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“How long is Minju your friend?” Y/n asked Yeji as they watched a movie.

“Just shut up and watch the movie.” Yeji said and she didn't even payed a glance at Y/n.

“I know you're still upset about-” Yeji cutted Y/n off as she glared at her.

“Don't you dare mention it.. Y/n I'm trying myself to forget about that embarrassing scene and yet you kept saying it in front of my eyes!” Yeji grumpily said as she was about to stand up and go to her room when..

Y/n pulled her hand, not too hard like last time.

“What do you want?!”

“Look! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pull you that hard and yet you're here complaining like what I did is a crime!” Y/n argued back and Yeji was about to spat something when their father stopped their fight.

“I'm not allowing the both of you from using your phones! Why are you guys even fighting for?! Minju? Y/n you already have a girlfriend what else do you want-”

“I don't like Minju! The problem is this girl.. I've already apologized and she kept being so upset as if what I did is a crime!” Y/n explained before leaving the house.

“What happened?” The twins' mom said as she went to the living room. Soon after, Yeji left and went to her room.

The twins' mother looked at the siblings' father and he just shrugged.


“Lia! She's the one being stubborn! I already apologized!” Y/n said as she looked at the untouched coffee.

“Y/n.. Yeji probably just can't accept the fact that you embarrassed her..”

“But still-”

“Y/n?” Someone said which made Lia and Y/n turn their heads to that person.

“Minju?” Y/n asked as Minju smiled and went to their table holding a tray. Y/n being a kind person she is, held Minju's tray for her.

“Is it okay to be at the same table with the both of you? I think I'm interrupting a date-”

“No, no, no! It's okay!” Lia said as she showed Minju a cute smile. Minju bowed before sitting beside Y/n.

“Oh! I'm Lia by the way, Y/n's girlfriend.” Lia said as she extended her hand to shake with Minju's.

“I'm Minju, Y/n's friend.” Minju showed a small smile.


“So.. How long have you and Yeji been friends?” Lia asked as Y/n looked at Minju in curiosity.

“Uhm.. I actually don't know.. But we've been friends since we are in diapers..” Minju said with a chuckle.

It made Y/n thought. ‘If Minju and Yeji have been friends ever since.. How come I didn't get to see her when I was a kid? Maybe she moved out before I was even born.. Yeji only told me she's friend with Minju when I was ten.. Before I saw Yeji talked to the air she is a really weird girl ever since..

“Earth to N/n, Are you okay?” Lia asked as Y/n nodded and smiled innocently.

“N/n? A cute nickname.. Who thought of that?” Minju asked as Lia smiled.

“Yeji. I thought it was cute too!” Lia said as the two of them laughed.

They seemed to be getting along so well.. I think Yeji would forgive me.. I hope so..


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now