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"Yah! I'm not cheating on Lia!" Y/n explained as the whole family gathered at the living room.

After last night's incident, Yeji told their parents about Heejin.

"Who is that girl-" Their fathers words was cutted off by Yeji who specified Heejin.

"Her name is Heejin." Yeji said as she glared at Y/n.

"Okay, who is Heejin to you Hwang Y/n?" Their father asked as Y/n stared at him before answering.

"Heejin is.. No one.." Y/n lied as Yeji looked at her as if she was about to mvrder her.

"No one? Then why is her face and yours are close with each other?! Are you two gonna kiss?!" Yeji furiously asked as Y/n just smirked at her.

"Blaming me for literally nothing.. Do you have proof that she and I together? I was just having a train of thoughts last night when bursted in my room!" Y/n lied as Yeji rolled her eyes.

"I literally saw the both of you with my two eyes! No one need a proof since I-"

"Next time.. Show us proof, you are probably messing with Y/n because of the argument the both of you had." Their dad explained as he stopped the meeting.


"No buts Hwang Yeji. Next time, take a picture or video!" Their father said as he stood up and was about to go out of the house when Yeji spoke.

"I'll prove it!" Yeji said and she went to her room.

Later that night...

Yeji was waiting for the 'Right Time' to take a photo of what is in Y/n's room.

Meanwhile, Y/n who just got out of the bathroom saw Yeji at her door.

"You know I can see you, right?"

"Ugh! I hate you and Heejin!" Yeji said as she glared at Y/n. Y/n just laughed at the older as Heejin appeared.

"Why does she hate me for?" The deep-voiced woman asked as Y/n shrugged.

"You better disappear before she could take a photo of you in my room" Y/n said as she used her towel to dry her hair.


"Hah!" Yeji said as she went out of nowhere and took her camera to take a picture.

Yeji ran out of the room happily as Y/n glared at Heejin.

"Why didn't you hide?!" Y/n furiously asked Heejin and Heejin showed her a small smile.

"The others won't see it because I'm a ghost.. You and she can only see me." Heejin said as Y/n smirked.

"Now go away if have nothing to say." Y/n's face was changed into a cold glare. Heejin disappeared after.

"It's gonna make her look like a crazy girl.." Y/n shooked her head before going down to the living room only to be greeted by..


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now