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Y/n sat across his father and smiled at him. Her dad smiled back at her before eating.

Y/n started eating too and the twins' mom and came and kissed her father's cheek.

"How's work?" Her dad asked as the twins' mom smiled.

"It's good." She said as she sat beside Y/n. Y/n's dad nodded and Y/n ate her food.

"Oh! My children, I heard there's going to be a school play happening." Their dad said as his children nodded.

"Yeji unnie is going to be the princess of the story." Y/n said as she explained more about it.

"What about you? Do you have any role?" Their dad asked Soobin as he heard that Yeji will be the princess and Hyunjin being a knight.

"No. I'd rather watch than be in it." Y/n said as she shooked her head and his father nodding..


"Okay.. Yeji why did you slap Hyunjin?" Y/n asked more calm than before as Yeji looked at her while pouting.

"I told him to don't say things like that because both of you and Lia don't rush things like that and yet he still said it!" Yeji said as Y/n sighed.

"Is it the only reason you have?" Y/n asked Yeji trying to calm herself.


"Why would hurt your brother for that kind of reason?!" Y/n said as she looked disbelief at her 1-year older sister.

"Sorry.." Yeji said as Y/n looked at her.

"Say that to Hyunjin not to me, and I'm sorry for yelling at you.." Y/n said as she patted Yeji's head before going to her room.


The school play is about to happen as Y/n put the props on the stage by herself because the musty crusty boys in her class won't help her.

"Done!" She said to herself as she went down the stage and looked at it. She smiled before feeling arms wrapped around her waist.

"Lia.." She said as she turned around seeing her angel girlfriend smiling at her.

"Here!" Lia said as she gave Y/n a bottled water and Y/n thanked her and drink it as Lia dried Y/n's sweat with a towel.

"Thank you.." Y/n said as she kissed her and she kissed her back. Someone cleared their throat as Y/n and Lia broke the kiss.

They turned around and met by the twins already wearing their costumes.

"The both of you looks great!" Lia said as Y/n agreed with her.

"True.." Y/n said as she unintentionally stared at Yeji admiring her beauty.

"She's your sister Hwang Y/n" She said to herself in her mind and asked Hyunjin to help her get chairs for the audience.

Yeji and Lia decided to stay and talk to each other while the other two are struggling to bring them.

The program is about to start and everything is ready. The characters are practicing in the backstage while the audience are waiting patiently for them to start.

Y/n and Lia sat in the crowd to get a better view of the play and was mesmerized by the acting of the characters.

"Oh dear prince.. I would love you until our next lives.." Yeji said in character and when she said the last line, Y/n remembered something.

"I would love you until our next lives.." The voice in my head said.. It took me a few minutes before recognizing the voice, it was mine.

But who am I talking to? When did I say this? I don't remember any of traces that I said it..

As I was zoning out, Lia shooked my whole body. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"They did so good!" She said as I laughed at her cuteness.

"They did!" I said as I stopped her from shaking my body and kissed her cheeks.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. I don't care of what the voice said.. I have Lia.. Maybe she's the one who've my voice talked to?

I stared at her beautiful face and smiled wider. I'm so glad I have her.


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now