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Warning, sexual assault content.

It's been almost two weeks back at school now, and all of them are getting back to a normal routine. Of course for Renjun and especially Jeno, their definition of normal is way different. Jeno has been wearing long sleeves everyday to hide his bandages and now that they are off he has to hide the scars. He still can't bear to look himself and he certainly doesn't want the whole school to know. He has gotten to work last Friday and this for Mr. Jung as an assistant teacher and he loves it. He treats him like a colleague and not a student after hours which gives him a sense of pride. He is still having to do horrible things for his stalker but he is almost to the point of it just being part of his everyday life. Him and Jaemin are doing well. Jaemin, being true to his word is treating him just like he did before. Renjun is feeling almost a hundred percent better now and he refuses to even spare Yangyang a glance. Mark and Haechan are back on speaking terms but it's still pretty rocky. Jisung and Chenle are doing better than ever, Chenle practically lives with Jisung which the other is great full for, he's never really liked being alone.
"Jeno, can I talk to you?" Mark asks softly as Haechan and Chenle step away from the lockers, sensing it's private. Of course Haechan is curious but tries to pretend to care less so Chenle just drags him further away.
"Look, I know I've been a complete fuck up lately and I don't deserve even friendship from a lot of you. But I'm here to say I'm sorry." Jeno frowns in question and Mark makes sure to answer it before he can speak it.
"I was an ass when you were going through a terrible time in your life. Instead of being a supportive friend and trying to help you in any way, I was a jealous boyfriend who tried to get in the way of others helping. I know I have a lot to talk about with Haechan and I don't know if he will forgive me but I needed you to know I'm sorry for being selfish and I'm ready to help with anything you need." He looks down ashamed and Jeno smiles softly and walks up to him. He quickly pulls him into a hug.
"Thank you, that means so much to me. It really does, and don't worry. If you are as sincere as you just were he will forgive you." Mark nods and slowly backs away from the hug.
"I am going to talk to him later at his house. I hope he will even let me in." Jeno smiles again.
"I'm sure he will, he misses the way you were before. I know it." Mark pats his arm and backs away with a promise to talk later.
Jeno walks into his class with Mr. Jung and sits waiting for him to come back to instruct him on what to do. Jaemin has a game tonight and he's hoping to get to see him play a little when he is done.

Monster: I want to see you touch yourself now.
He sighs and types out a response.

Jeno: where?
He doesn't have to wait long.

Monster: surprise me, I love your pretty little cock being touched by your little fingers.

He sighs and looks around for any signs of people and goes to lean against the wall. He lifts his skirt and slides his panties down just enough and plays with himself. He closes his eyes and imagines being with Jaemin which is still the only thing that gets him through this. He records himself as he follows the command. He touches it in a way that his stalker likes, he tries to at least appear like he enjoys it because he knows it's better when Monster goes away happy. As he is recording he sees a text pop up and shudders at what it says.

Monster: make yourself cum

For a second he has to stop to take a breath and not lose control, he hates that command especially because the pervert thinks it him that causes it.
When he finishes the job and receives a "good job" before even pressing send he freezes and looks up to see a window that he didn't realize he was in front of, and sees a shadow of someone walking away in the dark.
He runs to the trash and vomits everything inside. He's crying and puking as Mr. Jung walks in, he kneels down and pats his back slowly and carefully.
"Jeno, oh my god. I think you need to go home. You don't look so good." Jeno nods and tries to clean up his mess but Mr. Jung wants him to just go.
"Do you want a ride home, or do you have someone?" He asks softly.
"I have a ride, it's ok." He stands with the help of Mr. Jung and gathers his things.
"I'm really sorry, this isn't working out so well. I seem to always mess things up so I can't help. If you want to get someone else, I will understand." Mr. Jung smiles apologetically.
"Thanks for the concern but I only want you." For some reason this gives Jeno a bad feeling, the way it sounds but he shrugs it off as paranoia and heads out the door.
He walks slowly to the gym and sees Jaemin playing and decides to sneak in and hope Mr. Jung doesn't see him.
The longer he watches the better he feels. Jaemin is playing well and he's enjoying it so much. When Jaemin spots him in the crowd, he waves and smiles. He notices that Jeno looks a little off but doesn't want him to know that he does. Jeno stays and proudly watches the whole thing and waits for Jaemin just inside the door of the locker room and accepts a soft hug from him when he walks up.
"Thank you for coming to my game, but I thought you were with Mr. Jung tonight?" He shakes his head and looks to the floor.
"I wasn't feeling well. You looked so good out there tonight." He says, quickly changing the subject. Jaemin makes an attempt at a sexy face which only makes Jeno giggle. Jaemin smiles softly, loving the happiness his attempt at a joke provides. He leans in and whispers making Jeno freeze.
"Was I sexy?" He whispers, leaning in toward his face. His desire to kiss the other is overwhelming. It seems like since they are on a break from being boyfriends, he's wanted to kiss him even more and it's becoming more difficult. Jeno half smiles with a small nod, not losing eye contact. He swallows thickly as he watches him come closer but makes no attempt to stop him, it's equally as hard to stay away from Jaemin's lips. Jaemin of course realizes what he's doing and leans his chin on his shoulder and hugs him tightly, making Jeno smile gently. He loves that Jaemin is using his self control in order to respect his wishes even though it's hard for even him. Jeno pushes off the wall making Jaemin back up a bit.
"We should maybe get out of the smelly locker room now and go home?" Jeno suggests making the other giggle.
"Come on, I'll take you home."
Jeno doesn't argue, he's still really shaken up and hiding it well. At least he thinks he is. Jaemin has noticed the way his head swivels every couple seconds as he's checking out who's around them.
"Can you come with me tomorrow? I'm going to shop for cars finally." Jaemin says with his eyes lit up.
"I thought you did that already?" Jaemin shakes his head no.
"I was waiting for you, I still want your help and I want you to be healthy so I waited for you." He shrugs like it's no big deal while Jeno thinks it's so sweet.
"I would love to go with you." He says softly, watching Jaemin's eyes light up again.
When they get to his doorstep Jeno hugs him softly.
"Thank you for bringing me home." He kisses his cheek.
"What time should I be ready tomorrow?" He asks watching Jaemin smile brightly.
"As early as possible, so I can spend more time with you." Jeno pouts.
"You're too sweet." He says before placing a very soft and very deliberate kiss on his lips.
"Be here at nine? I'll set my alarm." Jeno says excitedly. He can't tell Jaemin this but it almost feels like a date and he really wishes it was. After getting in the house he slumps against the door. He's sad, tired and angry. This should be the happiest time of his life but it's far from it.

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