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Yeji was brushing her teeth when suddenly Heejin appeared behind her. Yeji saw her from her mirror and almost shouted when Heejin shushed her.

"Don't! Okay... So Y/n told me to tell you that she got kidnapped by a guy named Hyunsuk." Heejin said and Yeji looked at her confused.

"How can I trust you?" Yeji said and Heejin sighed before smiling.

Heejin took a deep breathe before explaining everything to Yeji.

"Ah... I'll tell Dad, bye ghost!" Yeji said as she dashed out of her room.

"I have a name..." Heejin sadly said before disappearing. Yeji went down the stairs almost slipping.


"What's the ruckus about Yeji?" Their father stated and Yeji was about to speak.

"I need to talk to you about something.." Their father said as he sighed putting his coffee down.

Yeji looked at him confused. Her father deeply breathe before speaking.

"Y/n... She's not my daughter" Their father said as Yeji's smile dropped.

"Y/n is not your sister... She's not connected to you and Hyunjin at all." Their father said as Yeji nodded.

"Do you still have the plans on finding Y/n?" Yeji asked as her father nodded.

"Of course! She's like my daughter already..." Their father said as Yeji nodded before stating..

"I know who kidnapped her.".


"Damn... Sad ending." Y/n said as she closed the book she read. Y/n looked at the camera and smiled.

"Hey Hyunsuk, what kind of books do you like? All this books you gave me have sad endings!" Y/n said as she stood up.

"It's what I like." A robotic voice said as Y/n sighed before sitting back down.

"I miss Y- my family.." Y/n said as she looked at the camera trying to trick Hyunsuk..

"That won't do Hwang." A robotic voice said as Y/n groaned.

"This is fvcking hell." Y/n said and glared at the camera. Y/n heard the robotic voice chuckling.

"Isn't this is what you are supposed to feel? I don't want to lose you so bare with it. You became more annoying than before Y/n." The voice said.

"Shouldn't you try to take care of me? If you don't want to lose me, take care of me. Tell my parents that you want to be with me forever-"

"Alright now shush, don't ever tell them about me kidnapping you. We are going to make me the good guy here."

"Finally! You chose the right thing Y/n!" Their mother said as she clapped her hands. Y/n smiled awkwardly before going to her 'father'.

"Dad... I don't want to marry him.. He literally kidnapped me." Y/n said in whisper. He sighed making Y/n look at him.

"Alright, I'll talk this with him." He said as Y/n smiled.

"I'll just go and talk to my siblings." Y/n excused herself and went to her unnie's room.

Y/n knocked on the door and she heard Yeji yell. "Hwang Hyunjin! If it's you again, can't you fvcking read the sign?!" Y/n looked at the sign written on the door.

"Leave me alone Hwang Hyunjin." the sign says. It made Y/n laugh.

"Unnie, it's me Y/n-" as Y/n said those words the door opened which made her flinch.

"Come in Y/n!" Yeji said as she pulled Y/n in her room. Yeji smiled and Y/n smiled back.

"So... Any thoughts about father's offer?" Yeji asked.

What offer? 🤨

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now