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Jaemin has been working hard trying to focus on basketball but honestly, he's struggling. Jeno is on his mind so much. From his sweet, beautiful personality to his sad dejected one. He knows he has internal struggles but only wishes he knew what it was so he could help him. Jaemin loves it when he's cute and bubbly like he was earlier today. When he is free and happy, it makes Jaemin's heart sing. He tries to Will away the urge to just run out of the gym but he does manage to stay until the coach calls it.
He takes a short shower and messes around for a few minutes with his teammates but doesn't want to take too long so he finishes up quickly and leaves. The closer he gets to his car the more uneasy he feels, nothing specific, just something in the pit of his stomach that feels wrong. He shakes it off so he can get excited about spending the night alone with the boy he loves.
He opens his Spotify app and picks his happy playlist and heads off. He decides to stop at a cafe and grab himself a coffee and some of Jeno's favorite tea, he also grabs them some sweets to eat for later. He hums happily as he gets back in and heads off again. When he gets to the stoplight about fifteen minutes from Jeno's house he notices the missed call notification and sees it was Jeno that called him, he thinks it's strange that he left a voicemail because he almost always would text a message instead. When he opens it he feels paralyzed, he fumbles with his phone before restarting the message.
He takes off when the horns start honking behind him and he listens closely through his car speakers as his love cries his heart out. He sees that he called almost an hour ago and his heart falls right into the Pitt of his stomach. As he listens to the sheer terror in Jeno's cries he doesn't even realize the speed at which he's driving. He runs a few stop signs at an alarming speed, fortunate that there aren't any people out right now. The message plays out for most of the drive and once it stops he focuses even more as he presses harder on the pedal.
After what feels like forever he pulls up to the darkened house. He contemplates for a second to call the police but he doesn't want to waste more time so he runs in by himself.
He looks around the main floor, not really seeing anything but the starting of what looks like was going to be dinner and he has to swallow the lump in his throat.
As he flys up the stairs his fear is rising. He starts to cry, even while telling himself that he needs to be strong.
"JENO." He yells out as he searches every room. He still sees nothing and starts checking the closets before remembering he should also check the downstairs ones.
When he finally gets down the stairs he walks slowly to the hall closet. His heart is beating rapidly because, if he isn't here then he doesn't know what he'll do. He opens it and sees his love, lying in a tight ball on the floor, still shaking even in his sleep. There is no stopping his flow of tears now as he sobs into his hands while watching his back rising and falling with each precious breath he takes.
He gets to his knees and gently touches him, trying to rouse him without too much of a scare and it almost works until Jeno's memories flood his mind. He watches as Jeno jumps away in fear until he sees who it is. Jaemin holds his arms open as his tears are still falling rapidly, Jeno's are keeping time with his at this point. He crawls into Jaemin's arms and lets him hold him tightly, both sobbing, both letting go of a little bit of the fear they held tonight. Jaemin pulls back and puts his hands on Jeno's cheeks and kisses his face all over, letting him know just how relieved he truly is. He softly kisses his lips, not minding the salty taste of tears and snot that in all honesty could be either of theirs.
"You scared me so much." He whispers softly onto Jeno's lips.
Jeno can only nod as he still doesn't have words, he is just beyond relieved as he holds on tightly to the person he loves with every fiber of his being.
Eventually after quite a while of just sitting on the floor in mostly silence Jaemin stands up and holds his hands out for the other.
"Let's get you to bed ok?" Jeno nods tiredly and cautiously steps out of the closet.
"Did you lock the door?" He whispers. Jaemin walks to it and double checks before helping him up the stairs.
"Do you want to change?" Jaemin asks softly. Jeno shakes his head no as the sweatshirt and leggings are good enough. He lays in bed with a lot of coaxing from Jaemin, he lays on his side facing the other.
"Jen, I need to run to my car and get my bag ok? I've looked through the whole house and we are alone. Are you ok to stay here?" Jeno shakes his head no and stands immediately.
"I'll come with you." Jaemin just nods and holds his hand. When they get to the door however, Jeno remembers, that he could be watching them so he freezes, stopping Jaemin from walking any further.
"It's ok Jen." Jeno looks in his eyes and trusts him enough to believe him and goes with. He watches all around as Jaemin focuses on getting his things, he turns and hands Jeno his tea.
"We can warm it up." He says softly. Jeno nods, a new set of tears roll down his face as he realizes their special night was ruined thanks to him.
Jaemin immediately senses his feelings of guilt and softly puts his arm around his waist and nuzzles into him.
"As long as I am with you, everything is perfect." He whispers before placing soft kisses on his warm skin.
"Come on, let's go in and cuddle." Jeno nods sadly and takes the coffee and pastry box from him so he can still hold him.
After warming both their drinks they go upstairs, Jeno is too scared they are being watched to be anywhere else. Jeno sits on his bed and watches as Jaemin changes into a pair of sweats and a t shirt. He opens the blankets and Jaemin crawls right in and holds him. For a while they just sit quietly against the headboard until Jaemin tries to get an explanation.
"Jen, baby. Are you ready to talk about this? Can you tell me what happened?" Jeno let's out a breath and tries, really tries to tell him but no words will leave his mouth. Jaemin sits patiently, stroking his arm and warmly holding him.
It's when he leans to the table on his side to take a sip of coffee that Jeno snaps out of his daze.
"S-someone was watching me. All the way home, on the bus and even after I got here." His fingers that aren't in Jaemin's reach are digging into the mattress.
"How are you sure? Did you see them?" Jaemin asks getting a bit worked up. Jeno shakes his head no but speaks surely.
"I just know, I haven't seen them though." Jaemin hums feeling like there is more to it but doesn't want to press it.
"Ok, from now on, don't take the bus." He says almost as a command, almost offending the other until he whispers at the end.
"Please? I love you so m-much and I thought I was losing you again, at least until we can figure this out? Please?" He's crying again, he can't help it. Jeno nods and crawls into his lap facing him. He grabs his face making him look up and kisses him softly all over until he stops at his lips.
"I won't ride the bus, ok?" Jaemin nods with a relieved giggle.
"Thank you." He says softly as Jeno lays his head on his shoulder and starts kissing his neck.
"I love you." He whispers making Jaemin's heart beat rapidly.
"I love you, beautiful."
Jeno doesn't want to leave the comfort of his arms anytime soon so he stays wrapped around him like a koala and Jaemin loves every second of it.
They stay this way until Jaemin finally lays them down, he doesn't let go, and they will stay this way all night.

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