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After that incident, Y/n contacted Minju asking if the information that she told Y/n was true. Minju told her that it's from a source and of course, she cannot define it if it's actually real or some stupid lies.

But Y/n is not convinced enough, she asked Minju to come at Seoul and meet her face to face. Fate somewhat does not want them to do so, Minju's schedule is full... That's what she said.

Y/n, instead asked Minju for the link of the source she have read. Minju sent her a link to a website where she saw the picture of the mask. The mask was restored in a museum in Korea.

Good thing it was near Y/n and Yeji's place. She could visit it anytime just to prove it's real. Y/n wore clothes and was about to go out when Yeji asked her.

"Where are you going?" She asked as she looked at Y/n. Y/n smiled and said. "I'm going to a museum, want to come?"

Yeji shook her head and Y/n nodded in response. Y/n went outside.


Y/n arrived at the said museum. She went inside and looked around. There's a lot of paintings, but one caught her attention.

 There's a lot of paintings, but one caught her attention

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"Liking this painting?" Someone said as Y/n turned around and saw Ryujin. Ryujin smiled as Y/n smiled and nodded as well.

"I did."

"Wanna know a story I heard?" Ryujin randomly asked as Y/n nodded.

"They say, this painting was inspired by something happened before. This here." Ryujin said as she pointed at the right.

" Ryujin said as she pointed at the right

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"It resembles a woman. They say, this was the lover of the princess that was k!lled Infront of her..." Ryujin continued. "And these right here." She pointed at two things.

"That one looks like a sword while that red or pinkish thing looks like blood

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"That one looks like a sword while that red or pinkish thing looks like blood. But that thing is... I don't even know if that story is real. Nonetheless it made this painting a lot more interesting than it is, right?"

"Yeah..." Y/n said. Thanks to Ryujin whom believed the story of the princess much as she do, she felt that she can finish the task Heejin assigned her.

"Ah, Ryujin. One question, do you know where the mask the princess wore?" Y/n asked as Ryujin looked at her weirdly.

"What do you mean?" Ryujin asked as Y/n explained it more further. "You know, the white mask that the princess wore to keep her identity hidden from the public?" Y/n asked hoping Ryujin would understand.

"She didn't wore a mask... You can ask that staffs here whether they know. As far as I know, she didn't wore any mask.

And that's where Y/n felt she's going fail this. "Ah, okay. I'll ask them now." Y/n stated as she walked away. She looked around for staffs and saw one. She approached him and asked.

"Do you know where the mask that Princess Yuna wore when she wants to keep her identity hidden?" Y/n asked as the guy looked at her.

"No? As far as I know she didn't wore a mask" The guy said as Y/n sighed. "That's what my other friend said but the other one said that she did wore a mask. It was white." Y/n stated which made the guy even more confused.

"Check the internet whether it's real or not." The guy said as Y/n shook her head. "I can't, some of them are false." Y/n said as the guy sighed.

"Look, please don't disturb my work. Check the internet, if there's nothing then your friend is lying. I don't know anything about this gay princess. Actually I don't want to know, it's making me throw up-"

"Okay, can you please shut up?" Y/n stated irritatedly as she walked away. She went out for the museum with a disappointed face.

'Did Minju lied? I should check the internet first. That homophobic didn't helped at all.'


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