Meet Up

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After last night, Y/n and Yeji came back to their daily lives as if nothing happened. Y/n asked Ryujin on Instagram if she wants to meet up. Ryujin agreed, even though Yeji forbids Y/n from meeting or chatting with Ryujin, Y/n wants to ask Ryujin a simple question.

"Why do you want meet up?" Ryujin asked as she sat down beside Y/n. Y/n smiled.

"Do still love Yeji Unnie?" Y/n asked which made Ryujin shocked. Y/n chuckled before smiling even wider.

"You do, right?"

"I mean, that was before-"

"Are you sure?" Y/n said as she wiggled her eyebrows. Ryujin smiled and playfully hit Y/n on the shoulder.

"Alright, I still love her. Now what?" Ryujin asked as Y/n smirked.

"Do you want to be with her?... Again" Y/n asked as Ryujin nodded and lay her head on Y/n's shoulder.

"Then... Do you want me to help you with that?" Y/n asked as Ryujin looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You'll do that?"

"Of course!"

"In exchange... I know who and where your father is"

"Where did you go?"


"Answer me truthfully, where did you go?" Yeji asked as Y/n looked at her and smiled.

"Promise me you won't get mad."

"Ugh... Fine"

"I went to meet up with Ryujin" Yeji sighed before hitting Y/n. Y/n glared at her.

"Chill, why did you broke up with Ryujin anyways?" Y/n curiously asked as she scratched her head.

"I fell out of love"

"Really? What did Ryujin do that made you fell out of love?" Y/n asked once again and Yeji sighed.

"Ryujin... She's a nice woman, she gave me a lot of things that I don't even need. But there was a time she spent her time with her friends and not remembering our anniversary-"

"She still loves you."


"Ryujin still loves you." Y/n stated with a smile. Yeji shook her head returning the smile.

"But I don't. I love someone else, and that someone is you." Yeji sincerely stated as Y/n frowned.


"No buts! I believe we are soulmates Y/n..." Yeji stated as Y/n shook her head. Y/n was about to argue with her again not until her head started to hurt.

Y/n started to feel dizziness, and she closed her eyes. She felt like the whole world is rotating in a very fast manner.

“Y/n?” Yeji called out.

Y/n's POV
Why now? I opened my eyes and I'm back at where I was before. In the garden of that one castle. I looked around and saw someone familiar.

Heejin. It's been a long time when I saw her. I believe she does not have any hints for me. I can't let her down.

I took my eyes off her and saw Princess Yuna or that's what her name at this moment. She had her eyes closed and I saw the king beside her.

What's happening?

“You! If you didn't make her fell in love with you then none of these would happen!” The king stated as he approached me and was about to slap me when a hand stopped him from doing so.

I looked up and saw an unfamiliar face. The woman have a smirk in her face. She was together with a knight, and another woman behind her. I heard gasps around me. Who is she? What's her deal to stop the king?

“Your highness, you don't want to make your hands dirty by touching this garbage.” How dare this woman to say that to me. She's not even that attractive. The knight behind her laughed at me, while the woman just looked down.

“Oh? Looking at your so called "friend" ay? She's the one who told us about your relationship with the princess.” The woman said as she laughed. “She betrayed you.” She said as she took my chin and made me face her.

“What are you going to do now? Go cry about it to your mother?” She stated and laughed. How dare she include my mother when this is not her fault.

“My mother have nothing to do with this.” I said as she the woman frowned. “Having the guts to speak?”

“Yuna-” She hit me by the head. “Calling the princess by her name? You think she loved you? No! She did that because she pitied your confession!”

“Why do you hate me so much?!” I stated as she smiled. “There's no reason, if there is then it's none of your business” She stated as she took the sword from the knight that was behind her.

“Bye.” She said as she st@b me right in the chest. I didn't felt any pain. I closed my eyes and soon felt someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw Yeji. Yeji sighed in relief and hugged. “Gosh, I thought I lost you.” I hugged her back.

Is it the end of Yeonjin's Point of view? She was killed by a woman... Minju told me the princess wore a white mask but I didn't saw her wear one during the POV.

Did Minju lied to me?

It's been a long time since I've  updated this book :))

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