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“Drive me to the bar.” Yeji said as Y/n looked at her.

“What? We told father that we will just visit the-”

“So?! I don't care! Just do what I say Y/n.” Yeji said as she glared at Y/n. Y/n sighed before shaking her head.

“No.” Y/n monotonely said as Yeji glared at her even more.

“You don't understand me!”

“I'm the one who's driving, and we are not going to a bar. That's final Hwang Yeji.” Y/n said as she glared at Yeji.

Yeji tried to take over the steering wheel when Y/n pushed her back to her seat.

“Are you crazy?! We are going to get into a car accident if you kept being so stubborn!” Y/n yelled at Yeji as Yeji glared at Y/n.

Suddenly silence surrounded them and they finally reached home. Yeji went out of the car and went straight to her room.

Y/n sighed before going to her room also. Their parents didn't quite noticed them as they went in very silent.

Hyunjin (Straykids) soon noticed the car that was parked in the garage.

“Dad! Did Y/n and Yeji went back already?” Hyunjin asked as their father nodded.

“I think so... Check their rooms” Their father said as Hyunjin did what his father ordered him.

First, Hyunjin went to Y/n's room and knocked before going in. Y/n was sitting on her study table and was writing something while listening to music.

Hyunjin tapped her shoulder as Y/n looked at him before smiling.


“When did you and Yeji came back?” Hyunjin asked Y/n.

“We just came a few minutes ago...”

“Is that so? Can you check Yeji for me? After you did that, let's play any games you want.” Hyunjin said as Y/n looked at him.

“Are you- Why are you so lazy? Anyways.. I'll do that since you said you'll play with me.” Y/n said as she went out of her room.

Y/n went straight to Yeji's room and saw her sitting on her bed. Yeji noticed Y/n and glared at her.

“What do you want now?” Yeji asked as Y/n smiled before leaving.

Y/n went back to her room and saw Hyunjin there. Hyunjin wasn't shocked on how fast Y/n did it.

“I- What was she doing?” Hyunjin asked as Y/n shrugged and Hyunjin sighed.

“You said I'll check on her and I did.” Y/n said as Hyunjin shook his head before playing with his sibling.


It is now midnight and Y/n was still awake. She was thinking on what to say to Heejin after she didn't made any progress at all.

Suddenly she heard something drops making a loud sound. Y/n flinched, she stood up from her bed and turned on her bedroom light.

“Jeon Heejin, if you're here... I'm really sorry. I... Didn't make progress at all. So please don't do me like this.” Y/n said as heard another thing broke.

Y/n went out of her room and went to the kitchen and there she saw two plates that are scattered on the floor.

Y/n carefully picked them and put it on the counter. Y/n went to the living room holding a pan.

You never know... Maybe a robber came and decided to break Y/n's step-mother's precious plates.

“Aurgh..” Someone groaned like a zombie and Y/n was shocked seeing the person.

“Yeji unnie?” Yeji looked at the girl before glaring at her.

“Unnie why are you drunk-”

“Can't I?”

Y/n sighed before trying to pick Yeji up.

“It's not like that... It's just. What's your problem?” Y/n asked Yeji as she assisted her dear sister to Yeji's room.

Yeji lay on her bed and did not took her hands off her sister.

“Unnie...” Y/n mumbled as Yeji smiled before pulling Y/n closer.

“Yes?” She sweetly asked as Y/n wasn't able to hide her blush. Yeji noticed it and chuckled.

My baby likes it, doesn't she?” Yeji said as she caressed Y/n's cheeks. Y/n took Yeji's arms on her neck before sighing.

Yeji whined at Y/n before sitting up. Y/n looked at her and Yeji smiled.

“You look cute when you're serious..” Yeji said as she chuckled at Y/n.

Y/n's POV
Hwang Y/n she's your sister so stop..
Fvck it..

Why do you got to be so cute?

“Unnie, you should sleep now...” I said and as I was about to leave the room. Yeji hold my hand.

I looked at her and saw her pouting.

“Sleep with me baby” She said as I felt blood rush to my cheeks.


“Please?” Yeji asked and I was about to say yes when my phone chimed. I looked at it and saw Minju's name.

I answered it and heard Minju's voice.

Y/n-ah.. I miss you. I can't sleep... Can we meet up at the park? It's okay if you don't want to.” Minju said as I smiled.

“I'll meet you... I miss you too.” I said as I heard a chuckle from the other line.

I'll should get ready then..” Minju said and I said goodbye and ended the call. I stared at Yeji and saw her already sleeping but still holding my hand.

I fixed her position and kissed her


I sighed before going back to my room and changing my clothes.


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now