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Jeno grabs Jaemin by the arm after lunch and pulls him aside, of course he could be leading him to his death and he wouldn't even mind.
"Is something wrong?" He asks softly. Jeno shakes his head no.
"I just, I was wondering if you could tell me about Mark?" Jaemin cringes, automatically assuming the worst.
"Why ask me?" He asks trying not to sound disappointed.
"I trust you the most, and I'm tutoring him after school and I want to make sure I'll be safe." Jaemin softens and takes his hand.
"Of course, Mark is a really nice guy." Jeno sighs in relief.
"Thank you. I don't want anyone to know but at my last school there were a lot of students who were not nice to me at all and they would pull pranks on me. I still don't know who all I can trust here yet so thank you." Jaemin pulls him in for a soft hug.
"Thank you for trusting me." He smiles warmly at him.
"Everyone we sit with at lunch are safe, there are more too, but for sure all of them." Jeno smiles brightly and hugs Jaemin again. They practically have to run to their next classes but both make it on time.

When the final bell rings for the day Jaemin catches up with him again.
"Hey, Jeno. Uh, so a few of us on the team are playing a little ball in the gym for like an hour or so and if you want to come and watch or even play you can stop by when you are done?" Jeno's eyes light up.
"I would love to, I'll check to see if you are still there when I get done." Jaemin smiles like the lovesick teenager he is and walks away. Jeno giggles and heads to the library.
He sees Mark sitting, awaiting his arrival. He smiles brightly and waves.
"You didn't wait long did you?" He asks in a whisper.
"No I just got here." Jeno smiles and sits next to him.
"So is there something specific you want to work on or just general stuff?" He asks playing nervously with the hem of his skirt.
"Today I just wanted some help with this assignment." He opens his notes and Jeno can see he's already finished the same one.
"It's due tomorrow and I'm stuck on these essay parts." Jeno nods and looks over what he has so far.

It didn't take too long before he coached him through it. Jeno is very patient and takes his time and Mark appreciates that.
"Thank you for all of your help. I have to go now, Haechan's parents invited me for dinner so I can't be late." Jeno smiles brightly.
"You are welcome, just let me know if anything else stumps you and maybe we could all study together before tests and things?" Mark nods as he starts to walk out.
"That would be great, well I have to go, thanks again." Jeno just waves as he watches him leave. He gathers his things and wanders back through the school. He's not watching where he's going when he bumps into a hard chest and falls over. He shakes his head and laughs at himself before looking up horrified.
"Oh I'm so sorry." He says as he scrambles to cover himself when he realizes his skirt was up showing too much, and the fact that it's his teacher that is standing there is not comforting at all.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Jung." He shakes his head.
"I should give you after school detention for so many reasons right now but I'll let it go since you are new here." Jeno frowns, he has no idea what he could have possibly done to earn a detention in the first place but decides not to question it.
"Now, please stand and be on your way." He says before stomping off. Jeno slowly gets to his feet and looks around to see if anyone else seen it but no one was there. He slowly walks toward the gym and doesn't even get there before bumping into an angry, sweaty Jisung.
"Move." He says as Jeno now realizes he's blocking the locker room door.
"Oh sorry." He can't help but feel like a burden today as he seems to be pissing everyone off. He walks closer to the gym and sees Jaemin hugging Chenle who's crying. He isn't really sure what's happening, he thinks maybe he got hurt. He rushes in and goes up to them. Jaemin tries to smile but his heart is hurting for Chenle.
"Are you ok Chenle? Did you get hurt?" Chenle looks up with his tear stained face and shakes his head no.
"Mind your own business." He blurts out angrily. Jeno tries not to let the hurt show but he can't help it. Jaemin scolds Chenle with a look but it's too late, Jeno is hurt and Jaemin is trying not to lose his cool on his friend.
"Look Chenle." He says with gritted teeth.
"I know you are sad but that is no reason to hurt Jeno, he was trying to be kind to you." He watches as Jeno sadly walks out of the gym and is torn between chasing him and staying with his friend he's known for six years.
Jeno panics when he enters the hallway as he sees Mr. Jung again and is too humiliated to face him. He slips into the locker room and can hear Jisung chanting "stupid" over and over. He takes a chance and walks around the corner and sees him sitting with his head in his hands.
"Are you ok? I'm sorry for asking but I just care so please don't yell at me." Jisung chuckles and pats the spot next to him on the bench.
"I'm sorry, for being a prick in the hall. I didn't mean it, I'm just beyond frustrated." He sighs and Jeno nods, smiling softly.
"I understand, Chenle kind of yelled at me too so it must have to do with him?" He chuckles.
"Sorry, I know it's none of my business." He says as he awkwardly taps his foot.
"It's fine, it's just that Chenle confessed to me and I rejected him, I feel bad enough but everyone in our friend group is taking his side and I can't help it." Jeno rubs his shoulders.
"I won't take anyone's side. So if you ever need to talk? I'll listen. If your heart is not beating for him then you can't help that, but have you explained yourself? Have you guys talked at all about it?" Jisung leans his head back on the wall.
"Not really, I never got the chance he told me his feelings then walked away when I turned him down and now he ignores me and it hurts so much because we used to be best friends." Jeno stands and offers him a hand.
"You know, when I first saw you at our table I thought you were kind of odd, no offense." Jisung says as Jeno just frowns, it's not like he's not used to that.
"I'm sorry, it's just my family has always taught me these things are bad, that being different is bad and now I admire you. I think you are brave and amazing because you don't care what people think." Jeno shakes his head sadly.
"I wake up every morning and have to tell myself "it's ok to be who you are, just to get dressed and leave my house. I have to be me but that doesn't mean that other peoples cruelty doesn't hurt." Jisung accepts his hand and stands.
"Thank you. It's nice to have someone to talk to. Maybe sometime we could maybe hang out at your house and talk? I'd invite you to mine but my parents would kill me for even talking to you." Jeno nods and smiles softly.
"I understand. I'm going home now, my brother might be worried."
Jeno leaves the locker room, still cautious of the teacher so he peeks back into the gym to see Jaemin is sitting on the bench alone, he walks in and quietly sits next to him.
"I'm glad you didn't leave. I'm sorry about Chenle though, he's just sad and he's not trying to be mean to you..." Jeno puts his hand on Jaemin's leg.
"It's ok, I understand. Are you done yet? I was thinking it would be nice if you ride the bus home with me today. I just feel a little off and I want company." Jaemin smiles wide, Jeno doesn't realize how happy these things make the other.

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