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When the two get to school they greet their friends as usual and talk in the hallway. It feels nice, no drama, no fear, no sadness. The day goes by normally, most classes are gearing up for final exams and final projects so they are kept busy.

When lunch time rolls around Jeno is quite surprised that none of his friends are by his side, any time Jaemin couldn't be, someone else was. He's not scared to be alone anymore, mostly anyway, he's just confused. He gets his food and goes to sit at their table but it's full. It is weird, that's always their spot. He frowns a little and finds the only empty table in the room, knowing that they will all find him easily. He sits and sends a quick text to the group and asks where they are. He starts to eat slowly, he's honestly quite sad, he doesn't like being alone as much as he thought he would. He doesn't get too far into it before he hears a throat clear in front of him. He looks up and is surprised to see Haechan and Jaemin standing there.
"We would like you to come and sit with us." Haechan states with a smile. Jeno furrows his brows and looks over at their table and sees Renjun, sitting there. He frowns again.
"I sat here because our table was full." He said as he starts to stand, Jaemin still hasn't said anything and is acting kind of weird, in his eyes anyway. He gets his things and Jaemin takes his bag, giving him a small smile.
"You will have to excuse Jaemin, he seems to be mute."  Jeno frowns and turns to him with confusion.
"Is everything ok? Why is this so weird? It feels like my first day all over again." He says quietly to himself. When he sits down Renjun smiles widely at him and looks him over.
"You are a different sort of boy aren't you?" Jeno frowns again and looks over at the other two who are chuckling.
"Different is nice." Renjun says softly. Again Jeno frowns, remembering a similar conversation on his first day. This is a strange dream, he thinks.
Finally Renjun hands him a piece of paper, he looks it over with a small frown.
"Will." He reads aloud, softly. Chenle walks up and hands him one next.
"You." He purses his lips as the notes keep coming in.
From Jisung.
From Mark.
From Haechan, his a little bigger. Written in a rainbow of colors.
"Prom." He looks up at Jaemin, completely surprised and sees him holding another paper that says, "with me?"
He can't speak at first. All he ever wanted was a normal teenage experience. He never thought he would get it, especially after the monster took over his life. He wipes the tears off his face and smiles softly at Jaemin, the others have already faded off into the background for him. Jaemin goes to him and kneels in front of him.
"Will you be my date for prom baby?" He asks softly Jeno just hugs him and nods yes. He doesn't know if he would ever be able to say what this means to him.
"I love you." He whispers. Jaemin kisses his lips slowly.
"I love you." He replies. Jeno's face heats up when he hears the applause of the whole lunchroom.
"Oh my god." He hides in Jaemin's neck as he just giggles.
When things finally calm down they all sit as they normally would, Jeno lays his head on Jaemin's shoulder and giggles.
"I thought I was in some weird dimension, everything was so different." They all laugh. Chenle looks over at Renjun in disbelief.
"Is that actually the first thing you said to him?" He asks as both Jeno and Renjun giggle. Everyone laughs when he just nods.
"Basically." He shrugs and Jeno hugs him from the side.
"You guys are so cute." Jaemin says watching the two make faces at each other.
"We will never deny it." Renjun says with a giggle.

As the week goes on the whole group make plans for prom, everyone has their dates set, except of course for Renjun. Haechan and Jisung are actively trying to find someone to set him up with. They would never tell him because he would just be angry. He's been putting up a brave front, deciding that he doesn't need to go to his senior prom but they all know that deep down he really wanted to go.

