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The next week of school goes by in a haze for Jeno. He feels himself slipping back into depression and he hates it. By Friday he's had enough so when he sees the person sitting on a bench he storms up to them. He knows he has officers watching him and knows that Jaemin is literally on his heels but he wants answers now.
"Tell me who you are, why are you here? Please? Are you watching me? Are you trying to get revenge for that son of bitch?" He sighs and looks up to the sky in frustration as they lower their head. Jaemin comes up and holds him around the waist.
"It's ok baby, I'll take care of it." He lets go and by now their friends have come up and so have the officers that are assigned to him.
Jaemin steps around him and goes up to them ready to hit them when an officer steps in.
"I've got this, you step down." He says to an angry Jaemin.
"You've got this? This son of a bitch has been here all week and you've done nothing while Jeno is suffering." He's all but in the officer's face and everyone is trying to get him to back down so he doesn't get in trouble. It's to the point of distraction that it isn't until Jeno tackles the person who took off running that they all notice.
Jeno is fed up and wants answers. He doesn't struggle long with them until he pulls the hood back. His hand flies up to his mouth and he recoils in shock.
"Mr. Lee, is everything ok here? Should we arrest them?" He shakes his head no and gets off of them. They see a middle aged woman staring up at him with tears running down her face. He surprises everyone when he holds his hand out to her. He helps her up and pulls her behind him.
"Give us some space please." He says as he turns to look at everyone who wants to follow, especially Jaemin.
They round the corner and he lets go of her arm.
"Why are you here? Why are you trying to upset me? Just when I think I can have a normal life for once I have to be paranoid about someone stalking me. Don't you think I've been through enough? Do you have any idea how fucked up my life has been?" He chuckles bitterly.
"You wouldn't, would you? You wouldn't know because you left." She looks down ashamed.
"Us leaving, was the best thing that could have happened to you. I knew you were in good hands with Taeyong and Jaehyun." He scoffs.
"But you're my mom. You are supposed to love me unconditionally, you are supposed to protect me and teach me and just love m-me." His voice waivers as he tries but fails to control his tears.
"I was protecting you." She says barely above a whisper.
"I never stopped lo.." He holds up his hand.
"Stop. I don't want to hear anymore. Stop stalking me. If I see you again I will have you arrested." She couldn't stop her tears if she tried.
"I'm sorry." She whispers as she leaves quietly behind the school. Jeno doesn't resurface to face anyone for a few more minutes. When he does he sees that the only people remaining are his friends, a policeman and Jaemin. He walks slowly out from around the corner and completely melts into Jaemin's hold. He doesn't ask questions, he doesn't have to really, everyone figured it out. The officer only leaves when Jeno gives him the ok. His friends all leave with the promise to call him later which he appreciates.
The ride home is quiet. Jaemin knows it's up to him to talk about, if he wants to. He doesn't. At least until he gets home. He sits beside Jaemin and holds his hand the whole time.
Taeyong walks in the room to greet him and already knows something is wrong.
"It was our mother. Tell Jae he can call off the cops now." Taeyong sits across from him with a frown.
"I told her to leave you alone, I said if you wanted to see her you would find her." Jeno nods.
"She said she was protecting us, that's why they left." He stands and pulls Jaemin up too. He doesn't say anymore, just takes his boyfriend to his room. Jaemin still hasn't said anything he's waiting for Jeno to indicate he's ready to talk, something the latter is thankful for. He goes to his closet and takes off his uniform as Jaemin just sits on the edge of his bed.
When Jeno emerges with his leggings and big soft hoody Jaemin knows he needs cuddles and opens his arms. Jeno sits on his lap and lets him hold him tightly.
"I love you." He says softly making Jaemin smile.
"I love you baby. We all love you so much." Jeno nods into his neck.
"I know. You all are my family in some form and I'm so great full." He sighs and goes to lay down and has Jaemin join him.
"I'm thinking about maybe letting her try to explain but I just couldn't hear it today. It's just so much, I was so anxious all the time and then I find out it's my mother." Jaemin kisses his cheek softly.
"Whatever you are comfortable with. Only do it for you." Jeno smiles and touches his lovers face.
"Thank you. You were perfect today. I don't know how you always know what I need but I appreciate it so much." He chuckles a little.
"You were even willing to fight a policeman for me." Jaemin looks away, a little embarrassed.
"If you wouldn't have tackled her I probably would be in jail right now." He kisses Jeno's head and rubs his back softly.
"I am tired of seeing you in pain and scared. God it hurts. I just want it over you know? You are my heart and more than anything I want you to be happy so I can see your beautiful smile." Jeno untangles himself so he can look at his face. He doesn't say anything, just leans into him and places his soft lips on Jaemin's. When they pull apart a few seconds later Jeno just stares at him then flashes him a pretty smile making his heart flutter.
"Thank you for staying with me even though I come with a lot of drama." He says with a smile. Jaemin chuckles and kisses his face.
"You come perfect, my beautiful, perfect heart." They will stay this way for most of the evening.

"It was my mom. Jeno said his stalker was my mom." Jaehyun is shocked but still skeptical.
"Why though? What does she want?" Taeyong shrugs.
"Probably to apologize? I'm not sure. I believe what she told me but I still feel like she could have done it differently." He sighs and leans into his love.
"I guess I'm glad it was her and not some creep but I don't want this to mess with his psyche. He's already struggling." Jaehyun shakes his head no.
"No baby. He is getting stronger every day, I can see it. This could be a small set back but he wants more than anything to be over this so I think his determination will get him through."

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