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Jeno woke groggily to Haechan kicking his face, he's not sure when they got in this weird position or who's fault it is but it's painful. He pushes his feet away and sits up while wiping his eyes.
"Haechan! Wake up!" He shakes him a little and receives a groan. He just shakes his head and grabs his phone, he sighs when he sees a text from unknown again and is relieved that it only says, good boy. He shivers as he hates that but still at least he doesn't have a command on there yet.
He gets his things and goes to shower while Haechan is still waking up. He starts to get lost in his head again with images of what he did last night playing over and over. He doesn't mind the act, he's done it plenty of times before but the fact that he did it for him and there is video evidence makes him sick. He still saved it to his secret photos just in case he needs it but he's hoping he doesn't.
He shakes it off again and gets out, he dresses in a cute pink skirt with a white sweater and grabs some white knee high socks and his pink converse. He thinks he looks cute and can't wait to show up in front of Jaemin looking like this.
When he gets back in his room Haechan can't help the squeal he lets out after seeing his cute outfit.
"Oh my god you look so cute!" He says excitedly, Jeno just smiles shyly and chuckles under his breath.
"Thank you, I have an outfit picked out for you too." He goes in his closet and pulls out white skinny jeans, a white shirt and a pink sweater.

" He goes in his closet and pulls out white skinny jeans, a white shirt and a pink sweater

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"It will be so cute, we will be like twins!" Jeno squeals. Haechan walks over inspecting the outfit and can't wait to put it on.
After showering and changing Haechan can't stop staring at himself.
"You know I normally wear baggy black t shirts and jeans, I think this color suits me though." Jeno nods.
"It really does, your skin tone is perfect for it and your soft brown hair, I can't wait until Mark sees you." Haechan smiles then looks at Jeno.
"Do you think he might not notice me if we are dressed alike?" Jeno laughs.
"You see, that's what I want you to see. I'm sure you will be the only one he sees." Haechan sighs nervously, since Jeno has come in to their lives he's felt that he was in competition for Mark's attention. It's not something he's bitter about though, because as beautiful as Jeno is, he's even more humble. He just nods slightly as Jeno prepares to do his makeup.
When it's all said and done Haechan's eyes are perfectly accentuated and he didn't lose his vision, even though Jeno had to yell at him to stop flinching too many times.
"Oh my god I love it! You have to teach me how to put it on so I can wear it more often." He says excitedly as he starts to pay attention to the way Jeno is putting it on himself.
"Wow you are so pretty, can I use some gloss too?" He asks and Jeno nods excitedly before picking out the perfect shade of pink for him.

They talk excitedly all the way to their meeting place until they can see the door. Haechan then gets obviously nervous.
"Just remember, you aren't going to confess here. You just have to be yourself, only with a little more small touches." He nods and takes a few deep breaths before grabbing Jeno's hand for support.
"Just remember to pay attention to his actions and the way he looks at you." He nods again as they open the door and enter. Mark and Jaemin are sitting in a booth facing the door and they both look up when the bell rings. Both boys are sitting there awe struck, in all honesty Jeno hadn't expected too much reaction from Jaemin because he was only thinking of Haechan and Mark so when he sees Him staring with that love and admiration that he does so often he gets shy. He's so much in their own world that he didn't see Mark trip over his chair leg to pull a seat for Haechan. The latter noticed though because this is a first time for that. Jaemin slowly stands and pulls his seat out too never losing eye contact. He kisses his cheek before he sits softly into his seat.
"You look beautiful today." Jeno then hears Mark say to Haechan and he giggles, not daring to look up. He doesn't want to burst their bubble and him and Jaemin already feel like they are intruding on their date. Jaemin shakes it off and tries to get the atmosphere back to normal but he too has to tell Jeno how beautiful he is.
"You are so very pretty today. He says softly to a smiling Jeno before looking at Haechan.
"Haechan, you look pretty today too." He says meaning it, as Mark frowns and looks at his menu.
"Thank you, Jeno is amazing." He compliments, to which Jaemin agrees so of course Jeno gets shy.
"Ok, stop. Let's order our food, ok?" They all nod and Jeno notices that Mark has gone quiet and moody so he nudges Haechan. He looks up, then at Jeno before he softly plays with Mark's fingers on the table.
"What are you going to order Markie?" He asks in such a way it makes Mark's ability to breath leave him momentarily.
"J-just a burger." He stutters out. Haechan has never thought Mark was this shy and nervous. He always thought he was confident and sure about everything, which is why confessing to him was impossible. He always thought that his cold demeanor meant he was untouchable and would never be open to him. Now that he sits here across from a shaky nerve racked friend that he's known for almost as long as Jaemin he's stunned. He never knew this side of him.