"Jaemin, I don't want them to set Renjun up with anyone. Is that weird? Like I just want to protect him from everyone, you know? Keep him in my pocket." He says cutely making Jaemin lose his mind.
"I know baby. I feel the same, well maybe not the pocket thing but yeah, I want to protect him too." He kisses Jeno's cheek.
"I kind of have a crazy idea, like I don't want you to think this isn't special for me because you asking me to prom. Especially the way you did it, meant everything to me but would it be weird to ask Renjun to be our date too?" Jaemin frowns in thought.
"We will of course do every couply thing together, like pictures and dances other things but then also do some as a threesome. Then afterwards we will have our special time here." Jeno says. He's really hoping he didn't upset Jaemin at all.
"You mean you don't want him to have special time with us?" Jaemin asks raising his brow suggestively making the other pout.
"I'm just trying to be nice to my friend and give him a special night too. I'm sorry if it's stupid." He says with a pout. Jaemin cuddles into his side.
"I think it's a great idea, i think it will be a lot of fun and it will be even more special." Jaemin says softly.
"Really? Do you mean it? You aren't just saying this to make me happy I hope? Because I am a hundred percent happy to go alone with..." Jaemin finally cuts him off with a deep kiss.
"Baby, we have so many dates we can go on alone, soon we will be living together, we are getting married." Jeno blushes and looks away.
"We've had enough dates now that I can talk about our marriage." Jaemin says making Jeno smile softly.
"Literally every minute with you is special so let's make this date just as special for Renjun." Jaemin says softly as he plays with Jeno's hair.
"You are the best boyfriend in the world. You are so sweet and understanding and amazing and..." he stops talking when Jaemin tickles him into a complete giggling fit.
"O-ok, I'll stop. Please?" He gasps. Jaemin kisses him on the lips again.
"You are so beautiful, you take my breath away." Jaemin whispers before he presses their lips together again.
"We should go to sleep now Jaem." Jeno says as Jaemin leaves warm soft kisses all over his face.
"We really should, good night baby. I love you with my whole heart." Jeno of course melts at his words.
"I love you, good night."

The next day Jeno spends every minute he can with Jaemin planning how to ask Renjun to be their date. They of course want him to feel special too. They already discussed it with all of their friends and they think it's a great idea. When they finally come up with a plan everyone works to set it in motion.
Jeno was able to pull some strings with his boss and asked Jaehyun to make a delivery before the end of the day. When Haechan and Mark had him distracted Jeno and Jaemin both took everything out of his locker and decorated it prettily with flowers and nice messages. Then they place a box of cupcakes on the shelf and close the door before he comes to his locker. Jisung took all his belongings and put them in his locker to keep them safe for now. Jeno and Jaemin went to sit in the courtyard to wait for his reaction.
"Do you think he will like it?" Jeno asks nervously.
"I hope so." Jaemin says, also nervous.

When Renjun finally gets away from Haechan long enough to make a necessary locker stop at the end of the day he is beyond relieved. The incessant talking after his last class was astonishing at best. He couldn't tell you where he thought Haechan came up with that kind of energy but he only wishes he had an ounce of it.
Mark and Haechan stay back a little as he opens his locker. They record him as he looks like his breath is taken away. He looks at all the nice messages and decorations and already has a feeling he knows who this is from but he's not sure why. He carefully opens the box of cupcakes and sees the word prom spelled out on four little cakes. He smiles softly as he picks up the envelope and reads the letter inside.

To our dear sweet Renjun,
I know you are probably thinking that this is pity but stop that right now! We want you to be our date because we love you!
Wether it's because of our certain intertwined fate or just because, I feel a bond with you that I've never felt with any other friend and I know Jaemin feels it too. We want you to share this special night with us as our date.
Please say yes....
We will be by the pine tree waiting for your answer.

Love Jeno and Jaemin....

He hands the note to Haechan, who reads it smiling to himself. He wipes his eyes furiously and doesn't say anything as he walks to where the two are.
They stand when he walks toward him and he cries even harder.
"Why are you guys like this?" He says with a chuckle. He looks at Jeno and takes his hand.
"I feel it too, but I don't want to be a third wheel. You guys deserve this night alone." Jeno shakes his head no as Jaemin starts to protest.
"No, no, no. You can not be a third wheel if you are also our date." He says firmly.
"But prom is for lovers and..." Jeno covers his mouth with his hand.
"Prom is for us to have a great time at the end of our year, together with those who are close to us and as I said before you are my soul mate. We would really love it if you say yes." Jeno looks hopeful at him. He looks back and forth between the two as if asking if they are sure. He finally sighs and looks softly at the two of them.
"I'd love to go to prom with you guys." He says as they both happily hug him and jump around.
The others in their group finally close in, clapping as they do and join their excitement. Prom wouldn't have been right if one of their group was home, missing it all and they are all happy that Jeno came up with this idea.

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