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"Haechan, Haechan! Have you seen him? Oh my god he's beautiful." Jaemin sighs dreamily.
"Who? And why are you acting like you're on crack?" Jaemin stops jumping and slaps Haechan on the shoulder.
"The new boy, his name is Jeno and he has the prettiest eyes and the most beautiful lips and his legs are sexy and I think I'm going to die." Haechan laughs at his friend.
"Yes yes I seen him, he is very pretty. We should invite him to sit with us at lunch." Jaemin pales.
"What no we can't! I would be so awkward, I know I'll forget how to talk." Haechan laughs again.
"Well I don't want to be rude, he probably could use some friends, it's hard to be new and besides how are you going to ask him on a date if you don't get to know him?" Jaemin quietly agrees and walks towards the cafeteria, he sees the poor boy sitting alone, looking really uncomfortable. They both go up to him, and he just gives them the most beautiful smile they have ever seen. Jaemin coughs, almost choking. His heart can not take it. He tries to smile back but he looks more constipated than anything.
"Hi, Jeno is it? I'm Haechan and this mute right here is one of my best friends and we would like you to join us at our table." He sticks out his hand and elbows Jaemin at the same time who snaps out of it and holds out his hand too. Jeno shyly takes each of their hands one at a time, Jaemin of course melting to the soft touch of the others fingers. He nods his head and stands.
"I would like that, where is your table?" He asks quietly. Jaemin has mixed emotions at the moment, all of his senses are flooding his brain at once. He still can't speak and can't even bring his arm up to point so Haechan rolls his eyes and shows Jeno the way.
"That is Renjun, tell him we sent you." Haechan says as he pulls Jaemin away to go to the lunch line. Jeno throws his bag on his shoulder and picks up his lunch, he walks quietly over and clears his throat to gain the other's attention from the book he is reading. Renjun looks up, with no discernible facial expression.
"H-Haechan and Jaemin sent me over? They said I could sit here." He says quietly as he sets his things down. Renjun just nods and goes back to his book. After getting situated he takes his phone out to text Taeyong.
"You are a different sort of boy aren't you?" Renjun asks staring intently at Jeno. He swallows his nerves and decides he needs to be confident in who he is so he just answers calmly instead of running away crying like he wants to.
"I guess so, is this a problem for you?" He bravely asks making Renjun smirk.
"Different is nice, welcome to our lunch table. Hopefully we will have a class together later." Renjun says with a big smile making Jeno smile in relief. 

"He is so pretty and he is confusing my hormonal system." Haechan frowns and glares at Jaemin who's been rambling on the whole time in line.
"Explain." He says simply.
"He is so soft and pretty but his voice is so deep and his muscles are also well defined and I don't know how to handle this, he's too sexy for words." Jaemin says dreamily right before Haechan pushes him forward.
"How about we work on our communication skills today and you actually talk to him?" Haechan asks smiling at his dumb friend.
"I can't guarantee anything, fuck he is gorgeous. Do you think he likes me too? Would he go on a date with me?" Jaemin asks excitedly.
"Let's get to know him first ok? Let's not scare him away, I just hope Mark doesn't fall for him too." Haechan says sadly.
"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Haechan scoffs.
"Yeah you've seen how that works out, Chenle and Jisung are not on speaking terms because of chenle's confession." He shakes his head sadly as he sees Chenle walk in and sit at the opposite end of the table as Jisung.

