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“Yeji, wake your siblings up.” Their father ordered, Yeji nodded before going to Hyunjin's room first.

“Hey Stupid! Wake up!” Yeji said as she jumped on top of Hyunjin who was sleeping peacefully.

“What the fvck Yeji?!” Hyunjin said as he pushed Yeji out of the bed.

“Wake up dummy!”

“I'm already awake idiot!” *sigh* Aren't they cute? Just doing sibling goals 😍.

After that, Yeji went to Y/n's room. Before going inside, she fixed herself and knocked on the door.

“Y/n-ah..” Yeji said as she went to Y/n's bed. She sat beside it and smiled sweetly before shaking Y/n's shoulders.

Why is her shoulders soft?’ Yeji asked herself. Yeji pulled Y/n's blanket to see a pillow that is in the same size of a human.

Yeji panicked and went downstairs almost tripping on the stairs.

“Mom! Dad! Y/n's gone!

Meanwhile Y/n, she was sitting on the corner of the bed while tears falling down her eyes.

She have a pout on her lips as she stared at nothing. The door opened which caused her to flinch.

“Y/n... I can't resist you looking like this. Here. Eat up before I change my mind.” Hyunsuk said as he put the tray of food on the bed and left the room.

Y/n looked at the food before eating. ‘What if he drugs me... LMAO what if..’ Y/n laughed at what she thought.

I look crazy right now..

I wanna go home..

I want to use my phone..

Y/n looked for cameras in the room and saw one. She smiled before speaking.

“Hyunsuk-ah, can you give me some books to entertain myself? I will become crazy if you won't... If want to really nice and give me my phone.” Y/n said as she smiled.

The door opened and there was Hyunsuk holding variety of books. Y/n clapped her hands as she took them and started reading.

She heard Hyunsuk sighed. Y/n looked at him confused.

“Oh.. You want to read with me?” Y/n asked as Hyunsuk shook his head and left.

This girl doesn't acknowledge that she just got kidnapped by me..’ Hyunsuk thought.

After Y/n's reading sessions, she became tired and slept on the bed.

She went to dreamland where Heejin and Hyunjin was.

“Hey Heejin can you go to Yeji unnie and tell her that I'm kidnapped by Hyunsuk?” Y/n asked as 2jin looked at her shocked.

“You're kidnapped?!”

“Why are you so calm?!”

2jin exclaimed at Y/n. Y/n shrugged and looked around the castle.

“Alright... Later after you get out of here, I'll tell it to Yeji... How the hell did that guy kidnapped you?” Heejin asked as Y/n was about to speak when Hyunjin beat her to it.

“Heejin, she's dumb. Of course she will get kidnapped by some random guy.” Hyunjin said as Y/n looked at her.

“What the fvck? Who's the one who got lost in a forest, only knew she was a ghost when Heejin found her?” Y/n said.

“Alright both of you shut up. Wake up already Y/n so that I can deliver the information to your unnie.” Heejin said as Y/n looked at her.

“I don't know how to.” Y/n stated as Heejin and Hyunjin facepalmed.


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now