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On Monday Jeno is still scared, he stayed home on the weekend and other than texting his friends he didn't do anything else. To the depths of his soul he's hoping and praying this is some sort of school prank set up by whoever the school bullies may be. Of course that isn't ideal either but the thought that it could actually be someone that would harm him or his family is even more terrifying so he will wait it out and see what happens. He is determined to keep it a secret even though he desperately wants to tell someone. He called Jaemin early this morning and asked him to come to his house before school so they could ride the bus together, he really doesn't want to be alone. He's waiting in his room, ready to go when he hears the doorbell. He quickly runs down the steps and greets him.
"Hi, c-come in." He stutters. Jaemin smiles softly and walks in.
"I'm sorry if I'm burdening you, if this is too much I won't ever ask again." Jaemin takes his hand, his favorite thing to do since kissing him would be inappropriate at this point.
"You are never a burden, I'm happy for any excuse to spend time with you." Jeno blushes and pulls him into the kitchen.
"W-would you like s-some breakfast?" Jeno asks, again stuttering. Taeyong notices and frowns, he walks over and touches his head.
"Are you ok baby bro?" He asks as Jeno now frowns at him.
"I'm fine." He says with a scowl and Jaemin just chuckles at his annoyance. They eat quietly until it's time to catch the bus. Jeno holds Jaemin's hand as they leave the house, of course he would never complain about that but he does feel the constant tremble of his hand and wonders why.

Taeyong waits for Jaehyun to walk in from his overnight shift before leaving for the daycare center.
"Jae, I'm concerned about Jeno. He was stuttering an awful lot this morning and you know when that happened before was when he.."
Jaehyun pulls him into his chest and holds him tight.
"We will watch closely ok? We can ask Jaemin and his friends to keep an eye on things." Taeyong nods into his chest.
"Thank you, I love you. I just worry he will shut down and get depressed again. I hope everything is ok." Taeyong says worriedly. Jaehyun just hums and holds him.
"You better get to work baby, I'm going to bed and I will make supper tonight." Taeyong smiles and kisses his lips softly before taking his leave. Jaehyun of course is concerned for Jeno and vows he will protect him better this time.

Jaemin stays by Jeno's side as much as he possibly can sensing he is nervous about something, but he doesn't want to pry.
"Hey guys, do you know where Jisung is today? I wanted to talk to him and he hasn't been in any classes." Chenle asks while looking around. Both Jaemin and Jeno have no clue but are concerned as well.
"Have you tried calling him?" Jeno asks.
"I can't, what I need to say has to be in person but Renjun did earlier and his phone is shut off." Jaemin pulls his out and tries but it goes straight to voicemail.
"If we see him we will tell you for sure." Jeno says softly. The rest of the day is spent speculating where Jisung is. The only good thing is it kept Jeno from thinking about certain things so he was able to relax more.

