Masked Princess

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“Uhm.. Minju, what else do you know?” Y/n asked as they talked about the topic she have been curious about.

“Heejin.. She actually betrayed the princess, I wish I could know the princess' name but.. I could not find it in my references and the princess' wanted to be anonymous. Everytime she would be invited to parties, she would always wear a mask.”

“Do you have a.. Photo of the mask? Just curious..” Y/n said as she chuckled in embarrassment.

“Yep, I knew you would ask for it. Here it is.” Minju said as she took her phone and you looked at it.


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“Wow.. It's pure white? Also why do you have a filter on?” Y/n asked as Minju smiled.

“It's pure white because that's what she wanted and.. I just want that filter on so that it's like.. From before and I took it like from the movies.” Minju explained as Y/n laughed.

Cute” Y/n mumbled as the frog heard it and blush spread over her cheeks. They are alone sitting on Y/n's bed.

Y/n's parents are out together with the twins to go somewhere. They asked if Y/n wanted to come but she insisted to stay.

“Minju.. I heard that people said that she's beautiful but just like what you stated earlier, she have a mask on..”

“People say that her eyes stand out the most and they said that it's her charm.. They can say that she's indeed beautiful even though they haven't seen her face.”

“Not even once?” Y/n asked as her face unconsciously went closer to Minjus

“Not even ONCE” Minju said as she did what Y/n did. There is only a few space between their faces.

“Y/n.. I know you have a girlfriend.. But.. I think I like you” Minju said as she retreated her head and looked down.

“I- Minju.. I can't. I have a girlfriend and.. I can't just.. Break up with Lia just like that.. I'm sorry.”

“It's okay.. As long as our friendship is still the same..” Minju said as she looked up at Y/n with hope in her eyes.

“Of course Minju.. Of course

Changed it into a Yeji fic >.<

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