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Y/n finished changing clothes and heard her bedroom door opened. Y/n looked over at the door and saw Yeji who's glaring at her.

“Sleep with me.” She sleepily said as Y/n shook her head before going towards Yeji.

“I can't. I will meet Minju.” Y/n said as she told Yeji to go and sleep but Yeji hugged her.

Y/n hugged Yeji back before picking her up and going to her room. Y/n placed Yeji down.

“Don't follow me. Sleep, alright?” Y/n said as Yeji hesitantly nodded.

“Good.” Y/n said as she went out of Yeji's bedroom to her room taking her phone.

She left the house and took her bicycle and went to the park. Y/n was loving the cold breeze.

Y/n reached the park and saw Minju sitting staring at the ground. Y/n went towards her and hugged her.

Minju flinched and Y/n sat beside her. Y/n looked at Minju and was shocked.

It was not Minju..

“Oh sh!t, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hug you.” Y/n said as she bowed at the person.

The girl was fluttered before shaking her hands infront of her.

“It's okay..” The girl said as Y/n excused herself and went away from the girl.

Y/n walked away embarrassed on what happened. Y/n bumped into Minju and Minju looked Y/n in confusion.

“What happened to you?” Minju asked as she laughed at Y/n's state.

“I literally hugged a stranger thinking it's you... I'm so embarrassed Minguri.” Y/n said as she hugged Minju.

Minju laughed and patted Y/n's back.

“Why do you seem so panicked?”

“She might remember me and use that against me...” Y/n said as hugged Minju tighter.



Y/n and Minju talked some things while they were at the park. They didn't got track of time, they just realized it's morning when they saw the sun rising up.

“Minju, I think we should go to our homes now..” Y/n stated as Minju agreed.

“You might get scolded.” And that, Minju and Y/n parted ways. Y/n reached their house and went to the kitchen to drink some water.

Y/n was drinking water when she felt arms wrap around her waist. Y/n choked and looked at the person who hugged her.

Y/n saw her Yeji unnie who's rubbing her eyes, she probably just woke up.


“Why did you leave me last night?”

“Do you want breakfast?” Y/n ignored the question as she took some ingredients from the fridge.

“Answer me Hwang Y/n...” Y/n sighed before answering.

“You were drunk last night and I know you don't really wanna do that. In fact you hate me, aren't ya?” Y/n said as she started to cook.

Yeji went to the living room with a pout and Y/n was trying to keep her eyes open.

After cooking, Y/n placed it on the table and went to the living room and saw that the twins are there.

“I already cook breakfast, wake me up in my room if you need something.” Y/n said as she went to her room and laid down and slept.


“What took her so long?!”

“I don't know?!”

“Why are you yelling?!”

“You yelled first!”

“Shut up! The both of you!” Y/n said as she stood up from the ground and saw Heejin and Hyunjin (Loona) who was bickering.

“Y/n you're finally here. We have good news and bad news, what do you want to hear first?” Hyunjin said as Y/n looked at her thinking.

“Good News I guess?”

“Okay so, we somewhat begged God to give us a hint finding the princess and..”

“And he said it's someone who you met or.. You will be meeting? Wait Hyunjin what is it again?” Heejin continued.

“You dumb@ss, wait... I don't remember either.” Heejin and Hyunjin looked at each other thinking what it was.

Soon, they came into conclusion that they don't remember. Y/n sighed.

“So, it's someone who I'll meet or whom I already met?” Y/n asked as the two beautiful best friends nodded.

“How did you begged God?” Y/n asked curiously as Heejin cringed as she remembered what they did.

“Well.. We danced to a song called Hula Hoop...” Hyunjin said as Heejin nodded.

“I can picture it already! Heejin smiling sweetly so that you guys could get a hint!” Y/n said as she laughed and pointed at Heejin.

Heejin glared at her before Hyunjin joined Y/n and they laughed.

Later on, Y/n woke up with someone beside her. She looked at the person and saw Yeji.

Yeji smiled and said,

“Go eat breakfast!”

Y/n nodded and went out of her room, not waiting for Yeji. Oh! Did I mention that their faces were so close to each other as if they are going to kiss?


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now