Expect the Unexpected

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Y/n is currently sitting on the couch not until she received a notification from her phone.

The woman from instagram have accepted Y/n's request to follow her. Y/n smiled then checked her posts.

One post caught her attention, the caption was a heart. It looks like a picture of two women with fireworks that can be seen in the sky.

It is just new. The faces of the two women was covered, their faces were close to each other.

“Are they kissing? Are they dating?” Questions that went to Y/n's mind. Y/n shook her head indicating that she should not interfere with other people life.

She just let it be and went to Yeji.


Y/n saw Yeji holding a letter and is reading it seriously that she didn't notice Y/n greet her.

Y/n waved her hands infront of Yeji's face. That's when Yeji noticed her, Yeji quickly hid the letter behind her.

“Uh... I was just about to ask if you would like to water the plants with me?” Y/n asked as Yeji smiled.

“Why would you need a partner watering plants-”

“It's just really boring watering it by yourself...” Y/n stated as Yeji agreed helping her. But she didn't know that something evil is in Y/n's mind.


As they are watering the plants, Y/n noticed Yeji zoning out and is probably thinking about about the letter.

And Y/n thought that this would be the right time to do her evil plan. She took the hose and aimed it at Yeji.

“YAH!” Y/n laughed at Yeji scream, she  continued it to aim at Yeji. Yeji is now soaked in water, she glared at Y/n as she took a dipper and sprayed the water to Y/n.

Y/n was shocked and unexpectedly dropped the hose which made it easier for Yeji to spray more water to Y/n.

“Unnie! Stop!” Y/n said as she tried to run away. Soon later, rain drops started to fell and they stayed in it.

What's the point of going inside if they are already soaked. They kept playing with water until Y/n felt dizzy.

Y/n's POV
I'm getting dizzy, I felt myself kneel down. I closed my eyes and I can't hear anything.

I felt hands touched my shoulders, it's probably Yeji. Am I dying already?

Suddenly, I can finally hear things around me. I opened my eyes to look for Yeji but I saw no one.

I'm in a very familiar garden. I'm in the middle of circle of people. I tried to stand up but some knights held me down.

I felt my hands tied with rope. I looked at the crowd looking at me with disgust written on their face.

What did I do? Soon, the King came and looked at me with cold eyes.

“Kang Yeonjin... I never knew you would be such a disappointment. Not only for us but to the whole kingdom, do you think falling in love with my one and only daughter is alright? Did you ever think that I would approve that?!” The King yelled infront of me as I flinched.

I tried to open my mouth to speak but this shit won't open!

Soon, rain drops started to fell. The people started to open their umbrellas as I stayed miserable.

“You've brought nothing but disappointment. That's why your family left you... You're already a mistake since you were a kid.” He stated as I felt tears running down my face.

How could he...

“And now, my daughter... Have fallen in love for a servant like you.. Oh let me rephrase that. You are much lower than a servant.” I heard the crowd started to murmur things.

Only the murmurs of the crowd can be heard. Suddenly, a loud scream was heard and it was continued with a cry.

“Yeonjin-ah!” The Knights stopped the woman from going towards me. The woman continued to cry as I looked at the ground.

Is this the princess?

“Yeonjin, don't ignore me please. I love you and I know you do too... Please” I heard the woman cry as the crowd started to murmur bad things about the princess.

“Princess Yuna, please behave. The King would be very disappointed if he saw you like this.” A familiar voice of a maid said, but as I looked up I saw Yeji.

“Y/n... Are you okay? You suddenly fell on your knees” Yeji said as Y/n smiled.

Is Yeji the princess? Heejin gave me plenty of time... So..  She's the one... Right?

“Y/n-” Yeji was cutted off by someone clearing their throat.

Yeji and I looked at the person and saw a woman. She took off her hat and smiled at Yeji. I looked at Yeji's face and saw her shocked.

Who is she?


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now