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As the days and weeks go by and school is nearing close to the end for the group of friends, things are slowly falling into place, going back to normal in a sense. For Jeno he's more comfortable than he's ever felt considering the monster didn't really give him a chance to get used to his new school before taking his innocence away. He's feeling a sense of normalcy and it's heaven. Jaemin still dotes on his every need and want and Jeno thinks that will never change.
As the car stops outside the pastry shop Jeno leans over and kisses Jaemin on the lips sweetly.
"Thank you for the ride." He says as he gets ready to go into work.
"Are you sure you need a job here baby? I miss you already." Jeno chuckles but gets a very serious look on his face.
"You want to be a doctor, you need to study. Besides there will be so many late nights when you are in college and even when you start practicing, that we will have to get used to being away from each other so it's easier then."
Jaemin looks solemnly out the windshield.
"I know, maybe I shouldn't be a..." He doesn't get to finish as Jeno smashes his lips to his.
"You never ever give up on your dreams. I will be with you every step of the way. We will be fine trust me. Now before I'm late, I'm going in." He chuckles as he opens the door watching Jaemin pout.
"I'll see you in a few hours." He rolls his eyes fondly and walks into the shop.
"Hi Wendy, how are you today?" She smiles softly at him and hugs him.
"I missed my favorite employee, that's for sure." He giggles and kisses her cheek.
"Im your only employee." He says with a chuckle, she only shrugs.
"After you are ready, go check on the person in the corner then we will work on some cinnamon buns." She says as he goes to the back to clock in and get an apron. He comes back out and slowly walks to the table. He recognizes them from his school, he has seen them a few times in the parking lot.
"Excuse me? Uh do you need anything else?" He asks cautiously. They only shake their head no so he starts to walk away, but quickly turns after feeling brave enough to ask.
"Have I seen you before? Do you pick someone up at my school?" He asks as he turns and watches the masked person fix their hood and shake their head no vigorously. They finally stand up and fast walk out of the place leaving Jeno confused. It makes him a little on edge, wondering if he should be worried but he doesn't want to be, he doesn't want to live like that anymore.
"They've been coming here all week now, do you know them?" Wendy asks. Jeno shakes his head.
"No I don't think so." He goes on about his shift and tries to forget but it doesn't really leave him, so when Jaemin walks in he hugs him tightly.
"I need to tell you something." He says with a nervous edge to his voice.
"Not here, let's go for a walk." He says pulling him toward the exit.
"Bye Wendy, see you tomorrow." He waves to her as she smiles and waves back.
"What's going on baby? You seem anxious." Jaemin says.
"I'm a little worried about a person. I see them almost every day after school, waiting outside the gate and they always seem to be looking at me. I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not though. I thought it was just a coincidence but now today they were in the cafe, when I asked if they have been coming to my school they shook their head no and left. I don't know, maybe it's nothing, but I thought you should know." Jaemin frowns.
"Thank you for telling me baby. Will you show me them next time?" Jeno nods and kisses his cheek.
"I just thought I was done feeling scared but there always seems to be something." He sighs and Jaemin hugs him tightly.
"We will figure this out ok?" He nods again and they continue walking together until they come to an ice cream shop so Jaemin takes him in to get a treat.
"I'm going to get fat." Jeno says with a pout.
"And I will love you still." Jaemin says with a cute smile.
"You are so cheesy." Jeno says as he slaps his arm playfully. They eat their ice cream and talk about their future plans and Jeno does not want to tell Jaemin how worried he is about college. Not for himself but for Jaemin, he knows he will be busy and their time will be limited. He doesn't doubt his love and dedication, he just doesn't want him to burn out while trying too hard to cater to his needs too.
Jaemin takes him home, he leaves a long slow kiss in his wake. They are trying to keep their sleepovers to a minimum even though neither family mind in the slightest. They just want to slow down a little bit because they do plan to move in together after they graduate. Jaemin already knows the school he is going to and it's right in the city and Jeno hasn't told him yet but he's finally decided on where he's going to school and it's not far from where they will live.
"I love you baby, don't worry too much ok? We've got your back. Maybe tell Jaehyun about this person too, it wouldn't hurt." He shrugs and Jeno just smiles and pecks his lips.
"Thanks, I think I may just be paranoid but I didn't want to keep any more secrets from you." He says with a sadness in his voice that breaks Jaemin every time. He pulls him into his arms and just holds him for a little while. When he pulls back he leaves soft kisses all over Jeno's face and neck making him giggle.
"Good night baby. I love you." He says softly.
"Good night, I love you too." Jeno says with a small smile.
He walks in after one more kiss and hugs Taeyong who's sitting on the couch. He sits on his lap making him grunt.
"Are you ok?" He asks softly and Jeno only nods.
"I just need love from my big brother." He says softly as he cuddles into his neck. Taeyong rubs his back and snuggles in. They stay this way for a while, Jaehyun thinks it's the cutest when he comes home to them sleeping this way and takes their picture. Jaemin's heart swell's when Jaehyun sends him the picture too.

"Wake up boys." Jae says softly. Taeyong stirs first, and slowly smiles up at him. Jaehyun realizes just how happy he's been lately that their relationship is getting healed, even if it's a slow process.
"Everything good?" He whispers and watches Taeyong nod.
"Baby bro, wake up. We should go to bed." He says to Jeno who groggily looks around.
"Oh, yeah. Love you guys." He says before kissing Taeyong's cheek and pulling Jae into their pile for a hug. They all giggle as Jeno then tries to untangle himself. When he finally does he goes to brush his teeth and wash his face before bed. He thinks about anything and everything as he tries to close his eyes and sleep. When nothing works he FaceTime's Jaemin.
"Hi baby, did you miss me?" He asks quietly into the phone. Jeno nods and smiles solemnly.
"What's on your mind? Please tell me?" Jaemin asks softly.
"I don't want to say, I don't want to burden you." Jaemin frowns and sighs.
"You could never, now tell me baby, please?" Jeno sighs and tries but fails to wipe his tears without being seen.
"I just, just promise me that no matter how hard it is, that we will always be together? That we will always love each other? I'm so afraid to lose you." Jaemin softens and looks at his sweet love lying there overcome with tears.
"I would give everything and everyone up for you. I promise you that I will always love you, always." He says as he watches Jeno get sleepy.
"Good night my sweet love." Jeno smiles sleepily.
"Good night Jaeminie, I love you." Jaemin watches with sadness. Jeno doesn't think he knows but he can tell that their up coming college life scares him. Thanks to that monster they lost so much of their youthful time and soon will be thrust into adulthood and he understands his fears completely. He shuts off his phone and leaves his house for the night.

When Jeno wakes the next morning wrapped in his boyfriends protective hold he smiles softly and turns in his arms.
"I'm sorry for last night." Jaemin smiles sleepily and kisses his cheek.
"Never be sorry about telling me how you feel. No matter what it is I want to know. No secrets, ok baby?" Jeno smiles and snuggles in to leave kisses on his neck.
"I am so lucky to have you." Jeno says softly making the other smile.
"And I, you. My precious baby." Jaemin whispers.

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