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“Y/n! Wake up..” Minju said as she shooked the body of Y/n. Y/n looked at her with confusion clearly on her face.

“Where am I?” Y/n asked as she looked at Minju with tired eyes.

“You're still in my room... You should go now, Yeji kept spamming me to tell you to go home already..”

“It's a dream..?” Y/n asked herself as Minju looked at her. Minju stared at the girl as Y/n shooked her head before going home.

Y/n went inside the house and looking around. Nobody was waiting for her. What did she expect to see? Heejin? She quietly walked to her room and before she could even go in, someone called her name.


“Oh.. Uh... I just took a glass of water because I was feeling thirsty..” Y/n said and she was closing her eyes since she didn't want to get scolded.

Y/n didn't heard anymore response and she looked behind her but saw no-one.

Y/n was puzzled but she just shrugged it off and went in to her room and was about to sleep when..

“YAH! Wake up!” She heard a deep voice speak. She opened her eyes widened and saw Heejin with an annoyed face.

“Okay.. Let's continue, I want you to-”

“Hold on- You're real? I thought I was just having a dream..” Y/n said as she attempted to touch Heejin's shoulders until she realized what she is doing.

“Oh- I'm sorry..” Heejin just watched her with a serious face before talking.

“Let me finish or else I will haunt you for the rest of your life.. I want you to bring the princess' memories back..”

“What memories?”

“Those memories your inner voice or should I call it, past you said. The princess is just probably around.. You need to find her for me.”

“What voice and.. Why me? I- Find the princess yourself! Why are you even bothering me?!” Y/n said as she pushed Heejin out of the room.

Y/n lay on her bed and was about to sleep when Heejin spoke once again.

“You know pushing me out of your room is useless.. Y/n I'm a ghost so I can go through things..” Heejin said as she walked through the door of Y/n's room.

“Get out!”


“Heejin I swear-”

“I will haunt you forever~, if you continue to be stubborn~” Heejin said in a singing voice.

“Aish! Okay! I'll think about it!” Y/n said as she irritatedly looked at the ghost.

“You better do it..” Heejin said with a smirk.


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now