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They finished eating breakfast and Y/n is taking Minju home. Y/n sat on the drivers seat and Minju sat on the passenger seat.

Silence was surrounding them. It was awkward silence, they didn't know why it is awkward.

It's probably because of last night. Y/n broke the silence by talking.

“Minju, are you really alone in your home? Do you want me to stay there for a while?” Y/n asked as she kept her eyes on the road.

“Yes, but sometimes my friend visits me so that I don't feel lonely. No, you probably have some things to do.” Minju stated as Y/n felt her gaze.

Y/n felt heat rushing to her cheeks as she nodded focusing on the road. Later on, they reached Minju's home.

Minju opened the car's door and before going outside she hugged Y/n.

“Thank you.” Minju said as Y/n hugged back.

“You're welcome Minju..” Y/n said as Minju went out going towards her house door.

Minju waved her hands to Y/n and Y/n smiled before leaving the place. She went to the nearest convenience store to buy some snacks.

She took her and her siblings favorite snacks and went to the cashier to pay. As she was paying, a person calls her.

Y/n looked at the person and was shocked, after paying she attempted to leave the place.

Not until that person followed her to the car. Y/n cursed as she tried to get away when her mother knocked on the door of the car.

She rolled the window and showed her mom a fake smile.

“My loveliest daughter... Can you drive me home?” Her mother said as Y/n cringed at her words.

“I'm busy... Miss” Y/n stated as her mother gave her a sad look.

“Why? C'mon! It's just near here.” Her Mom said as Y/n chuckled awkwardly.

“Uhm... Why don't you just walk there? You said it's near so...” Y/n said as she prayed that her mom wouldn't be angry with her.

“Oh. Okay then..” Her Mom said as she walked away from the car. Y/n used this chance to drive away from her.

Y/n arrived back home with her whole body full of sweat. Her father saw her and asked what happened.

Y/n shook her head before giving him the snacks she bought and went to her room. As she was running away from her mother, she forgot to turn on the air conditioner of the car.

Y/n went to her room and took a bath. After taking a bath, she wore her clothes and laid on her bed.

She took out her phone and scrolled through the internet. Later on, her bedroom door opened and a chocolate bar was tossed to her.

She looked at the door to see Yeji. Yeji said beside her and asked what she was doing.

“Just scrolling through the internet. Why did you asked?” Y/n asked as she sat up and unwrapped the chocolate bar.

“Nothing. Just thought you're texting someone. I heard Lia broke up with you.” Yeji said as she looked at Y/n. Y/n sighed before nodding.

“If you're going to scold me, no need to. I already hated myself after that happened.” Y/n said and Yeji sighed.

“I'm not going to scold you. In fact, I would comfort you... Do you still love Lia?” Yeji asked as Y/n looked at her confused. Y/n opened her mouth to say that she still does but no words came out.

That's when she thought about it, does she really loved Lia?

“I... Don't know.” Y/n stated as she took a bite of the chocolate bar before looking at Yeji.

She looks so hot looking at me like this- what the fvck?’ Y/n thought before looking away from Yeji.

“Do you somewhat like Minju?” Yeji asked as Y/n thought about it.

“I don't know either...” Y/n said as she looked at Yeji.

“Do you have an eye on someone? Like... Are you having thoughts of that someone? Like you're wanting to date them?” Yeji asked as Y/n nodded.

“I think so, she's just... My brain kept complementing her. I don't know why.” Y/n stated as Yeji looked at her in curiosity.

“Tell me, who is it?” Yeji asked as Y/n smiled.

“She's someone who you know. That my clue.” Y/n said as Yeji nodded thinking every person she knows.

“Oh! By the way. Do you still remember that one person who sends you letters?” Yeji asked as Y/n nodded.

“That was me. Sorry, I just want to tease you.” Yeji said as she smiled and left the room. Y/n on the other hand was laughing at how cute Yeji was.

“Cute..” Y/n mumbled as she smiled at where Yeji went. Meanwhile Yeji, she was at the door and she heard Y/n.

Yeji couldn't hide her blush and just went straight to her room.

Yeji blushed at Y/n's complement?? I think she's embarrassed :>

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now