They finally sit down Jeno is on the end so Jaemin sits across from him while Haechan sits beside him. Renjun and Jisung are beside Jaemin and Chenle is at the end leaving an empty seat for Mark beside Haechan.
"Chenle why don't you sit by me today and introduce yourself to Jeno here?" Haechan asks nicely. Chenle looks up to see that if he moves he would be right across from Jisung and he can't face him, so he shakes his head no. Jisung cringes, he can feel the angry auras coming off of everyone at his table and contemplates finding a new place to sit tomorrow.
"That's ok, I'm fine here. Hi Jeno, I'm Chenle and I'm looking forward to being your friend." Jeno smiles brightly.
"I'm so happy to meet all of you. I hope we can be really good friends." He says and when he locks eyes with Jaemin with that beautiful smile still on his face Jaemin almost passes out.
Mark sits himself down next to Haechan and sighs.
"I'm struggling on my English paper, anyone want to
Help me?" Jeno leans forward and smiles shyly.
"I'm good at English." Mark stares for a minute taking in his soft features and like everyone else can't help but notice how pretty he is.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mark asks nicely.
"Oh, I'm Jeno. Today is my first day, Haechan and Jaemin let me sit here. I hope it's ok with you too?" He asks watching Mark smile brightly.
"Of course, yeah uh you can give me your number and maybe you could help me sometime?" Jeno smiles and nods yes as he puts his number in Mark's phone. Both fail to notice the dirty looks coming from both Haechan and Jaemin. The rest of lunch goes by smoothly and so does his day. He has All of his new friends in some of his classes and he's so thrilled.

When Jeno gets to go home at the end of the day he can't wait to tell Taeyong how it went. He hurriedly grabs his stuff from his locker and turns, he has his head down so he doesn't see the person he slams into making him fall to the floor. He's too afraid to look up so he picks up his things while trying to keep his skirt from riding up.
"I'm so sorry." He says quietly, when he hears nothing he finally looks up to a speechless Jaemin and is relieved. He takes a calming breath and stands facing a still speechless Jaemin.
"Are you ok?" Jaemin finally gets out. Jeno smiles softly and nods.
"Yes, thanks. I uh have to go, my ride is here. I'm sorry for bumping you." He says quietly as he walks past.
"See you tomorrow Jaemin." Jaemin turns with the biggest smile he's had all day.
"See you." He says before running after him.
"Wait, let me walk you?" He asks and Jeno smiles softly and nods.
"I think this is the first time I've heard you speak today." Jeno says smiling.
"Sorry, I was nervous." Jaemin says looking away.
"Nervous? About what?" Jeno asks looking in Jaemin's eyes.
"Meeting someone as beautiful as you." He says softly making Jeno gasp and look away with pink cheeks.
Jeno looks at his shoes and starts walking until Jaemin stops him and lifts his chin with his hand.
"Walk with your head held high, besides I don't want you to fall again." Jeno's cheeks are absolutely burning at the moment and Jaemin loves it. He can only nod and smile softly. He looks ahead when they get to the doors and sees Jaehyun leaning on his car next to his brother and gets excited.
"Oh, my brother is here, would you like to meet him?" Jaemin sees the excitement in his eyes and knows in that moment that he would do absolutely anything for this person even if it's an awkward meeting with his brother. He smiles brightly at Jeno who can't wipe the smile off his own face.
"Of course I would like to meet him." No sooner did the words leave his lips that his world went into a swirling rainbow fog. When he felt the velvety soft touch of Jeno lacing his fingers with his own before pulling him along, his heart stopped. He doesn't know if he will be alive in a week if this keeps up.
When they get there Jaemin tries to pay attention to what's going on but his vision is drawn to the way Jeno's hand fits perfectly in his own. He's unsure of just how long he was distracted.
"Jaemin." Jeno says firmly before he lets go of his hand therefore ending his beautiful trance.
"Huh? Oh I'm sorry, hi I'm Jaemin and you are?" He asks as they all chuckle, he looks around confused until he sees Jeno roll his eyes.
"I told you already, this is my brother Taeyong and his boyfriend Jaehyun. Silly, I don't know what you were thinking about but you didn't hear a thing." Jeno says and this time Jaehyun and Taeyong are laughing at the fact that he doesn't know.
"Hi Jaemin, Jeno tells me that he has made friends with you and some of your friends?" Jaemin nods and smiles politely, he's not sure why meeting his brother is making him so nervous.
"I'm taking Jeno out to celebrate with coffee and ice cream would you like to join us?" He looks around and thinks hard before looking at Jeno's smiling eyes and falls for him yet again.
"I'd like that." He says smiling, not loosing eye contact with Jeno. Jaehyun chuckles and opens his doors for the two brothers and Jaemin to get in the car, he smiles ear to ear knowing Jeno is going to be in good hands at this school.

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