Unexpected Kiss

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Y/n's POV
We stayed in that position a bit longer than I thought. My mind says that it is wrong but my heart kept saying it's right. Which one should I believe?

I closed my and pulled out of the kiss, Yeji looked at me as if she's confused. I shook my head before speaking.

“This is not right! What would father think if he knows this?” I asked her calmly as she smiled and hugged me.

She put her head on the crook of my neck and whispered. “We are not related to each other... We have different mothers and different fathers”

I can feel her breath touch my neck. I gently pushed her away and stood up from her bed.

“I'll go now, I just came to wake you up because you were screaming... I got scared” I stated as I was about walk away when she hold my hand.

I love you, I know you do too” She stated. I looked at her and saw her smile.

I sighed before closing my eyes. “I love you too but it's not like... As lovers but as sisters.” I said and completely walked away.

I walked back to bed and stared at the ceiling. Do I love her? Of course you do idiot.

But as lovers? She... I can feel butterflies when I'm with her.

I stared at the moon as I thought.

Yeji's POV
I stared at her figure as she walked away, I kept my smile as my tears roll down.

This is wrong but why does it feels so right. I love her but does she love me?

I stared at the window and saw the moon. I smiled how beautiful it is, it's just like her.

3rd Person's POV

As both of them thought, the moon seemed to shine ever more brighter.

“I love you Y/n”
“I think I love you Yeji”


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now