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The first thing Y/n did when they reached the house was to check out her bedroom.

As soon as she saw the gaming setup she saw amazed. This is what she was asking to her parents.

She looked at it with a smile on her face. Suddenly Yeji went into her room seeing Y/n having a smile ear to ear.

“Why are you smiling so much?”

“They got me a gaming setup unnie...” Y/n said still not believing what is in front of her eyes.

[Y'all can find some gaming setups on pinterest cuz I don't have any pictures to show you guys. Plus we have different tastes upon things]

“So?” Yeji asked her as Y/n looked at her with a frown.

“Unnie this is heaven to me.”

“Yeah sure. Unpack your clothes already!” Yeji said which made Y/n sigh.

“Unnie just please let me download some games.” Y/n said as she gave Yeji puppy eyes. In Y/n's perspective she is feeling a bit embarrassed.

But it was the other way around to Yeji. Yeji is the one who feels embarrassed to Y/n's actions.

“Uh... Sure just unpack later, okay?” Yeji said as Y/n nodded and smiled cheekily.

Yeji sighed before going to her own room. She saw a study table with a laptop and a few papers around it. Soon she found a note on top of the laptop.

Your father, your siblings and I decided to give you a laptop since you seem to be really having a hard time on this new normal. Plus an early Christmas gift.

The note made Yeji smile and sat on her bed for a while. The bed was too soft for her liking, but she can get used to this after they will live there until that Hyunsuk guy will get into prison.

Speaking of Christmas, Y/n and Yeji got out of date and didn't knew Christmas was coming.

Then Yeji got an idea, what if they celebrate Christmas by them selves then give a special gift to their parents for taking care of them. [Me and my sibling used to do this :< missed the old times]

Yeji thought of something they could give them but no ideas came to her head so she decided to ask Y/n.

As she got to Y/n's room,  instead of seeing her baby- I mean sister... Baby sister unpacking she saw her already playing a game.

Yeji sighed then went downstairs and turned off the Wi-Fi. Later on she heard Y/n scream.

“Unnie! Why is there no Wi-Fi?!” Her sister yelled.

“You said you'll unpack once your done downloading your game, but instead you play it. Why are you so stubborn!!” Yeji yelled back and she heard Y/n yell in irritation.

“I hate you!”

“I love you too!”


At dinner, Yeji explained everything she planned about the upcoming Christmas.

“So... What do you think we could give them?”

“Is Hyunjin included there?” Y/n asked as Yeji shook her head in denial.

“Only our parents, so...”

“Mom, have been eyeing a specific necklace when we went to the mall.” Y/n stated as Yeji clasped her hand..

“Okay, then what about dad?”

“Hmm... He's interested in cooking nowadays, probably a cooking book? I don't know actually.” Y/n said as she brought a spoon full of rice to her mouth.

“We could give him a stove, you see that stove in our home?”

“Pfft, yeah. Dad put alot of effort in this house yet when you look at our previous home it was...”.

“Something.” Yeji continued Y/n's sentence and they laughed.

“That's all set then,”

It's been a long time beautiful peeps.

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Advance Happy New Year
Hope 2022 will be a better year for all of us.

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now