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“I... Don't know actually. But I prefer going as far away from him, I want to be with you...” Y/n stated as Yeji felt blood rush to her cheeks.


“Well... Yeah, dad said you'll be with there with me so that I would be safe. Right?” Y/n asked as Yeji fanned herself before nodding.


Yeji POV
Gosh this girl really...

Dad, offered Y/n to stay with me in the house we have in Seoul. Mom, Dad and Hyunjin would stay here.

Y/n looked at me and I smiled at her. She sighed before looking down.

“Is there something wrong N/n?” I asked her as my smile dropped and she shook her head and smiling at me.

“It's just... I'm not even your real sister and yet you still made me feel special. I don't know how to thank you guys for this... Especially Mr. Hwang-”

“YAH! What do you mean ‘Mr. Hwang’? He's your father, our father.” I stated as Y/n smiled sadly.

“Look.. Even though he's not your biological father, he always thought of you as his own. So, don't be afraid to call him your father.” I continued as I saw Y/n tears forming under her eyes.

I smiled at the sight before hugging her. I pat her back as she buried her head onto my neck.

“Y/n, we will live together. I'll be there to protect you. You can also tell Heejin to haunt him-” I was cutted off by her chuckling which was music to my ears.

“Even Heejin would never want to haunt a guy, especially someone like him.” Y/n looked up to me with her beautiful smile.

It made me instantly smile also. This girl makes me feel like a really good person by just seeing her smile. I don't want to hurt her, she felt so special to me. Yes, I get it. She's my sister but this feeling is something more than a sister. I feel like I want to be her lover.

But I think her mother won't accept it.  I don't think she feels the same. Plus with this secret of mine. Will I ever tell this to her without her getting mad at me? Will she kept getting close to me like this or will she avoid me, just like what she did?.

“Unnie, are you okay? Your smile dropped... Did I say something wrong?” Y/n asked as I smiled and shook my head.

“No... It's nothing to do with you, it's just... Me.” Y/n stared at me confused. I was looking at precious eyes, not until my dear eyes moved itself to her lips.

I can feel my head going closer to hers. I can feel her hot breath onto my face.

Is it time?

“Oh. Uh... About Father's offer... Would you do it or nah?” I asked as if nothing happened. I can see Y/n grew more confused. She didn't seem to OK be shocked when I moved my head.

Did she like it? Does she think I'm going to kiss her- Anyways.

“Hmm... I think so, for my safety. I guess?” I smiled at her and she awkwardly smiled back.

Silence surrounded us and I was staring at her beautiful face with her unique features.

It was not until Y/n's phone chimed. She took it from her pockets and looked at the ID. I looked at it too and saw..


Minguri? It can't possibly be the person I'm thinking of.

“Unnie, I'll just answer this. I'll be right back.” Y/n said and she didn't wait for my answer. She just dashed off out of my room.

I sighed and pouted my lips. I wonder how her lips feel... I might kiss her the next chance I get.


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now