Expect the Unexpected [2]

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“What do you want?” Yeji asked as tried to keep her voice down so that Y/n wouldn't hear it.

Y/n is currently in the living room and peeking through the window as the two women spoke.

“I want to talk to her-”

“No. You are not allowed to, I haven't sent you a message that you can get her from me”

“Yeji, it's for her own safety... Her father already miss-”

“Her only father is my father and no one else. You may leave now.” Yeji stated as she was about to walk back inside when Ryujin spoke.

“Don't you love me?”

Ryujin asked as Yeji froze on her spot but never looked back at Ryujin. “That was before, I should've known your love was a game.”

“But I loved you-”

Yeji faced Ryujin with an annoyed expression. “Really? You only loved me when you need something.”

“I've changed Yeji... Please give me a chance-”

“As I stated before, I'm not giving anymore chances Shin.” Yeji said as she went back in the house.

She saw Y/n looking at her, smiled and went to hug her. Y/n was confused but returned the hug.

“Who is she?” Y/n asked as Yeji shook her head. “No one.”

“Is she Ryujin?” Y/n asked as Yeji sighed before going to the kitchen.

Y/n's POV
Yeji looks like she really do hate that woman. Soon, I heard a notification on my phone. I looked at it and saw someone messaged me on instagram.



Thank you for
following me back!!

You're welcome :)

How are you??

I'm doing good.

Later on, Yeji went back to the living room seeing Y/n smiling on her phone.

Yeji took her phone and saw the messages. She glared at Y/n as she unfollowed ShiJi.U.

Y/n saw it and took her phone.

“Why did you unfollowed her-”

“Are you dumb? That's Shin Ryujin, the woman I hated the most. Do not message her again.” Yeji said as she sat beside Y/n.

Y/n thought about it and made an ‘Oh’ sound. Shi is for Shin, Ji for Jin and U for Ryu.

Short update :]

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