Break Up

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Y/n stared at the ground as she waited for Lia. Lia told her that she needed to talk to her.

Later on, the expected girl came and Y/n smiled at her.

“Lia... You needed to talk about what?” Y/n asked Lia as Lia sighed before speaking.

“I'm not going to make this long Hwang Y/n. I want to break up with you.

Lia's words made Y/n froze. “What? No. You can't...” Y/n said as she tried to hold Lia's hands.

“Lia no... I love you-”

“Then if you love just let me go!” Lia yelled as tears was falling down her face.


“I don't feel the butterflies anymore! You rarely pay attention to me!” Lia said as Y/n hug her tight.

“Lia, I'll do anything just... D-don't leave me please..” Y/n said as Lia punched Y/n's chest and broke the hug.

“No... Hwang Y/n, we are over and that's the final!” Lia said as she left. Y/n watcher her with tears rolling down her face.

She watched her ex-lover left and rode a car. It's messed up. Y/n messed up.

Y/n sat on the bench and let her tears out. Rain started pouring but she didn't care at all.

She just want the pain go away, it's because of that princess thing that's why Lia broke up with her.

She spends more time with Minju rather than Lia, her own girlfriend.

Her phone let out a sound and she looked at it only to make her state worse.

I will cut everything from here. I already found someone else so don't try to get back with me. You only hurted me Y/n.” The message says as Lia blocked her.

Y/n cried her heart out and she soon felt her eyes heavy. Even though she already fell unconscious, her heart feels like being st@bbed.


Y/n woke up to see herself in her room. She didn't know who had put her there. All she remembered is that she fell asleep on the bench.

She tried to recall the scene on what happened only to be hurted once again.

Tears rolled down her face as her bedroom door opened. She looked at the person and that it was Yeji.

“If you're wondering how you got here, Minju carried you here. She saw you unconscious on the bench and was soaking wet. Do you know that you could get-” Yeji was about to scold Y/n when Y/n rolled her eyes at her.

“I know... Just leave me alone.” Y/n said as she let her back face Yeji. Yeji sighed before leaving the room.

The room was quiet and peaceful. Just like what Y/n wanted. She soon fell asleep once again.


Y/n was woken up by something licking her face. She opened her eyes to see a cat. She pat its head and stood up.

She looked around to see that she is infront of a large castle. She looked at her outfit and she's wearing a dress.

She saw a lot of people going inside the castle and she followed them.

She went inside and was shocked on how big the castle was.

She was about to go the garden when a guard blocked her way.

“Uhm... Can I please have a look of the garden?” Y/n politely asked as the guy just stared at her. She was about to speak when the guy just went through her.

She froze on her spot and was shocked. ‘H-How?’ Y/n asked herself in her mind.

“Oh! There you are Y/n.” A voice said as Y/n looked behind her to see Heejin.

“I see you found your way here... Thanks Hyunjin...” Heejin said as she patted the cat beside her. It was the cat that woke Y/n up.

“You named it after my brother-”

“No. I named it just like what she wanted.” Heejin said as she smiled at the cat.

“Oh.” Was the only thing Y/n said. She was still amazed about the castle.

“I heard you wanted to go to the garden. Let's go.” Heejin said as she pulled Y/n into the door. They went through the door as if they are ghosts.

And that's when Y/n realized.

“Wait- Am I dead already?!” Y/n asked panicking as Heejin facepalmed.

“No you dumb bear. It simply means that fate wanted you to meet me here. Also... I heard you just had your first ever break up... Or is it your first?”

“Can you help talk about it?” Y/n awkwardly asked as Heejin chuckled before nodding.

“Sure... Maybe I can help you about it.

I literally forgot about this book LMAO sorry y'all.

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