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"We're graduating in a month, I'm so nervous." Haechan says as he's sprawled across Jeno's bed.
"Why?" Haechan sighs.
"What if Mark finds a more sophisticated, or prettier man than me? What if he leaves me behind?" Jeno rubs his back.
"I'm sure that won't happen. You two are destined to be together." Haechan hums.
"What about you? Are you excited to move in together?" Jeno nods with a big grin.
"I love falling asleep with him and waking up in his arms. I know his school career is going to be really busy but at least I'll have that." Haechan giggles.
"Such a romantic." He jokes.
"No but really it will be tough for you, I don't know much but doctors study a lot and he will be leaving you alone a lot." Jeno frowns and picks at his blanket.
"I already know this. You don't have to remind me." He says with a pout.
"I'm only saying that when this happens, when you feel absolutely alone? Because you will. Just don't hesitate to reach out to any of us. You know we are all there for you always and will have your back whenever you need us. We love you, you came into our lives at the very perfect time and turned it upside down in the best way possible for all of us." Jeno can't help the tears. He wipes his eyes and allows Haechan to pull him into his arms where they both end up sleeping.

When Mark and Jaemin arrive to see their boyfriends like this they just smile softly to each other. Jaemin taps Haechan gently and strokes Jeno's face.
"I think I lost my best friend to my boyfriend." Jaemin says with a pout.
"I think that's entirely possible." Haechan whispers with a giggle. Jaemin scoffs and Mark pats his back in mock sympathy.
"Come on guys, we are going to be late. We have to pick up Renjun still. Chenle and Jisung will be meeting us." They both reluctantly get up from their lovely Saturday nap.
"Junie!" Jeno says excitedly and hugs him before letting him into the car. Jeno is currently cuddled between Haechan and Renjun in the backseat as he was still feeling cuddly when they left the house. Jaemin thinks it is the cutest and it takes everything in his power to keep his eyes on the road and not stare at his sweet boy in the mirror.
After getting to the cafe for lunch they all pile into the biggest booth they have and order their usuals. They've been trying to get together every weekend so they can spend as much time together as possible before the real world begins.
"Guys, I finally decided what I'm going to do with my life." Jeno announces. Jaemin gives him an encouraging nudge because when he told him he said he thought everyone would think it's dumb, of course Jaemin said otherwise.
"I'm going to be a pastry chef. Wendy has offered to keep me on for more hands on training and I'm going to school to get better so one day I can open my own shop." Renjun is the first to offer a hug and share his excitement with everyone else following suit.
"So you can give us all discounts on our wedding cakes?" Chenle asks with a big smile and Jeno can't help but return it.
"Of course I will." He says softly. Jaemin kisses his cheek making him smile.

At home he pulls Jaemin into the living room to where Tae and Jae are watching tv. When they sit he clutches Jaemin's hand for strength then clears his throat to get their attention.
"Uh, guys there's something I need to talk to you about." He says softly.
"What's up?" Jaehyun asks.
"I want to meet our mother." He starts to wipe at his eyes.
"Are you sure?" Taeyong asks in shock. He nods as he looks down.
"I just want to know why. When we were younger, she was the best, I always felt loved by her. She was so sweet and then one day she flipped and I just want to know why." He fidgets and plays with his pant leg.
"When I caught up to her that day at the school she said something, she said she did it to protect us. I just want to ask what she meant." He chuckles and looks at Taeyong.
"Don't worry, you will always be mom to me, because no matter what you were there when I needed you most." He says sweetly making everyone cry.
"Ok, baby bro, if that's what you want I'll text you her phone number and you can call her and set up a meeting?" Taeyong says getting his phone out.
"No, actually I'm too nervous for that. I was hoping you would set it up and go with me?" He asks sweetly. Taeyong nods with a small smile.
"Of course. I'll call her tomorrow." He says before getting up and hugging him.
"Thank you." Jeno whispers in his ear.
After talking for a little while they head up to his bedroom for the night. They change into comfortable clothes and crawl into bed to watch a movie. Jeno lays his head on Jaemin's chest and sighs.
"What is it baby?" Jaemin asks knowing something is up.
"Haechan and I were talking about school and how much I would miss you. So I decided I'm going to cling to you every chance I get." Jaemin chuckles and plays with his hair.
"Good. I'll cling to you too. I love you baby. My pretty, strong, sexy baby." Jeno hums and looks up to him before crawling over him and latching on like a koala. Jaemin can't control his giggles and neither can the culprit.
"What if I hold on just like this?" He asks between giggles. Jaemin wraps his arms around him and holds him tightly.
"Then I will hold on tightly and kiss you all over." He says before attacking his neck with soft kisses. Jeno giggles more and looks up at him again with smiling eyes, the eyes Jaemin loves.
"I love you." He says softly.
"I love you and even when you think I've forgotten all about you and am too busy to spend time with you, I will still love you. More and more every day. You will be the one thing that keeps me grounded when I don't think I can take it anymore." Jeno nods and wipes his eyes with a sniffle.
"You are always good. You've always been an amazing person. You always know how to treat me and I'm so happy you are my person." Jeno says before snuggling into his neck.
"Will you come with me when I see my mother?" Jaemin squeezes him.
"Yes. Of course." They exchange a few more sweet kisses and end up falling asleep without watching anything but that's ok. Holding each other is always better than anything else anyway.

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