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Minju eventually gave up and helped Y/n. Y/n seemed to be really interested in the princess.

“Why do you even need to know all of this?” Minju asked as she gave Y/n history books. Y/n flipped the pages of the book before answering.

“I just feel connection..” Y/n said and Minju sighed. Y/n found the specific page and read it.

“I'll tell you what I know about the princess.. So.. The princess didn't get to move on after her friend died. The royal servant who confronted the princess that she should move on-”

“Can I know more about the royal servant?”

“I- what?” Minju looked at Y/n confused as the girl smiled innocently at her.

“I thought you only wanted to know about the princess not the servant!” Minju said as Y/n looked at her with still that innocent (annoying) smile she had.

“Well.. That servant seems like a.. Great person so.. I want to know her.. Hehe.. Sorry if this is so much work for you..” Y/n said as she chuckled at Minju. The two was surrounded by silence and Y/n decided to break it.

“You know what.. I don't want to know the servant anymore-” Minju shooked her head before smiling at her.

“You know what? I'll tell you EVERYTHING.”




Y/n arrived at their house and she quietly went in. It was already dark and Y/n didn't notice the time and she and Minju was ‘studying’.

Y/n was about to go to her room and a voice called her.


“Ah.. Yes?” Y/n asked as she turned around to look at the person who called her but there was no one.

Y/n was thrilled when she saw there was no one there. She quickly went into her room, not caring if she made a noise.

She quickly went under the covers of her bed and was shaking. ‘I swear if this is one of the twins pranking me, I'm gonna kill them..’ Y/n cursed in her head as she bravely looked around her room.

“Y/n.” Someone said as Y/n looked over her study table and there was a woman sitting there being so elegant.

“Fvck.. Did Hyunjin or Yeji perhaps payed you to scare me? Tell them it doesn't work please.” Y/n said as she acted like she was about to go sleep.

“I chose you Y/n and you're just gonna sleep there?” The woman said as Y/n opened her eyes widened.

“Can I know your name and why are you here?” Y/n asked as she sat up on her bed and looked at the woman sitting on her chair.

“I'm.. Jeon Heejin.. I was one of the maids of the Princess.” The ghost said as Y/n looked at her confused.

“Which princess?”

“You know what I'm talking about Hwang Y/n..” The girl said seriously and glared at Y/n.

“Oh.. So.. What do you want me to do?” Y/n asked. Y/n's not gonna lie but the girl-

Heejin was attractive and she won't mind dating a ghost. Gay.

“Are you listening?” The deep-voiced woman asked the girl as she shooked her head.

Heejin sighed before looking at Y/n. “I want you to-”


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now