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When they got to Jeno's, Renjun quickly called his mother and told her he wouldn't be home. She knows he's a good kid and so are his friends so she doesn't worry too much.
"Come, take a bath." Jeno says as he starts a lukewarm bath for him.
"It will help with the pain." Renjun follows him into the bathroom and Jeno offers him pain killers before trying to leave.
"I don't want to be alone, can you stay?" Jeno nods and hands him a small towel to cover himself with and turns so he can take his clothes off and get in.
Jeno sits on a stool beside the tub and holds his hand.
"The doctor said I didn't look too bad, so I should heal soon. I just wish I could turn back time and make a better choice. I keep telling myself that it's not my fault but I still feel like it is in a sense." Jeno frowns and turns to face the tub.
"Never think that way." Renjun played with the wet towel on his lap and sighs, before crying again.
"It's just, he was a friend. Now I pressed charges and it could ruin his life, you know?" Jeno sighs and clenches his jaw.
"No, I don't know. Because when I moved here I made great friends, and a wonderful boyfriend and i even got a soulmate out of it." He says nudging Renjun.
"I know that none of you would ever force me to do something I didn't want to. None of you would disrespect me like that." He hands Renjun a wash cloth to wipe his face.
"You realized you did not want that, and he never should have pressured you in the first place and when you said to, he should have stopped." Jeno stands and grabs a towel.
"Now before you get turned to a prune you should get out and cuddle me. I'll go get some sweats for you to borrow." Renjun nods and waits him for him to leave before standing and draining the water. He dries himself as he waits. Jeno opens the door only a crack and tosses the clothes in, telling him to hurry.
When he comes out, Jeno has hot cocoa and cookies on a tray sitting on his bed, he smiles and hugs him.
"Thank you." He says simply. Jeno helps him into the bed just before Taeyong comes in to say good night.
"Oh Renjun? I didn't know you were coming over." He walks in and hugs him softly before going up to Jeno and sitting on his bedside.
"How was school? Did anyone bother you? Was it hard without Jaemin?" Jeno chuckles and stops his endless questioning by holding up his hand.
"School was ok, I hated it without Jaemin but I survived. He is getting out tomorrow and he's feeling so much better." He smiles big and reciprocates the hug Taeyong initiates.
"Good night baby bro, I love you. Goodnight Renjun." They both say good night and watch him leave.
"You didn't tell him?" Jeno frowns.
"Why would I? It's not mine to tell." Renjun shrugs and leans back against the wall and sighs.
"I'm sorry, you're dealing with so much shit right now and here I am burdening you guys with my problems." He says before taking a sip of his drink. Jeno just pulls him into his side and shakes his head.
"This is why we are soulmates, we are meant to be there for each other. You helped me so much over the last few months. You and Jaemin made me feel loved and protected. And you talked sense into me when I was talking crazy and now it's my turn. There is no place I'd rather be." He says softly, Renjun scoffs.
"Lies. I know you would rather be with Jaemin." He says with a chuckle, to which Jeno makes a silly face.
"I of course want him by my side but that would not ever stop me from being with you when you need me. Renjun hums and lays his head on Jeno's shoulder.
Eventually Jaehyun comes in to let them know that he was arrested and will be awaiting trial. This does nothing by way of comforting Renjun.
"What if everyone finds out it was me? What if they get mad at me?" Jaehyun shushes him.
"You are a victim, you can remain anonymous as long as you choose." He says, calming him.
After finally falling asleep around midnight, morning arrives too quick. Renjun stays at Jeno's while he goes to school.
While there, he hears rumors of Yangyang getting arrested and people are speculating as to why, even their friends. Jeno of course keeps him informed, in the end he decides it's best to tell them. They are after all, his friends too and he knows they too, would do anything for him so he has Jeno ask them to come over after school so they can all talk. Haechan is still right by Jeno's side all day to help him feel comfortable until Jaemin is back.
When Jaemin sends a picture of himself leaving the hospital they all cheer, but Jeno is especially happy to have him back. Even though it's killing him he finishes his school day, his excitement builds as the day goes on and he can't wait to see him. Jaemin of course had to go home and Jeno still will be there for Renjun if he wants him to, but he will go to Jaemin as soon as he can.
When they all get to Jeno's it's quiet. Everyone is wondering what he needed to talk about and why he would do it without Renjun being present but they will just go with the flow. He walks up the stairs and knocks once before opening his door, his heart almost bursts when he sees Jaemin sitting on his bed with Renjun cuddled into his side.
"Jaem? Oh my god." Tears start to pour out of his eyes and Jaemin quickly goes to him.
"Baby, what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asks as he backs him to the wall so they can have a little privacy. Everyone else greets Renjun and are even more confused by all of this.
"I j-just, I." He's almost hyperventilating so Jaemin rubs his back and rocks him back and forth.
"It's ok honey, you can wait until you are ready." Jeno is already calmed a lot thanks to Jaemin and backs away and puts his hands on his face, cupping his cheeks.
"I just, I'm so happy to see you out of the hospital and you're here and I thought I'd have to wait until later and fuck I'm sorry." He looks at everyone else who tries to pretend they aren't listening.
"I'm sorry Junie, I know this isn't the proper time." Renjun smiles with only love in his eyes.
"Your fine. Kiss your man, we can wait." He says with a chuckle. Jeno leans in and softly kisses Jaemin's lips but he holds himself back since there is a huge audience at the moment and walks over to his bed and sits by Renjun and holds him while Jaemin hugs the rest of his friends.
As soon as everyone calms down Haechan finally asks why they were brought together. Renjun clears his throat and holds the hands of both Jaemin and Jeno and everyone are even more confused. He's shaking and terrified but he manages to get it out.
"Last night, I, I was," He lets out a long breath.
"Yangyang raped me." He says quickly and lets Jeno pull him in for a hug. The shock and anger on all their faces tells a lot. They are all silent until Mark has a burst of anger.
"What the fuck? I thought I knew him?" Chenle and Jisung are both crying silently in each other's arms until Jisung takes Jaemin's side and holds Renjun's middle and hugs the life out of him. Chenle then joins the big group hug and Haechan is sitting on the end of the bed, still processing all of this. Jaemin and Mark talk in the corner. Jaemin telling him how he was ready to kill him last night, if he would have been allowed to leave the hospital.
They all hugged and loved Renjun giving their support and offering to help whenever he needs. The only thing he asks is that they keep it a secret. Haechan finally got passed his shock and cried his eyes out. Jaemin and Mark tried to console him but it took Renjun's calming voice to do it. He had a lot of time to think while Jeno was in school and before Jaemin got there. He's more at peace now. He's accepted that it has happened and understands it's not his fault. He's still hurt over it and scarred but he's at peace. They stay for a few hours and  Haechan and Mark offer to take him home when he feels it's time to tell his mom. Jeno wants to be with him but he won't let them. He wants to do it alone.
He knows his mom can offer a comfort that no one else can and knows she will support him.

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