a partner but he's never been one to worry about wether he's single or not. It isn't until he's sees Yangyang walk into the very same restaurant with a pretty girl, smiling and laughing to whatever they are saying. He stares down at his lap hoping the other doesn't notice him at all as he walks by. He is relieved but devastated at the same time that he didn't. He tries for the rest of the meal not to focus on him, he doesn't look back at all and tries so hard to keep it together. He always knew he didn't really have a chance but it still stings.
Jeno feels the vibration of his phone and the dread sets in immediately. He shakily pulls his phone out and tries to check it discretely. He reads the instructions and gags. He wants to throw his phone across the room and cry and hold onto Jaemin for dear life but he knows it could be bad. He quickly types back that he is in a restaurant with all of his friends eating and will do it later at home. He's never asked them to wait before and gets nervous about it but he can't just drop everything and do this stuff. He takes a chance and shuts off his phone for now and slips it in his pocket. He leans into Jaemin and holds on to him, he doesn't realize that almost everyone can see his demeanor change instantly. Jaemin holds him tightly and rubs his arm. He stays snuggled in until he has to eat and gives Jaemin space.
After a while Renjun is still really uncomfortable and decides he can't take it anymore.
"Guys uh, I'm going to leave now. I'm not feeling well." He says standing up.
When he gets to the door he can hear Yangyang call out his name as if he just seen him there but he only pauses a second before walking out.
"Guys we should go with him, it's dark." Jeno says standing, he runs out behind him and stops him on the street. At this point Renjun has almost lost it completely.
"Wait, let me walk you?" Renjun stops and shakes his head no.
"I'm just getting on the bus here." He says pointing.
"I'm sorry, Renjunie." He says softly. Renjun chuckles bitterly.
"Don't be, I've known since I allowed myself to feel that he was out of my league." Jeno walks up and pulls him in for a hug, which the other melts into. Most people see him as a little cold and stand offish when it comes to any kind of physical affection but Jeno can see right through it and he couldn't be more thankful.
"Thank you, never lose your heart, you are special." Renjun says before smiling softly and backing away.
"The bus is almost here so I'll go. I just really need to be alone." Jeno nods but still watches him until he gets on the bus before going back in. Everyone has basically figured out why he left so the only one confused about seeing him hugging Renjun who had tears streaming down his face was Yangyang himself.
When they finally leave the restaurant Jaemin hugs Jeno tightly and kisses him softly.
"You know if you need me ever, I'll come running." Jeno nods and snuggles into his chest trying to embrace every happy moment with him.
"Text me when you get home." Jaemin says as he watches Jeno and Haechan get on a different bus than him.

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