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“Ryujin... How can I know that it's him? If I'm the only one going to [Country]?”

“Well... You're father already know when you're going there. He'll send his bodyguards to get you.”

“How? Is he some sorts of Mafia Boss or something?” Y/n asked laughing. Ryujin also laughed as she shook her hands in front of Y/n.

“No! He's just... Rich. He worked hard for it. He is very happy knowing that I'll be sending you there.” Ryujin said as Y/n hummed.

“Is he a good person?” Y/n asked as Ryujin nodded. “He is like a father to me, he gave me all my needs just so that I could be a good person.” Y/n nodded understanding Ryujin's words.

“But he is also the one why me and Yeji broke up. He-”

Y/n!” Someone yelled as Y/n looked behind her. She saw Minju, Y/n looked at Ryujin for a second before waving her hands at Minju.

“Hey!” Minju went over to Y/n and bowed to Ryujin. Ryujin bowed to her also. “How did you know I was here?” Y/n asked Minju as Minju smiled.

“Yeji told me. She knows you are seeing Ryujin even though she told you not to.” Minju stated as she sat down beside Y/n. A few minutes have passed when Ryujin decided to leave.

It's only Minju and Y/n left. Y/n cleared her throat before speaking. “Minju, since you and Yeji unnie are close. Can you like uhm... Convice her that Ryujin still loves her and she may have some feelings left for her too?” Y/n said as Minju nodded.

“Sure, but what do I have in return?” Minju asked as Y/n thought. Y/n smiled before speaking. “You'll have whatever you want. You're the one who's going to choose what it is.”

“Are you sure?”

I'm sure Minju” Y/n stated as Minju smiled at what she have in her mind.

Don't be nervous on what it is... It's not going to hurt your wallet

“That's great then” Y/n stated as she stood up. She reached out her hand towards Minju. “I'll treat you anywhere you like. You've been helping me in this princess thingy. It's like a payment.” Y/n said as Minju nodded and took Y/n's hands and stood up.

Y/n, you should be careful. When I was going here, I felt someone looking at me. Maybe studying my moves.


Y/n now went home. She looked around for anyone and saw Yeji watching television. Yeji have no expression at all. “You good?” Y/n asked as she sat down beside Yeji. She watched the older girl nodded.

“You're leaving Korea. You didn't even bother to tell your family about it.” Yeji said as Y/n looked at her confused.

“How did you know?”

“Someone. Someone told me.” Yeji said as she glared at Y/n. “I told our family about it. They didn't seemed to like it. Check your phone.”

Yeji said as she continued watching Television. Y/n checked her phone to find out messages from the family group chat.

How to tame your kids

Toothless (Hyunjin)
Damnnn going to a different
country without me 🥺

Lightfury (Yeji)
Shut up Hyunjin. She didn't even
told us about it. Not even ME

Kids, she may have a reason and
Yeji don't be mean.

Your mom

Toothless (Hyunjin)

Let me finish.
She's right.
Your mom is right.

It's been ten days ig
😔 Sorry for not updating y'all 😞
Anyways in the next updates don't expect like I'm gonna drop it in 1-3 days 🙂

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