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Y/n walked slowly towards the now broken window. Y/n felt the cold breeze from outside which made her even more nervous.

She told herself that it might be a squirrel or something. But the thought of it may have a possibility of being a human made her heart almost jump out of her body.

As she walked inside with a flashlight. The moon shining through the window as it enlightens the room a little bit as if telling Y/n to continue.

There was dirt on the floor which have a print of a foot on it. There was also blood together with a boot. ‘Huh?’ Y/n thought as she shone the held flashlight on the stairs. There were footprints leading to her bedroom.

She felt even more scared of what this creature want. She walked on the stairs as she felt someone tugging her clothes. She looked down and saw Yeji who was as nervous as she is.

They continued to walk until they reached the door. Y/n heard her closet door open with a creek. Yeji looked nervously at Y/n as she nudged her to open the door.

Yeji took the flashlight from Y/n's hands and signalled her. Y/n took a very deep breath before opening the door. She saw someone whom she didn't expect at the corner of her eye.

Before Yeji could see it, Y/n quickly closed the door with her inside. She heard Yeji yell asking what happened. Y/n didn't answer her sister. Y/n walked towards her and asked.

“What are you doing here Ryujin?” Y/n asked quietly and nervously.

“Yeji might see you! You know how much she hates you.” Y/n stated as Ryujin looked down in guilt.

“She hasn't forgiven me, haven't she?” Ryujin asked as Y/n's eyes softened. Y/n looked down before replying.

“Well, she hasn't really told me anything. But Ryujin, will you give me some clues of father? I'm really nervous...” Y/n changed the topic as Ryujin nodded.

“His bodyguards will meet you after you land there. Don't need to be nervous.” Ryujin smiled as Y/b nodded.

“Y/n! I'm getting worried. I swear, I'll open the door if you don't respond!” Yeji yelled as Y/n rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, sure. As if you got the key for it.” Y/n said as Ryujin looked at her puzzled.

“I never saw you lock the door though” Ryujin said as Y/n's eyes enlarged. Yeji opened the door with a slam. Yeji pointed the flashlight to Ryujin and yelled.

“You creep! How dare you sneak into our house!”

Yoww short update. I'll try my best to update every week from now on. I'll motivate myself. Thank you for the votes! I really appreciate it. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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