Who Are You?

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Y/n, as usual was sitting on couch thinking of something to do. She didn't felt like playing games, she wanted to go out meet some new friends.

Why can't she go out? Well, Yeji was not in the house, she was buying groceries. Y/n tried to convince Yeji that she can help her with the groceries.

But Yeji didn't approved it, so Y/n told that she'll just tag along. But she kept saying ‘no’.

Y/n though she was still upset about that chatting with Ryujin. She tried to watch some movies on Netflix but soon after she got bored.

As she was trying to survive the boredom, Yeji was taking her time, taking little steps and humming a song.

Yeji was going back home already, Y/n felt like she's going crazy from the stupid boredom.


And... After a few minutes, Yeji finally arrived. Y/n stood up with a smile. Yeji looked at her as if she did something stupid.

“What did you do now Y/n?” Yeji asked as she put the groceries on the kitchen counter.

“I was wondering if I could-”

“No” Yeji said as she put the carton of milk in the fridge without even looking at Y/n.

“I- Unnie... Let me talk first. I want to go out and you know, meet some new friends.” Yeji sighed before looking at Y/n.

“You can do that but please, be careful. I don't want you to be kidnapped by that guy again.”

Y/n nodded and left the house. Y/n smiled as she felt the cold breeze hit her face.

She went to stroll in the street and wanted to meet some new fellas but the thing is... She doesn't know how to start a conversation.

She was walking and kept looking at the clock. But as she kept looking at it, it seems like the time kept going faster and faster.

And it soon turned into night time, she took a curve and was about to go back when she heard a scream.

It sounded like a man, Y/n was curious of who and what is happening. Just like any main character in a fanfiction, she went and looked where the sound was coming from.

She was led to a dark alley, there she saw a person wearing a black jacket covering themselves which made Y/n fail on to knowing If it's a she or he.

The person was brutally st@bbing the guy with a knife, soon the person noticed Y/n's appearance.

Later on, another person wearing the same black jacket came. They both noticed Y/n.

The other one didn't bother to hurt Y/n and kept st@bbing the man, while the other one looked at Y/n.

The person stopped what they were doing and looked at the other person. They were like communicating using their eyes.

Y/n stupidly looked at her watch and saw the time slowed down from before. She breathed heavily and pointed at the dead man while looking the suspects.

“Why did you guys did this? Who are you?!” She bravely or stupidly said.

The two persons looked into each other. The other one turned around and was about to leave when the other one took out their knife.

The other one looked at their ally and tried to stop them but the other one already charged.

Y/n successfully avoided the first one, she can't kept avoiding their charges because she can get st@bbed quickly.

On the other hand, Yeji was starting to get worried and thinking negative thing that could happen to Y/n.

So she went out looking for her.

Right back at Y/n, she kept running and avoiding the attacks. As type this kind of thing it started to get weird. Imagine someone was attacking you with a knife and you kept avoiding it. That's Y/n.

Y/n is starting to get tired as she went to sat down the floor, it made the attacker confused and stopped from attacking.

“Thanks for stopping... I got tired easily. I'm not a fan of running.” Y/n said as she pant.

The attacker tried to attack Y/n again which made her shocked but thankfully avoided it.


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