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After hours of explaining to Hyunjin that it wasn't what he was thinking.

Y/n stared at Yeji on the dining table. Y/n pitied Yeji since Yeji is the only one who explained it to Hyunjin and Y/n just watched them.

“Okay.. Today is.. So quiet.. Wanna spill the tea?” Their father asked as he took a sip of his hot tea..

“I saw Yeji and Y/n-” Before Hyunjin can continue his words, Y/n and Yeji glared at Hyunjin. Hyunjin gulped and smiled afterwards.

“I saw them last night awake watching movies..” Hyunjin said as their father nodded.

“Did you join them?” Their father asked as Hyunjin shooked his head.

“Nope.. I was too sleepy last night..” Hyunjin said as he chuckled and their father continue to drink his tea.

Hyunjin is now traumatized.. *shooks head*

Yeah, and you traumatized me by bringing that ghost to haunt me!

Shush Y/n. I made you and you don't have any choice but go with the flow. I made the scenes and all.


Last night..

“I didn't expect the both of you to do that kind of thing!” Hyunjin exclaimed as he jumped in panic.

“Why are you even panicking-”

“We're siblings! And that thing the both of you are doing is bad! Siblings are not supposed to do that!”

“Hyunjin! We are not doing that thing! Clean your goddamn mind!” Yeji said as she looked angrily at Hyunjin which Y/n thought looked really cute.

“Y/n pulled me too hard and I fell on top of her! That's it!” Yeji explained as Hyunjin still didn't believed her words.

“What are you even doing in her room?!” Hyunjin asked as he pointed at Y/n who's literally just staring at them.

“Help me!” Yeji said as Y/n smiled innocently at her.

“I heard a noise in Y/n's room that's why I went there.. She was mumbling a name that's why I asked if she's cheating on Lia and she said no. I didn't believed her, of course then she pulled me with a lot of force! I.. Fell on top of her.. And she won't let me go.”

Hyunjin wasn't about to talk when Yeji stormed out of the living room and went to her room.

Y/n and Hyunjin looked at each other before Y/n deciding to go back to her room leaving Hyunjin in the living room.


“So, you're telling me that Heejin went to haunt you?” Minju asked.

“She said she would haunt me if I won't do what she says..” Y/n said as she took her bag and got something.

“This is a watch.. She gave me this saying that when this time stops.. It means that the princess might be dead already on her second life..” Y/n said as Minju listened to her.

“I don't know if I should trust her or..”

“Don't. That girl is probably just trying to control you and make you believe in past lives. Y/n.. Past lives aren't really proven.. I'm just helping you with this because.. I want to help.. Especially if it's you..” Minju said as she mumbled the last part.


“Huh? I said I want to help.”

“No. The other one.. After that.” Minju acted confused.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Minju said as she laughed which are music to Y/n's ears.

Cute.. What am I saying?’ Y/n thought as she slightly blushed.

Who shall I really trust?


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now