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"I'm nervous Tae, I want to look pretty and natural. I don't want to look like some dude in drag." Jeno says with a pout. Taeyong laughs harder than he has in a long time making Jeno's bottom lips stick out further.
"You have no faith in your fashion sense do you? I have no doubt that we can find something perfect for your taste." Jeno hums as they continue their hunt for the perfect dress. He only has a couple of weeks before prom and he's nervous it's not enough time.
"What color should I get?" He asks looking through one of the racks. Taeyong shakes his head.
"Anything would look good on you but I think you should just look for something that speaks to you. Something that takes your dates breath away." Jeno giggles.
"I only need to do that to Jaemin." Taeyong rolls his eyes.
"Sweetie, I don't think you understand your power. I'm sure you will have both of your dates attention along with every person in that school. You are gorgeous, there is no measure to your beauty, inside and out." Jeno shakes his head and tries to Will away his red cheeks.
"I feel weird though. All of my friends are shopping for tuxes and I'm not." Taeyong frowns as he walks up and grabs his shoulders.
"Do you want to wear a tux? Is that you?" He asks with a very stern look on his face. Jeno looks down sadly.
"No, it's not me at all but sometimes I feel like it should be." He says quietly.
"Has anyone, other than our stupid parents? Anyone that you care about ever made you feel that way? Has anyone ever acted like you aren't perfect the way you are because if so I will kick their asses." Taeyong says getting angry.
"No never, I just sometimes feel like it would be easier for everyone if I was normal." Taeyong huffs angrily before he pulls him in his arms and hugs the life out of him.
"If you were normal." He says holding up air quotes.
"You wouldn't be my Jeno. Now let's find you the prettiest dress here.
They continued to shop for another half hour before Jeno decided he really didn't like anything in this store.
"Let's go get some lunch I'm starving, then we can go to that little dress shop up town." Taeyong says happily.
They leave the mall after getting some food and head uptown. Jeno is honestly having a great time with his brother. They haven't been able to spend much time together lately so this is perfect.
As soon as they enter the shop he sees the dress.
"That's it." He says walking over to it. Taeyong follows and immediately nods yes.
"It's perfect. You will be so pretty." Taeyong says.
"Go try it on. Hurry, I want to see it on you." He takes the dress to the dressing room and changes quickly.
"I love it so much." He says through the curtain before he peeks out to see if Taeyong is ready for him. As soon as he exits Taeyong gasps.
"Oh my god Jeno, it's beautiful. You are so beautiful." His cheeks turn red with the compliments as he twirls in the mirror.
"Do you think my dates will like it?" He asks softly. Taeyong walks up behind him and hugs his back as they sway in the mirror.
"They will love it, Jaemin will love it." Jeno nods with a huge grin.
"Let's go home and show Jae." He says excitedly. Taeyong let's him go so he can change.

After modeling the dress for Jaehyun the three decided to spend some quality family time together and watch movies. Taeyong cuddles into Jae's side and Jeno cuddles into his brother.
"So guys I need to tell you something. I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I wasn't sure." Jeno says softly as they are looking for their second movie to watch.
"What is it?" Taeyong asks with concern.
"It's just, there's this person who sometimes waits outside my school. I always feel like they are watching me but I don't know if I'm being paranoid." Jaehyun sits up with a frown.
"What do they look like?" He asks.
"Average height. They wear a hoody usually and a face mask. I've never seen their eyes, but apparently they've been going into my job too and once I asked them about being at school and they practically ran out." Jaehyun stands and starts pacing while Taeyong just holds onto Jeno like it would prevent him from getting hurt.
"I told Jaemin and him and the others are keeping a look out for me but I thought you should know." Jaehyun stops pacing.
"I'm going to have an officer there everyday, before and after school to watch you." Jeno shakes his head no.
"It could be nothing, maybe they are picking someone up? I don't want to cause a scene or anything."
Jaehyun sits down by him and puts his arm over his shoulder.
"They will be discreet but we need to be sure that this guy didn't have an accomplice or family that would be out to get revenge." Jeno shakes his head and starts to cry.
"No, that can't be. You said no one would know who I am." Now Jae drops to the floor and holds his hands.
"Look, odds are it has nothing to do with him and maybe even nothing to do with you, but we can't take any chances. If he sent someone your photo, they would know who you are. We just want you safe." Jeno nods with a sad smile.
"Ok, I don't feel well though, I'm going to bed." Taeyong and Jae hug him and kiss his cheek.
He's gotten upset thinking about that monster again. He's been trying to push those feelings aside but every now and then they resurface with a vengeance. He lays in his bad on his side to face the wall. He just lays there until he falls asleep.
On Sunday he feels a little better, Taeyong senses his mood and makes his favorite chocolate chip pancakes and makes him coffee and takes it to his room.
"Hey bub, how are you feeling today?" He asks softly.
"Better." He says quietly.
"I made you pancakes and There are some here for Jaemin too." He says with a smile.
"He's not even here, he was spending the weekend with his parents." Taeyong sets the food down and hugs him.
"I love you Jeno, we will get past this, you will get past this." He just nods and starts to pick at his food until they hear a knock on his door.
"Come in." He says softly. He smiles when he sees Renjun walk in.
"Hey, prom date." Jeno says with a giggle. Renjun just smiles softly and sits on his bed.
"Want some pancakes? Tae made enough for Jaemin and he's not here." Renjun smiles widely and accepts a bite.
"Really good." He says to Taeyong who is about to leave the room.
"What should we do today? I'm so bored." Renjun says.
"I'd show you my dress if you weren't my date. I want to surprise you both." Renjun smiles.
"I can't wait." He says softly.
"You should come up here and cuddle me and watch old Disney movies with me all day." Jeno says with a pout. Renjun smiles and crawls up to sit beside him and puts his arm around him.
"How's this?" He asks softly as Jeno turns his tv on.
"Perfect." He says laying his head on his shoulder.
They watch a few old movies before a knock is heard. Jeno tells them to come in and is completely surprised when it's Jaemin.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were going to be gone all weekend?" He shakes his head no.
"We got back early." He looks at Renjun and then the tv.
"If you guys are busy, I can go." He says looking at the two.
"No stay, Jeno needs love today. You take the other side and cuddle him hard." Renjun says. Jaemin frowns and looks at Jeno and can now see that he looks a little sad.
"Want to talk about it baby?" He asks before he leans over and kisses his lips.
"Not now, let's just watch the movie." Jaemin smiles and touches his cheek.
"Ok, later. Love you." He says sweetly.
"I love you." Jeno says.
As soon as the movie starts again there is another knock.
"Come in?" Jeno says in a questioning tone. He smiles even brighter when Chenle, Jisung, Haechan then Mark walk through his door. Everyone piles on his bed and they spend the rest of the afternoon watching movies together. Jeno feels so much love today and that's exactly what he needed.
When everyone heads home, of course Jaemin stayed behind.
"Are you ready to talk yet?" Jaemin asks as Jeno sighs and cuddles into him. They are now laying on his bed cuddled together.
"Jaehyun is having a policeman come and watch the school in the morning and after school." Jaemin hums.
"I just want it to be over." He says sadly. Jaemin kisses his face and neck.
"It will be soon, baby. We just want to make sure you are safe, we love you." Jeno sighs again.
"I know." He smiles softly.
"Thank you for coming today, I know you are tired." Jeno says quietly, getting sleepy.
"Not too tired for you baby."
Jeno finally lets sleep take him over as Jaemin runs his fingers through his hair. He wishes for nothing more than to take all of his babies worried away.

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