At the final bell Jeno was completely ready to call Jaehyun for a ride when he spots a dark figure hiding under the stairs. He tries to walk fast fearing it is the stranger who texted him but hears his name being whispered. He freezes and at first he's too scared to even turn around but takes the chance anyway. He tries to stop his hands from trembling by holding them together tightly but the tremble in the rest of his body just takes over. He slowly turns just as his name is whispered again. He sees a tall person in jeans and a black hoody with a mask on and he wants to run but he doesn't want to over react. He cautiously takes a couple steps closer until he's within arms reach and is pulled under the stairs. The assailant puts his hand over his mouth and in this moment he sees his life flash before his eyes. He can't help the tears as he pulls away, the guy strangely doesn't hold him too tight but lets him back up.
"What do you want? I'll do anything just please don't hurt my family." The person snickers and pulls his hood and mask off revealing himself to be Jisung. Jeno gasps when he sees his condition. His face is so bruised he's hardly recognizable.
"Jisung oh my god what happened?" He walks up to examine him closely.
"Shh, please don't be too loud. I don't want anyone to see me." He puts his mask and hood back up.
"Can we go to your house and talk?" He asks quietly. Jeno nods and texts Jaehyun to see if he is at school yet and luckily he is. They quickly make an exit and practically run to Jaehyun's car. Once inside Jeno reintroduces the two and they drive in silence to his house. Jaemin had basketball practice today so Jeno didn't feel too bad leaving although he did invite him to stay and watch but maybe he will next time.
After arriving at his house they quickly go to his room where Jeno makes him take his stuff off.
"Who did this to you?" He asks as he examines his face.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He can only nod as he finally let his tears flow.
"I'm sorry, I had to come to someone I knew who would care for me. Someone I trusted. I don't want to burden you b-but I need a hug." Jisung pouts cutely and Jeno is of course there to offer a big hug.
"M-my parents did this." He whispers. Jeno gasps, horrified.
"Jisungie why? Oh my god did you call the police?" Jeno is practically panicking.
"I t-told them that I'm g-gay and in love with my best friend. They said I was a monster, a sinner and not their child anymore." Now Jeno is in tears.
"C-can I stay here for a little while? Just until my trust from my grandparents comes through? I'll pay rent and everything." Jeno softens.
"I'm sure it's fine, but did you call the police?" He shakes his head no.
"They told me not to and in return would rush the trust fund to my bank account so I could get a place to live since I'm no longer allowed to be near them." Jeno clicks his tongue in thought.
"Take your clothes off, down to your boxers and let me check you over." Jisung gets shy and Jeno just shakes his head and frowns.
"I heard you when you said you were in love with Chenle, and I only think of you as a friend so don't worry." Jisung awkwardly scratches his neck and slowly takes off his clothes. Jeno gasps and covers his mouth when he sees just how bad it really is. For Jisung who thought it was awkward initially it got even worse when Taeyong and Jaehyun bursts through the door.
"Wha? Knock!" Jeno says as he tries to shut it on them but it's too late, they've already seen it.
"Oh my god what happened to you?" Taeyong says before rushing out then back in with the first aid kit. Jeno let's him explain as he stands back and watches Taeyong and Jaehyun listen calmly and help to bandage him up.
"Can he stay here for a while? He can take my room and I'll take the couch." Jeno says and Jisung is quick to shut it down.
"Absolutely not, I'll sleep on the couch or the floor even, just having a roof over my head is more than enough." Jeno wants to argue but Taeyong shakes his head.
"Of course you can stay Jisung, go with Jae and he will give you some pajamas to wear for tonight." He nods and leaves with him so Taeyong turns to Jeno who is crying in the corner.
"I know baby bro, this kind of thing is hard to see and you want to do everything for him to make up for the hurt he experienced but that's not what he needs. It's hard enough to ask for this kind of help." He hugs him tightly.
"All he wants and needs from you right now is a nonjudgmental friend to talk to when it hurts, leave the spoiling to his man." Jeno chuckles and nods.
"Ok, thank you. You guys are so amazing. Thank you for not over reacting, I love you." Taeyong smiles and wipes his own eyes.
"I love you too now come down and eat dinner, Jae cooked and it is amazing. How was school by the way?" Jeno smiles softly.
"Is it bad that the only thing I remember about today is Jaemin being with me all day?" Taeyong's smile matches Jeno's.
"As long as it's not an everyday thing it should be fine. You do actually need to learn something too." Jeno laughs.
"You have it bad don't you?" Taeyong asks as they leave the room.
"I think I do." He says softly as they enter the dining room with the other two.

Finally after a lot of convincing Jisung decided he would take Jeno's bed tonight since he's really sore and he's not upset at all about it.

"Thanks Jeno, you are such a good friend and I, I really like your family and t-thank them too." Jeno reaches up from the floor and holds Jisung's hand.
"You are so welcome and just know that I believe all of your friends would do the same for you. Even though it doesn't seem like it at the moment they all love you so much." He squeezes his hand before letting go and rolling to his side.
"Good night Jisungie." Jisung giggles and whispers good night. He silently cries himself to sleep thankful for a warm soft bed and really good people.

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