I'm Here

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Minju sat on Y/n stomach as she deepen the kiss. Meanwhile Y/n, she kissed back and the kiss was broken because of lack of air.

They both breathes on sync as Minju widened her eyes before getting off from Y/n.

Minju covered her mouth before apologizing.

“I'm sorry. I-I didn't m-mean to.” Minju said as her face turned red and Y/n didn't saw it since it was dark.

“It's okay... I-” Y/n opened her mouth but no words came out of her mouth. She was shocked too.

Did I? Oh my gosh... I did.’ Y/n said to herself as she smiled at Minju. She looked at the girl who seemed to be traumatized.

Minju was looking down as if she's regretting every decision she made.

“Am I that bad of a kisser?” Y/n asked as Minju flinched before shaking her head.

“N-No... I actually l-love it.” Minju shyly said before laying down beside Y/n. Her back was facing Y/n.

“Minju...” Y/n said as she hugged Minju from behind. Y/n smiled at how Minju relaxed on Y/n's movements.

“Thanks for bringing me home.. I didn't know I would get affected alot by that break up...” Y/n said as Minju giggled.

“No problem! You know... If you need something to talk about or... Someone to hangout with... I'm here!” Minju said as she faced Y/n.

Y/n hold Minju tightly and they soon fell asleep. In the morning, Y/n woke up seeing this beautiful angel beside her.

She pulled Minju close to her as she smiled. A few minutes later, Y/n stood up and did her morning routine.

She went to the kitchen and saw her parents there.

“Hey dad, can I drive Minju home?” Y/n asked as she took a bite on the apple she found on the table.

“Sure, just make sure you can drive to her house safely. And I don't want to see a scratch on MY car. Alright?” Her family strictly said as Y/n nodded.

Her father gave her the keys and she went back to her bedroom. She saw Minju awake sitting on her bed.

Y/n attacked her with a hug and Minju flinched but hugged back.

“Good Morning Minju!” Y/n said as she broke the hug and smiled.

“Good Morning..” Minju said as she smiled back. She and Y/n went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Y/n noticed that her siblings were no where to be found.

“Y/n wake up the twins for me please.” Her step-mom said as Y/n nodded.

Y/n went to Hyunjin's room first and woke him up.

“Wake up!” Y/n said as Hyunjin asked up half-awake. After that, Y/n went to Yeji's room seeing her sister wide awake.

“Unnie, Time to eat breakfast.” Y/n said as Yeji looked at her before nodding.

She was about to leave when Yeji stopped her by holding her wrist tightly. Y/n was confused on Yeji's actions.

“Are you and Minju dating?” Yeji asked as Y/n caught of guard. Y/n didn't know what to answer.


We are not dating..

Y/n said and Yeji seemed to be satisfied with her answer. Yeji nodded before letting go of Y/n's wrist and going downstairs leaving her.

She likes Minju.’ Y/n said to herself before going downstairs.

Y/n smiled as if nothing happened. She sat beside Minju and ate.

Yeji likes Minju?

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now