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This is it, the last chapter. 😢 I am writing an epilogue, look for it in the next few days.
Thank you to those who have supported this book. I always appreciate you.

"Are you ready?" Jaemin asks Jeno as he is putting on the finishing touches of his makeup.
"Mm, yes. I'm a little nervous to walk in front of everyone though." He says with a small smile. Jaemin walks up behind him and hugs him.
"You are going to be the prettiest person to walk across that stage today." Jeno chuckles and decides to be just a little vane today.
"Psh, I know that. I'm just afraid I might trip or something." Jaemin chuckles, it's rare but when Jeno's confidence comes out it's a beautiful thing. Jeno laughs and leans back in his chair to kiss his lover's cheek.
"Let's go graduate." He says softly.

"This year in our graduating class we have athletes, future farmers, business owners, nurses and even doctors. This class is filled with potential and I have faith that all of you will find the path for you and follow it through. When I think back on this class I will remember a number of great things and people to come out of it but mostly I will remember the bravery. As most of you know we had a tragic event that unfolded here and while we don't know all the details, we know that because of two brave students we no longer have a monster terrorizing our hallways. Thanks to you, even though you didn't ask for it you prevented further abuse, you are hero's." The whole place erupts in cheers after hearing the principle's speech. Jeno makes eye contact with Jaemin who's in another row and both are a little teary.

When each name is called differing levels of cheers erupt. Someone from Haechan's family jumped up and danced around while cheering making everyone laugh. Jisung's parents of course didn't come so his makeshift family including Mark's, Haechan's, Chenle's Jaemin's and Jeno's as they did with all of the group all stood and cheered loudly along with his friend group, but his was just a little louder. He cried, his heart filled with joy and he cried all the way across the stage and the tears didn't stop when he sat down. Chenle, Jaemin and Renjun then Mark went. It was a tearful event for all but when Jeno was called and his ever expanding family cheered him on, along with a lot of the rest of the school and most importantly his mother, he wept. He invited her after a few phone calls that they've shared. He's trying to expand their relationship a little at a time and he thought she should get to see this. It meant more to him than anyone will ever know that she came. He looked out and made eye contact with the love of his life just as he was handed his diploma, then he looked to his Brother and brother in law whom he owes so much to. His heart is full.

After the ceremony and a lot of hugs shared between the group and all of their parents they are all headed to a restaurant that Jaemin's mom and dad had set up reservations. All will pitch in on the total cost of course but they wanted to celebrate as a big group for tonight. They even made room for Jeno's mother, she was hesitant but everyone welcomed her nicely. Jeno thought it was a nice time to introduce her to Jaemin's parents. They had many tables pushed together in one of the rooms in the back. There was laughter and fun and family.
Jisung excuses himself to go to the restroom and is stopped dead in his tracks on his way back when his parents are right in front of him. He can feel the tremble all over his body begin to start and his throat is dry.
"What is a disgrace like you doing here?" His father asks.
"G-graduated, I graduated and I'm here with m-my
f-family." He says quietly. He then hears his dad scoff and he hates this. He was hoping to never have to see him again.
"Why are you talking to me? If I'm such a disgrace and you can't have me live in your house or associate with you, then why the fuck are you bothering me when I'm happy?" His father frowns while his mother looks around to see if anyone heard him.
"You are right." The doors to their private room open. Chenle was worried. He whispers something to his parents as they try to see who Jisung is talking to.
"I'm not sure why I stopped to talk to a piece of garbage like you." His dad spits out making more than a few people turn their heads.
"Excuse me? Why are you being disrespectful to my son?" A tall man behind Chenle asks.
"How dare you claim him?" The man he recognizes as Chenle's dad frowns and rolls up his sleeves.
"You certainly don't have the right to call him that. He is going to marry my son someday and I'm proud as hell to call him son too." He gets closer making him back up a little.
"If you will excuse us we are having a family dinner and you are blocking his way." He says as Chenle comes up and nudges his way through them to take his boyfriends trembling hand. As he passes his father, he stops to whisper in his ear.
"I suggest your harassment stops here. He told me about the deal you made and I took pictures of him the day you beat him. You can still be charged." His father coughs violently and steps completely out of the way. He watches as he goes in the room to be enveloped by many loving arms and grumbles.
"I love you Jisungie." Chenle holds his face in both hands and pulls him down for a kiss. Jisung is mostly ok. He knows things are over between them and he knows he has a new family now but it still hurts. He tries to not let it ruin his evening but he still cries a little.

After Jisung's little run in with his parents everyone had a great time. Even he eventually forgot about it enough to enjoy himself.
Jeno sits with Jaemin on his side, his head is resting on his shoulder and he has the biggest grin possible. He's having the time of his life. To think that not too long ago he was bullied in his previous school and shunned by his parents. He's happy to have all of this love and support in one way or another. He's happy that him and his brother/mom have made a peace with their own mother. He knows the damage that happened because of their traumas will always be there in some form to shape them, especially his, but they have each other.
Jaemin sits with his hand on the skin of his beautiful lover's thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth absentmindedly as he enjoys this atmosphere. He of course loves that they are all together like this but mostly he's happy for his baby. He's happy that he is truly happy and that he has a permanent place in that happiness.
Taeyong is across the table holding Jaehyun's hand and staring at his baby bro. He only always wanted to do right by him and make him feel as though he had a family even when it was just the three of them. As he sits here tonight, seeing the beautiful smile etched on Jeno's face he couldn't be more happy. He has accepted that not every bad thing that happened is his fault especially with Jeno. He blamed himself for everything that ever happened to him. His parents leaving, the bullying, and almost losing him twice. He finally realizes that with all that he still helped him to get through and even though as an ever growing family they will always have work to do, that he plays a pivotal role in Jeno's happiness.

Sometimes the best family is one made up not of what you are born into but of the people you love along the way....


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