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Sometimes as I'm writing this I wonder if I can actually fit Jeno into a character like this. Like his persona 90% of the time is not soft but then he goes and does what he did in the uncut behind for Beautiful and hops on Mark's back and I'm like, ok there it is. Anyway it was too cute. ⬆️ I added the picture to the top because it's just too adorable. 💚

When Jeno is up and ready by seven AM on a Saturday Taeyong is a little taken aback.
"Hey baby bro, what's got you up so early?" He questions with a soft smile, genuinely happy to see Jeno in a good place right now.
"I'm helping Jaemin car shop today." He says with his eye smile showing. Taeyong can't help but coo at him.
"Gah. You are cute today and you look pretty by the way. Is it a date? I thought you broke up?" He questions before noticing the shift in his brother.
"Can you stop reminding me? I'm an idiot, I know.." he slumps into a chair so Taeyong walks behind him and back hugs him.
"Jeno, I love you and you know it, but it is what it is. Of course I don't understand at all, because you radiate happiness when you see, hear or talk about him. If you hear his name and even when you think about him. But, you know how and why you feel those feelings and that's what matters." Jeno just nods and hugs his brother tightly.
"I love you Tyong." He says cutely.
He grabs an apple to hold him over until Jaemin gets there, they plan on eating breakfast first.

When the doorbell finally rings Jeno runs to it and opens it quickly, taking Jaemin's breath away.
"Wow, you look amazing." He says as he reaches out for Jeno's hand. Jeno shyly puts his hand in his and kisses his cheek.
"Thank you, it's literally just a sweater and jeans but thanks." Jaemin shakes his head.
"You look amazing in everything." He then leans in and whispers.
"And in nothing." Jeno can feel the heat run through his body as he yells out to Taeyong.
"We're leaving now." Taeyong shouts his goodbye as the door slams.
"I meant what is said, you are beautiful all the time." Jeno smiles shyly and looks down at his shoes.
"You look really good today too Jaem." Jaemin smiles softly and holds himself back from taking Jeno's lips. He has to remind himself that even though he wants it to be, this is not a date. Jeno is struggling with this too. He wishes it was a date, it feels like a date and he has to try not to dwell on anything because then he will just get sad.
They hop on a bus and head downtown, Jaemin stayed up and did some research. He found at least five different dealerships and the perfect place for breakfast, and if they are out late enough, lunch too.
After the bus stop they only have to walk two blocks to the cutest little pastry shop Jeno has ever seen. The building was just a small corner store, white with pink accents and sign. When you walk in, you can't help but feel cozy and warm.
"Jaem, this is beautiful, I love it so much." Jaemin smiles, knowing all of his research lead him to the right place. They walked to the counter and Jeno has literal stars in his eyes as he reads the board. He knows Jaemin well enough to know he didn't find this place by accident.
They order a couple pastries, Jeno gets hot cocoa and Jaemin gets coffee. They find a nice little table at the back of the store.
"I hope the food is good." Jaemin chuckles and Jeno gets defensive.
"It's just that it is so pretty and I want to come back again." Jaemin chuckles and takes his hand.
"You're cute." He says softly making the other blush.
"So what kind of cars are you looking at?" Jeno asks changing the subject.
"Mostly I want something that is nice enough to last me through med school but not too high maintenance." He pauses as a little old lady walks up with a tray of their drinks and pastries on it.
She gently sets it down and Jeno notices that even the tray is beautiful. She watches as he smiles while taking in the presentation. The pastries are plated on nice glass plates with delicate coffee cups to match.
"Wow. It's so pretty." He says to her and she smiles proudly.
"Not that many young men appreciate these things." His smile drops as he's expecting an insult now.
"Oh well.." He doesn't get to finish, as she stops him right away.
"Put that smile back on your face young man, you have a beautiful smile." He looks up confused to her smiling face.
"I'm proud and happy that you like it. I'm not going to judge anyone on anything. I know how it feels. Now enjoy." She smiles again and walks away.
"I like her." Jaemin says as he watches Jeno make a cute face.
"She scared me at first, but she seems nice." He says looking in her direction.
They enjoyed their breakfast so much and vowed to return soon.
"I really like it here, I wish I knew how to bake like this." Jeno says to the old lady before they leave. She smiles and stares him down a bit.
"Come back on Monday, I need a helper and I can teach you to bake." His face lights up.
"Really? Oh my gosh. I'd love that. I'll come after school!" He turns to Jaemin who is smiling ear to ear.
"That's so great, Jeno." Jeno excitedly kisses his lips then jumps back as soon as he realizes what he did. He covers his mouth and looks between the two. Jaemin just has an understanding and soft smile on while the lady smiles as well.
"See you Monday." She says as she disappears into the back. He looks back to Jaemin, nerves present.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. Jaemin shakes his head and pulls him along behind.
"It's ok, I miss your lips." He says, trying not to sound sad but Jeno can tell.
By the second dealer Jaemin pretty much knew which car he wanted and Jeno was helpful in that decision. He didn't want to cut this short though so they still went to the others to "price compare" as he told Jeno. They ate lunch together and finally went back to do the paperwork for his car. He picked a charcoal Hyundai Sonata, it looks good and is a reliable car which is everything he wanted.
After getting done Jaemin wanted to take a drive to test out his new wheels so they went from one end of the city to the other before deciding to head to Jeno's.
"Will you stay for dinner?" Jeno asks softly as they sit in the car in his driveway. Jaemin is quick to unbuckle and hop out.
"You don't have to ask me twice." He says to a shocked Jeno, who still hasn't unbuckled. They make small talk with Taeyong and Jaehyun before Jeno ushers him upstairs.
"I want to talk to you." Jeno says making Jaemin shrink in on himself.
"The last time we had a talk, my heart was broken." He sits on the bed and waits for Jeno to start.
"I know, but we never even talked about it. I just kind of threw it at you and walked away and then, well you know." Jaemin nods and takes his hand and pulls him into his lap.
"I'm all ears." He says softly putting his head on Jeno's shoulder.
"So I uh, feel really bad about that whole day but especially because of what we did the night before." He wipes at his eyes and sniffles so Jaemin squeezes his waist.
"I'm so conflicted though because I really enjoyed it and I'm glad it happened but since I changed my mind the next day I wish we would have waited." Jaemin hums.
"Well, if you are worried about me? I have no regrets when it comes to you." Jaemin says softly and Jeno can only nod now as his tears come faster.
"I never, ever wanted to hurt you and seeing what I did to you that day made me so angry with myself but the fact that I was feeling like I wanted to end my life, I thought it was only fair to cut you off first." Jaemin's heart is shattered. He holds Jeno tighter and cries into his shoulder. He knew that was what he wanted that day but hearing him say it out loud guts him. Jeno comforts him now and rubs his back.
"Like, you need to know it had nothing to do with you. I'm dealing with the monster the best I can and that day was just too much. It had been building for a while and I couldn't do it anymore." Jaemin kisses his forehead.
"I'll help you fight any monster. Let me help you." He pleads and Jeno can only shake his head no.
"Just keep doing what you are doing because with all my faults and problems you have been perfect." Jaemin takes a chance and softly kisses his lips.
"Will you cuddle me for a while?" Jeno asks with a pout and points to his bed. Jaemin smiles big and helps him to stand so they can get on the bed properly and cuddle.