After they get their food Haechan decides to turn his charms up a notch just to gauge his reaction. He smiles cutely at Mark in between nibbles of his French fry making Mark stare with a soft smile and warm cheeks. He giggles cutely and touches him frequently and Mark is loving it. This goes on for the entirety of the meal and Haechan has now found his confidence that he needs all thanks to Jeno so when he excuses himself to go to the bathroom Haechan follows.
"Thank you." He says simply before hugging Jeno.
"I think I can confess now, I feel like maybe he likes me too." Jeno nods.
"I'm sure of it." While they do their business and Jeno helps fix Haechan's eyeliner since he keeps touching when he shouldn't, there is another discussion happening at the table.
"Jaemin, do you like Haechan?" Mark asks a little cautiously. Jaemin chuckles.
"I don't know why it isn't obvious to you that I am completely in lo, wait maybe I should just say that I have never liked anyone as much as I like Jeno. Haechan and I are only friends." Mark sighs.
"I don't know sometimes I think he likes you." Jaemin practically chokes on his soda.
"You are hilarious, that boy has been, shit no. Not my place." Mark furrows his brow.
"Just talk to him, I'm assuming the reason for the questions is that you like him, so talk to him. It's kind of tiring watching all of my friends be in love with each other and they don't have the balls to communicate. Jeno knows exactly how I feel and we haven't even had a date yet." He pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Sorry, Just no. He doesn't like me and I don't like him other than the fact that we are really good friends." Mark nods.
"Sorry, I'll try to talk to him. Thanks." Jaemin smiles proudly.
"That's all I ask." He chuckles and just in time the two come back to the table.
"Mark will you walk me home?" Haechan asks with a big smile. Mark returns it and stands, he wipes the sweat off his hands and takes Haechan's outstretched one.
After everyone said goodbye and they walked out of the restaurant Jeno happily plopped across Jaemin's lap giggling.
"I think we did it." He says before he shrieks from losing his balance. Jaemin of course wouldn't let him fall and holds him tightly. The situation doesn't get awkward though until Jaemin realizes he still has his hand on Jeno's very bare thigh. He looks at Jeno in a panic who is oblivious to why.
"I'm sorry." He says with painted cheeks as he slowly removes his hand. Jeno smiles softly.
"Don't be, you saved me from the embarrassment of falling off your lap and I shouldn't say this but I kind of liked it. Your hands are so soft, yet so strong. I like it when you touch me." As soon as it leaves his mouth Jeno is mortified.
"Oh my god." He says putting his hand on his mouth.
"Did I just say that out loud? I'm sorry, please don't think I'm a slut. I just really, really like you and..."
Jaemin finally puts him out of his misery with a soft but meaningful kiss as he puts his hand right back in the same spot, only this time softer. This time he rubs his thumb softly across his skin until they finally pull apart.
"I really really like you too." He looks around and clears his throat.
"Maybe this restaurant is not the place for this though." He says awkwardly and Jeno can only nod.
They stand and Jaemin holds his hand as they walk to the counter to pay making a mental note to get after the other two for skipping out on paying. They both split the bill because Jeno wouldn't take no for an answer.
They walk out, taking their time. No one has spoken yet and that is ok with both of them. Jaemin walks him all the way home and of course goes in when he's invited. They say hi to Taeyong and Jaehyun who are on the couch and go right up to his room.
"I'm sorry, if I made things awkward earlier. I guess I can't always control my mouth either." Jaemin chuckles and sits on the edge of his bed.
"I think we need to talk, this is getting to be a little too much when we aren't even boyfriends." Jeno nods and pouts his bottom lip.
"Oh fuck don't do that, I'm trying to focus here." Jeno has no idea what he's talking about until Jaemin leans in and softly bites his lip. It turns into a small kiss before he backs away.
"Be my boyfriend? I know we haven't even dated but it's so clear that we want to be with each other. Let's just make it official so I don't feel weird touching you and you don't feel like a slut when we do this stuff. Please?" Jeno smiles and kisses his lips.
"Yes I will be your boyfriend." They kiss some more and before it heats up too much Jaemin puts a stop to it after noticing the change in Jeno's demeanor again.
"Wait uh maybe we shouldn't, I haven't told you everything and what if you change your mind and don't want to be with me anymore?"
Jaemin hugs him softly.
"We will get to know each other as we go and you will tell me everything when you are ready. I trust you are a good person and that is all that matters." Jeno nods and snuggles into him.
"My pretty boyfriend." Jaemin says as he moves in to kiss the others nose.
They spend the rest of the day cuddled together, talking about this and that before Jaemin takes his leave.

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