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A lot of my chapters going forward will possibly feature some sort of sexual assault/harassment and some self harm.
I will label each chapter with, *Triggers.

When Jaemin gets to Jeno's house today it isn't him who answers the door. He tried to hide the utter disappointment upon seeing Jisung but failed miserably.
"I'm happy to see you too, friend." Jaemin chuckles and walks in.
"Where's Jen?" He asks looking around.
"I don't know, he left before I even woke up this morning." Just as Jaemin is about to leave Taeyong makes an appearance.
"Do you guys know what's wrong with Jeno? He's been off lately. Last night he said he wasn't feeling well but I heard him crying." Jaemin frowns.
"He seemed fine at school yesterday, other than the burns." Taeyong's frown deepens.
"What are you talking about? Burns?" Jaemin sighs.
"In our first class of the day the asshole teacher spilled coffee on him and burned him. I took care of him but after school I told him to have you check them." Taeyong looks around nervously fidgeting with his hands.
"Can you talk to him? See if he will tell you what's going on? I can already feel that he's shutting down and it scares me." Jaemin frowns again and nods.
"Yeah, I will but I have to go now." Taeyong nods and goes back to pacing the floor.

When Jaemin gets to school he notices Chenle, Mark and Haechan huddled in a group so he walks over.
"Hey, have you guys seen Jeno this morning?" Haechan nods as the others just stare in his direction.
"He's in the nurses office with Renjun, I'm sure he'd like to see you though." Jaemin frowns yet again and nods as he backs away. His mind is telling him he's over reacting but his heart tells him something is really wrong.
He slowly walks in and sees Renjun sitting at the head of a bed with Jeno's head in his lap. He's facing the other way so he can't see his face.
"Renjun? What happened?" He looks over and sighs.
"I'm not sure, he was sitting on the steps, cold. I think he was there for a long time and he didn't bring a jacket and his legs were exposed so yeah. I found him shivering, even as the door was opened he was still there. He hasn't told me anything so maybe you would have better luck?" Jaemin sighs deeply and gestures for him to get up so he can take his place.
"Thank you." Jaemin says softly, Renjun just nods and walks out. Jaemin wastes no time and crawls into the bed with Jeno and holds him tightly. He can hear and feel Jeno sigh.
"Jaemin." He whispers as his tears start to drip, one after another and he is thankful his face is turned away from the other. Jaemin holds him tighter but doesn't speak and Jeno is happy for it.
"You are such a good person." Jeno whispers through his tears.
"Jen, please tell me what happened? I told you I will always be by your side and I meant it but I need to know why you are like this." He pleads softly.
"I have depression. Sometimes I get lost, or unmotivated or just sad. All I need in those times is love and support and sometimes space." Jaemin starts to pull away just in case he needs space now but Jeno grabs his hands and pulls him back.
"No, please, now I need you to hold me. It takes the pain away." They turn so they are facing each other on the bed and Jaemin's heart breaks as he looks in Jeno's sad eyes. He pulls him into his chest stroking the back of his head and lets his own tears fall. They stay this way for a few minutes until Jaemin pulls back and holds Jeno's face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe his tears.
"I just want you to know that whatever is going on in here." He points to Jeno's head.
"Or here." He moves his hand to Jeno's heart.
"Or out here." He gestures around them.
"That, you are good. You are perfect to me." He whispers. Jeno nods as he feels the tears come down again as he leans in and captures a surprised Jaemin in a sweet kiss. It takes a couple of seconds for Jaemin to respond but when he does he savors every second. Their lips meld together perfectly as they deepen the kiss with a slight tilt of the head. Jeno grabs the others waist and squeezes as he pulls away slowly, tears still coming out in a steady stream.
"You keep breaking your own rule." Jeno's cheeks turn pink.
"Sorry." He whispers.
"Don't be, rules were made to be broken." Jaemin says softly as he leans back in and presses his lips to Jeno's. As the kiss deepens Jeno willingly parts his lips as Jaemin slips his warm tongue inside, they join together perfectly creating a new sensation for the two young men. Jeno can feel himself getting lost in it and he loves the feeling so much. After a few minutes he pulls back and rests his forehead on the others, giggling cutely.
"We're in the nurses office." He whispers making Jaemin cackle with laughter.
"Yeah, maybe we should do this at another place and time?" Jaemin asks shrugging slightly.
"Thank you for being here for me though, it means so much." He snuggles into Jaemin's neck and breathes in his scent, he's not sure how they became this close, this quickly but he loves it so much.
"J-jaem? I'm sc-sc-sca.. uh I'm ready to go to class." He says quickly making Jaemin frown. Jeno almost let his personal terror slip but he remembered the threats about his family and he knows that Jaemin would be a target too. He knows he must keep this a secret to keep his family and friends from getting hurt.
Jaemin knows something is wrong, he can tell by his demeanor of course, but the fact that Jaemin is certain he was going to say he was scared makes him on edge. He watches as Jeno stands and straightens his skirt, the whole time he can't make eye contact. Jaemin stands and pulls him into his arms holding him tightly.
"I've got you." He says simply, wanting Jeno to feel safe with him.
"Come on, the first bell is going to ring soon." Jeno takes his hand and pulls him out of the room. They catch up with their friends that are happy to see everything is fine. They endure the long school day just like any other. Jeno is dreading his detention today but he's going to get through it fine. He says goodbye to everyone, Jaemin being the last one.
"Do you want me to wait here and ride the bus with you?" He asks hopeful. Jeno smiles and shakes his head.
"Go home, Taeyong will come and get me." Jaemin kisses his cheek and smiles softly.
"Good luck." He says with a thumbs up.
Jeno giggles and walks to Mr. Jung's room. When he walks in he sees him working at his desk and clears his throat.
"Oh, Jeno you made it on time, good, good." Jeno tries to hand over his phone but he waves his hands confusing the other.
"Look, I feel bad for actually burning you and the only reason you are here is because if I don't maintain this tough act the kids think they can walk all over me. It happened at my last school so I'm not taking any chances here. So keep your phone, play games or work on school work. Whatever is fine with me, I'm going to be grading papers anyway." Jeno smiles great full, he is happy this teacher is not as much of a dick as he thought.
He sits at his desk and plays crossword games and other stupid cell phone games but almost drops his phone when another text from the unknown person comes in.