After a long time of just holding each other in silence Jaemin speaks up.
"Jeno, I don't want to make you feel pressured at all but I was thinking about us a lot." Jeno looks him in the eyes.
"I know you aren't ready for a title and I am completely on board with that but as you know I have some real, strong feelings for you and I just want to know how you feel about dating me?" Jeno gives him a confused look.
"What I mean is, let's do what we didn't do in the beginning and go on dates and just get to know each other more and see where the road takes us and when you are ready then we can be exclusive. But for now if you want we can leave it open and you can even date other people if you want to?" Jeno frowns and Jaemin is still recovering from saying that because in all honesty he doesn't want to share Jeno but if that's what he wants then he will do what he has to. Jeno giggles a little and kisses his nose.
"I really like that idea except for one thing. Me not wanting to be in a committed relationship with you yet, has nothing to do with other people. I just want to be fully present and I want my mind in a better place before we take that step. Of course I will date you but only on one condition." Jaemin hums and snuggles into his neck.
"I don't want to start over, we are just readjusting. Today was an amazing second date and I don't want you to take that away from me." Jaemin smiles widely and Jeno can feel it on his skin.
"Deal, and so you know? I wanted this to be our second date and I'm so glad it was." Jeno kisses him again and they continue to cuddle until they are called down for dinner.

Date outfits below⬇️

Date outfits below⬇️

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