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Y/n was sitting on her bed. She said to herself that she would never do what Heejin told her to do. Unfortunately, Heejin kept her words and made Y/n not able to sleep.

“Why me?” Y/n said as she facepalmed herself thinking that maybe minding that voice is why Heejin chose her.

“Y/n? You're still awake?”

“Heejin, I can't sleep because of you-” Y/n said and as she looked up, she saw Yeji.

“Who's Heejin?! Are you cheating on Lia?!” Yeji angrily asked as Y/n shooked her head in denial.


“Then who is she?!” Yeji asked trying not to hit the younger. Y/n paused for a while. ‘Should I tell her Heejin's a ghost? She won't believe me!’ Y/n thought as Yeji bit her lip.

“Y/n.. Look, whoever that girl is.. I want you to leave her.. You still have a relationship with Lia.. Lia is a really good person.. How can you cheat-”

“I didn't cheat on her! Heejin.. She's a.. Ghost Yeji!” Y/n reasoned as Yeji sat on her bed looking at Y/n.

“Y/n just tell the truth.. I won't hurt you-” Yeji looked at Y/n trying to make Y/n say that she's actually cheating.

“Heejin's ghost.. She chose me to find the princess..”

“Okay Y/n. You need to stop with that princess things! You are getting crazy!” Yeji said as was about to go out of Y/n's room when Y/n pulled her back.

Y/n pulled Yeji back a bit too hard, and Yeji fell on top of Y/n.

“Yeji I'm telling the truth..” Y/n said to Yeji as she stared at the older's beauty.

“I- Okay- Just get me out of your embrace!”

“What are you two doing?!”

The two looked up and saw Hyunjin standing near the door frame with his hand on her mouth.

“It's not what you think!” Y/n and Yeji said in unison as they get off of each other.

“Did you two-” Hyunjin wasn't able to form words because of the fact that he caught her sisters doing something.

“No! Hyunjin! It's not that-”

“Are you guys perhaps.. Like or love each other?” Hyunjin asked as he pointed at the both of them.

The sisters looked at each other before sighing.

Hyunjin they are having a moment!

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now