Unknown: How is detention going? How do I know? I know everything.
Using your flash take a picture under your desk. Lift your skirt with your legs spread wide open, I want to see your fingers too, play around a bit. Make it hard first.
By the way, don't get caught!

Jeno has to will away his tears so the teacher doesn't suspect anything. He carefully puts his hand under his desk and his skirt and starts to touch himself, at first the fear and sadness prevent anything from happening until he lets go of it and thinks of kissing Jaemin and his hands on his bare chest.
It works, he waits until the teacher turns to the white board to start writing tomorrow's assignments before lifting his skirt, he spreads his legs, and puts his hand on himself. The flash is bright and he almost runs away when the teacher asks what it is.
"N-nothing it was an accident, s-sorry." Mr Jung nods and turns back to the board.
He spends the rest of the time trying not to cry, he wishes he could be with Jaemin, wishes he wouldn't have sent him home.
"Ok, times up. I will see you Monday morning in class ok?" Jeno nods and walks toward the door with a solemn look on his face.
"Is something troubling you? If someone bullies you ever, let me know ok? By the way you've been doing really good in this class and I was wondering if you would maybe want to kind of be an assistant teacher in here?" Jeno smiles brightly with a look of shock on his face.
"It may require a few Friday afternoons to help with papers and getting stuff ready for the next week?" Jeno nods happily.
"I would love that sir, thank you." He's still really upset about the text but this at least gives him something happy to look forward to, something better to think about. He's also happy that he finally made friends with the teacher he thought was so scary.
He walks out and sees Jaemin sitting by the stairs and smiles softly.
"You waited." He says simply as he startled Jaemin who was daydreaming.
"I didn't get to come with you this morning." He says shrugging.
"Sorry, did you go all the way to my house?" Jaemin takes his hand and starts walking.
"Yeah, but hey I got to say hi to Jisung." Jeno smiles apologetically.
"It's fine Jen. You were going through something, but anyway, how was detention?" Jeno smiles.
"It wasn't too bad I guess. When I was done he told me that I'm doing so good in his class that he wants me to be like an assistant teacher and help with preparing lessons and stuff." Jaemin can't help the proud smile.
"That's great, I guess that means he doesn't hate you after all." Jeno chuckles.
"I guess." Jeno has decided that to get through this with some amount of sanity, he will need to block out the bad stuff as if it never happened and only focus on the good parts of his day. After all he won't be able to keep it a secret if he shows how badly it actually fucks him up.
He hopes his new strategy will help him cope, he would hate to see someone he loves get hurt because of his carelessness.

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