Mood Change

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The siblings arrived at the orphanage and as they went in, they were greeted by cute kiddos.

“You're so cute!” Yeji squealed as she picked up a kid. Y/n stared at her sister before going to the other kids.

“Hi! What's your name?” Y/n asked as the kid looked at her not speaking. Y/n was about to speak when a caretaker spoke.

“She doesn't know how to speak...” The caretaker said as Y/n looked at her. Y/n nodded understanding it.

“Are you here to adopt a kid?” The caretaker asked as Y/n shook her head in denial.

“Not really, we just went here to visit these cute kiddos.” Y/n stated as she touched the kid's fluffy cheeks.

“Are you two dating?” The caretaker asked as she looked at Yeji who's busy playing with the children.

“N- Why?” Y/n asked as the caretaker looked at her before shaking her head.

“Nothing... The both of you looked good together.” The caretaker said as Y/n blushed before chuckling.

“She's actually my sister...” Y/n said as the caretaker was shocked.

“Really? Both of you don't have resemblance of each other-” And their conversation goes on. Y/n and the caretaker talked while sitting on the bench. The kid between them started to get bored and went to Yeji.

Yeji waved at the kid and the kid waved back.

“Hi~” Yeji said as the kid pointed at Y/n and the caretaker. Yeji looked at where the kid was pointing and saw them.

Yeji's POV
When I saw both of them, I felt anger?  I don't get why I felt that.

I noticed my smile dropped, and Y/n and that caretaker looked at us. I don't want to get suspicious, so I smiled.

“Unnies looked good together!” One kid said as she clapped her hands.

I know your cute kid but you shouldn't have said that. I looked at the caretaker and saw that she's smiling.

I know she's pretty but she can't steal what's mine- What am I saying?

Some of the kids went over them and they smiled like they got adopted.

“I ship both of you!” A child said as Y/n looked at him shocked.

“How did you learn that word?”

“An unnie told me” He said as he chuckled. Y/n smiled at him and she picked him up.

Such a wife material- Ehem.. Ehem...

I stood up and went to Y/n. Y/n noticed me and confusion was written on her face.

“I'm hungry N/n~”

3rd Person's POV
Y/n was shocked when Yeji said those words.

Is she doing aegyo?’ Y/n asked herself before putting the kid down and nodding at Yeji.


Y/n and Yeji are now sitting on a restaurant eating foods Yeji craved for.

“Why did you suddenly felt hungry?” Y/n asked as Yeji looked at her in annoyed look.

“Because I felt so. It's not like I can stop it.” Yeji said as she rolled her eyes. Y/n sighed at how Yeji's mods changed so quick.

Before going to the restaurant, Yeji was in a good mood but as they left the orphanage Yeji became cold.

“What's with the mood change?” Y/n asked as Yeji slammed her chopsticks on the table.

“Can you just shut up? You're getting annoying Hwang Y/n.” Yeji stated as Y/n became silent and just ate.


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