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A month have passed and Yeji kept on clinging to Y/n. Y/n sighed and kept pushing Yeji away.

Y/n haven't met Hyunjin and Heejin in her dream anymore. Is it because she haven't made progress or they just don't have anything to say to her.

Y/n is now hugging Minju in her bed. Y/n was thinking deeply and Minju noticed it.

“Y/n... I want to ask you a question.”

“Go ahead.” Y/n said as she stared at Minju's face. Minju sighed before speaking.

“What a-are we?” Minju's voice was shaking and Y/n sighed before smiling at her.

“I don't know... I'm sorry Minju” Y/n stated as she broke the hug and smiled sadly to Minju.

Minju smiled before shaking her head. Minju hugged Y/n as Y/n tapped her back.

Minju and Y/n stayed like that for a while. They didn't noticed that someone was watching them.

Y/n bedroom door opened and Y/n saw her stepmother. Y/n was shocked but smiled at her.

“Both of you, come downstairs... Let's eat lunch.” Y/n and Minju nodded and followed her downstairs.


Y/n is now in dreamland while looking at Hyunjin and Heejin. The two of them smiled at Y/n before speaking.

“Y/n you've made alot of progress! God told us that you are getting closer with this person!” Heejin said as Hyunjin cheered.

“Yeah... But are you guys sure it's a girl? I mean, the princess was a girl in her past life what about her now? Is she still a girl or changed into a boy?” Y/n curiously asked.

“As far as I know, she's a woman and she still is. So... Got any guesses on who it is?” Hyunjin asked as Y/n nodded.

“Yep... I think it's-”

“Heejin! Hyunjin!- Oh hi Y/n!” A lovely voice said. Y/n looked behind her and saw Jiwoo.

“Hey Chuu, What's wrong?” Y/n asked as Jiwoo cutely shook her head and looked at 2jin.

“Yves unnie wanted to help you, so she performed infront of God but God said its your punishment so no more friends are allowed to help you except Y/n..” Jiwoo said as she stated it to Heejin.

“Wait... Why am I an exception?” Y/n asked as she pointed at herself.

“It's probably because you're the first one I asked for help.” Heejin said as she looked at Y/n.

“I'm sorry if I bothered you so much with this punishment of mine..” Heejin said as she bowed to Y/n. Y/n shook her hands infront of Heejin and showed a smile.

Y/n woke up and sighed. She met alot of people already, but she still haven't have a clue on who is the princess...

Soojin, Minju and Yeji...? I might include Hyunsuk in this...

Ooohhh~~ I wonder what will happen ◐.̃◐

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now